Villager Popularity List - Updated

Not sure, I haven't seen Octavian as much, but Zucker and marina I can see them in tier 1
this is my second time voiding Francine :c

): yea I saw that... not looking good for her at all. I believe she's been voided quite a few times, during diff times this past week.

thank you for the heads up though!
-pointless joke begging-(because I know she won't raise up if people don't look for her)

Please oh please raise savannah she need to be at least the last of tier 4 she to unique to be in tier 5
How come an unicorn and okapi be higher but not a zebra
Heck how come Annalise a regular brown horse be higher then savannah
-pointless joke begging-(because I know she won't raise up if people don't look for her)

Please oh please raise savannah she need to be at least the last of tier 4 she to unique to be in tier 5
How come an unicorn and okapi be higher but not a zebra
Heck how come Annalise a regular brown horse be higher then savannah

Who knows, maybe she'll do what Melba did :eek:
One can only hope ; w ;
-pointless joke begging-(because I know she won't raise up if people don't look for her)

Please oh please raise savannah she need to be at least the last of tier 4 she to unique to be in tier 5
How come an unicorn and okapi be higher but not a zebra
Heck how come Annalise a regular brown horse be higher then savannah

I wish the same for two of my favorites, Bones and Biskit. But I don't think I have seen them enough to rise at all.

Actually I have seen Biskit a few times in the last two days.
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I just wish it can be a sticky now
But it won't happen for a while
-pointless joke begging-(because I know she won't raise up if people don't look for her)

Please oh please raise savannah she need to be at least the last of tier 4 she to unique to be in tier 5
How come an unicorn and okapi be higher but not a zebra
Heck how come Annalise a regular brown horse be higher then savannah

I may change Mitzi out for her, I'd love to see her raised, but it depends on if she is adopted
Wow. Even after a year of being gone the list still seems the same as it was before. I'm kinda shocked at how high Coco and Chief are! They used to be solid Tier 2s. Things change I guess.