Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]


Z handed Suzuya her teddy bear carefully, making sure the strings on its back were tied tightly so he wouldn't accidentally hurt himself. She then smiled reassuringly at him, letting him know that she and Jasper didn't intend on hurting him.
"We're taking you to Koko, okay? You have to be very careful when you get there."
Giving Jasper a side glance, she shrugged a bit and gave him a little smile, know that perhaps if he stuck with her, they could kill the cattle and Charles would win the game again. Z wouldn't want Jasper dying anyway, he was valuable and Charles might lose it if Jasper was gone. Well... and Z would be alone again. That wasn't much fun.​

.: Suzuya :.

The stitched boy let out another surprised sound as he was handed the bear, hugging it to his chest as if he were greeting a long lost friend, though he really did get oddly excitable about holding Z's bear.

The Albino happily went along now, knowing that they were going to find Koko was reassuring, even if the stitched boy couldn't wrap his mind around why they had to hold him like that, it seemed a little suspicious and more as if they didn't want him to run away rather than helping him not to get hurt.

"Dangerous.. desu?" Suzuya slowly questioned, looking around himself to gather his bearings of where exactly they were, along with where they were heading in the mansion.

Jasper easily returned the smile, understanding that she seemed to be on his side, for now. He wondered how far this unspoken alliance of theirs would take them. Hopefully, it will work out very well.

Jasper continued to drag along Suzuya with Z's help and he paused when he approached the hallway that would lead to the master bedroom. He commented, "Just turn around the corner, open the door, and you're there." He gave Suzuya a friendly smile. "Good luck in there."
Nagito Komaeda

After checking the kitchen, Komaeda decided that Suzuya would most likely not be in any other room - he wouldn't lurk around the cellar and he probably wouldn't be in the dining room or living room, so he decided to check the third floor. He heard commotion coming from the halls, listening to his instincts telling him to follow, but followed slowly and quietly. If he was heard he could get injured again, or someone would injure Suzuya.

Z released Suzuya, stepping back beside Jasper to wave goodbye. Her gaze was not at all soft as her smile was, she seemed to be studying the albino, waiting for him to enter the room and see his friend.


The female was laying upon the bed, blood soaking the elegant sheets as her chest rose and fell with gasps. Her wrists and ankles were torn, the sharpness of the razorwire buried within her flesh from struggling. There were unprofessional incisions all over her body from what appears to have been Z's scissors, and burns covering anything else that was exposed. Her face was swollen as if she was beaten, but she didn't appear to be in any more pain, laying there in silence.​
Sendo Senkusha ~

"From here I'd say we begin our plans to end this game. It's anything but elegant," Sendo said in reply, "In fact I don't believe Charles has any taste whatsoever..." he added with a disappointed frown. "As for the videos, I'd rather not talk about them just now. All you need to know is that everyone's problems were on that screen, not just yours." Sendo said in a low voice, now realizing that Koizumi must have been in such a state of shock that she missed his own videos. It relieved him a little to know, since she'd already been through a lot in just the past few minutes. Piling on his problems from eleven years ago would help nothing, especially since he himself was already over them.

Z smiled at Jasper slyly, nodding her head before making eye contact with him.
"If I believe anyone can win the game, it's him. It's strange, but, he seems to be the strongest here. Even stronger than us."
She turned to the male, taking the bear from Suzuya gently to hold it within her arms. Her lips parted as if she planned on speaking, but she awkwardly giggled instead, as if she had forgotten what she wanted to say.
"Well, we should be allied. It's about time that we stop playing games with the cattle and just put an end to them. Charles is getting restless it seems."​
Jasper looked at her with interest. "What makes you think he's stronger than us?" He laughed when she grabbed her bear again and began to giggle. She looked so innocent when she did that, almost as if she were still a child. How tragic that she were to be one of the killers too.

Jasper nodded. It was as if she read his mind. "I agree. An alliance will work out quite well between us. It has gotten quite boring just wandering around this mansion and if we worked together, we would be able to get a lot more down between us. Charles has been complaining a lot lately." Jasper laughed. "Not that that's anything too new."

.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya gave a quick and rather eerie grin back towards Z and Jasper, though The albino knew they were being just a tad bit too friendly at this point and wanted to give some sort of hint that he knew something was defiantly up.

Nevertheless, Suzuya simply trotted over to Z holding up her bear to give the stuffed plush back then gave a little salute as he spun on his heels to face the other direction to go find Koko, the Albino knew she was probably inside that door at the end of the hall, and figured it would be best to investigate for himself what kind of condition she would be in, to be kept in there, she was probably hungry, tired, and probably shackled to something. with new found determination and a childish curiosity the Albino started off down the hall, following the instructions he turned the corner and continued walking towards his goal.

Applying pressure by accidently stepping on a certain switch underneath the floorboards triggered the swift activation of a set of knives that flung and without any warning struck the walls, the stitched boy was caught off guard and a few managed to slice into his left shoulder and hip, the albino gasped and stumbled back a bit from the force of the knives that tore into his flesh, along with the surprise of being hit by such traps.

"Ah... I was hit, I'm bleeding.. I'm bleeding!" Suzuya exclaimed to no one in particular, the Albino's lips curled into a smirk as he began trembling with not fear, yet excitement that he was actually hurt by traps, actual traps were in this mansion, Charles wasn't kidding when he said he upped his game up, and this brought an abnormal amount of joy to the Albino's features, Suzuya wasted no time as he pried the small knives out of his skin, wincing with each one along with droplets of blood that fell to the floor.

"Please let me enjoy it another twenty times!" the stitched boy suddenly announced, raising the knives that he plucked into the air, he threw them up to dispose of them, simply letting them clatter to the floor as the Albino ran forward, triggering a multiple amount of knives as he crouched and jumped past them as if he were some sort of circus freak, once Suzuya did land, the stitched boy had no time to rest as the floor collapsed beneath him, a set of spikes threatening to spear him had he not reacted by gripping the edge of the collapsed floorboards, gulping as he was just a little too close to repeating an accident that happened when he first entered this mansion.

"Ah.. that would be unfortunate~" Suzuya chimed as he pulled himself up with ease, not missing a step as the albino swung right back into the step of things, except this time instead of knives the albino triggered an onslaught of arrows, the boy repeating his circus freak like actions as he only got hit by about two that were sticking out of his left leg.

The pain didn't bother him though, as now the Albino was already at the door, and without hesitation the albino used both of his hands to shove the door open with force, not wanting the thing to stop him from entering.

Although surely enough opening the door triggered yet another trap, this time a huge blade swung down to claim his head, yet the stitched boy was too fast as his body twisted and spun past the blade, simply looking as if he was preforming a dance of sorts as the albino sidestepped the dangerous mechanism and entered the master bedroom. "Koko~!" he called out with glee, bowing as his performance was complete and he expected applauds from he girl he was about to save, not yet seeing her state.

"He's crazy. I'm not sure how to explain it. He's not a sociopath with a killer's drive like we are... he's more... emotion-driven. Unaware of pain, but knowing what's right and what's wrong. He's a dangerous chess piece and I believe we shouldn't stick around long since he knows we're not as nice as we seem."
Z looked at him, her gaze long and silent before she turned, grabbing a hold of Jasper's hand to quickly hurry down the hall, taking him with her.


Koko looked up from her spot on the bed once she heard the traps activate, her gaze widening with wonder, tears welling up within them. She was so happy to see a familiar face, especially Suzuya's. Her vision had been darkening and blurry for the past few hours and she wasn't sure how long she could last without him around. She whimpered softly, struggling within the shackles and ignoring the blood that began to spill from her wrists again.
"Suzu-chan.." Her voice was weak and trembling as she called out for his help.​
Koizumi Mahiru

"End this game..? What do you mean?"
Koizumi asked with a yawn, getting up. Seeing her past made her really exhausted and she would really rather sleep right now to forget it. "It's probably a lot more dangerous now, isn't it? Those videos probably made a lot of people mad.." she said, figuring he didn't want to talk about his past. She certainly didn't want to.

Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda eventually found the source of the commotion, and he saw Suzuya running into a room excitedly, but he still took slow and cautious steps. He noticed Jasper and that girl from earlier lingering around the corner, standing around. He was about to ask what was happening before he saw a ton of traps lying around that could potentially kill a person, but it looks like they were set off. The floor was collapsed in one spot, so he decided to hop over that. He saw one trap that still wasn't set off and narrowly avoided it, walking over into the room as if Z and Jasper weren't there - he was only focused on whether or not Suzuya was okay. "Suzuya, are you in here?"


.: Suzuya :.

Giggling a little as he heard his name, Suzuya slowly pranced over to the bed, climbing onto it as he ignored the blood and came over to where Koko was situated, reaching down as he stroked her hair to let her know that he was there in a way, missing his little friend quite a bit.

"That's me! It's Suzuya, desu~" he answered her with enthusiasm, smiling down at the girl as he pretty much didn't even register all of her wounds, talking as if she was just fine and they were going to have a normal conversation.

"Ah.. Why are you all shackled up? do you want help, do you?" the albino teased, yet in a friendly way that one knew he would help the girl someway or another, and to help prove this point Suzuya started used his free hand to try to undo the shackles idly, waiting for Koko to speak again, the Albino hadn't even heard Komaeda enter the room, too occupied with helping his friend so they could all go back together, he was happy to see her again, and after he freed the girl then they could go play and he could show Koko off to Komaeda and how fun she was.


"He's crazy. I'm not sure how to explain it. He's not a sociopath with a killer's drive like we are... he's more... emotion-driven. Unaware of pain, but knowing what's right and what's wrong. He's a dangerous chess piece and I believe we shouldn't stick around long since he knows we're not as nice as we seem."
Z looked at him, her gaze long and silent before she turned, grabbing a hold of Jasper's hand to quickly hurry down the hall, taking him with her.​

Jasper nodded in understanding. "Oh, that's quite interesting. I haven't been able to talk to him much so I only know what I was able to dig up on him for his video." Jasper's face turned into one of surprise when Z suddenly pulled his hand along with her. He followed and asked curiously, "Where are we going?" Jasper held onto her hand, but tried to be careful, as he didn't want to break her tiny little hand. Compared to his, her hand seemed to be a little fragile thing, seeming as if it belonged to a porcelain doll of some sort.

The small female coughed slightly when she tried to speak to Suzuya, blood spitting up onto her shirt before the tears spilled over and ran down her cheeks. Her eyes were soft with adoration, the way a friend would look at another as if to say thank you. If he were to free at least one of her hands, she'd reach up to ruffle Suzuya's hair and smile at him.
"You have to win this..."


Z lead him quickly down the stairs and into the study, closing the door behind them before turning to look at him silently. Her kind expression had disappeared and she gave him an extremely serious expression, moving in close to whisper into his ear.
"We have to get this moving.. we have to find more prey. You and I. We can make Charles even more proud of you than he already is! If that's possible..~"​
Jasper thought for a moment, once they were alone in the study. "I think I know how I can find more prey. It's a bit risky though. Do you trust me?" Jasper smirked. "I'm sure if we work extra hard, the old man will have a heart attack from all the pride he feels for me."

.: Suzuya :.

The Albino merely blinked as the blood came out, yet a very puzzled expression came upon his features as the girl started to cry, his hand lightly tracing the teardrops to wipe away the salty liquid, his smile turning to a frown as he tried to figure out why the other was feeling so sad, after all, they had just met again and he was going to take her home, or at least back to what he could call home for the time being.

"Koko-san..? We will win the game, but first you're coming with me, we're going to play together! it'll be fun." Suzuya recommended to the bloodied girl, slowly slipping her little hand out of one of the shackles with his free hand.

Examining the girl, the Albino wanted to smile down at her and let her know to cheer up, being sad wasn't going to help at all, and it wasn't fun or exciting either, but his frown stayed in place, because for some reason as the Albino was feeling a little uneasy with how Koko was acting.


Z gazed at Jasper with her gray gaze, thinking over what he said before her eyes softened and she nodded slightly.
"I trust you. We're not allowed to kill one another anyway."


Koko's hand fell to the bed beside her, and she closed her eyes drowsily, looking up at her friend again before she exhaled softly and collapsed onto the bed completely. Her breathing had stopped, the bloodied wounds releasing too much blood for her body to make up for. She lay still, lifeless, but she was smiling, her lips curved in a warm, comfortable smile, happy that she had ended everything with a friend.​
Jasper smiled. "I need you to sit down in that chair over there." He pointed to one of the chairs in the far corner. "Once you sit down, close your eyes and do not peek until I tell you that you can. I've hidden something in here and I need to retrieve it." Jasper watched her with wary eyes, hoping that she would listen to him. After all, they were allies, right?
Nagito Komaeda

Once Komaeda finally realized what was happening, he rushed over to Suzuya without thinking and pulled him away from the dead girl. He had no idea who she was, or what value she held to Suzuya, but he knew that the albino would most likely feel pain when he saw what happened to the poor girl. The tall boy examined what'd happened to the boy first, standing idly in front of him as if asking his permission to leave to tend to his wounds, deducing that they'd been there because of the traps. "Suzuya.. do you realize what is happening?" he asked seriously, holding his shoulders firmly.