Maybe it is the first house you get before upgrading (to a real house)? That was what I always thought anyway... So you don't think it is?
I kind of think it will be a temporary house. It makes sense when you think about it like this: In every animal crossing game you are given a house immediately. Along with that house you are also immediately given a debt with it to pay off. With each new debt you pay off comes a new upgrade and a new debt. But once you get the final upgrade, as an example I'll use the basement in CF, you are given a huge debt with it. There's absolutely no incentive to pay off the last debt. You already have the basement, there's no new upgrade so why even bother paying it? Sure you get a flag, but seriously, big woop. I think in the 3ds there won't even be debts. I think you'll come to town and they'll let you stay in the tent for free. But once you pay appx. 20,000 (about that amount in every game) they'll build you an actual house. This way you actually have an incentive to spend your money on the house. So there aren't any debts, you just pay the full fee for the next upgrade and you get it. Once you get the second-last upgrade, you can pay the final fee for the final upgrade. Once it's built it's done. No debt to pay off and you have the fully upgraded house. But that's just my 2 cents. Honestly, I would prefer it this way, mainly because of the whole incentive thing. No point in paying off your last debt if you already have the best house