Z moved towards the chair he'd gestured towards, sitting down in the seat, her hand resting in her lap before she closed her eyes. She swung her feet happily, humming as she tapped a beat on the chair after resting the bear underneath her.
"Okay, now what~?"
"Just stay quiet. I need to grab something." Jasper watched her complete the actions before he placed his palm along the shelf and pushed a bit. The wall moved, he entered his code, and entered his small room. He grabbed his duffel bag, stuffing his laptop inside, before swinging it over his shoulder and carrying it out with him. He checked to make sure she wasn't looking still and he closed the room shut behind him. He walked over to stand a few feet in front of her, his duffel bag slinged on his arm and he said, "You can open your eyes now."
Suzuya watched as the life escaped from Koko's body, yet the Albino stared vacantly as he waited for her to move, or perhaps jolt back awake, as he only recognized the girl's death as her simply going to sleep, or perhaps passing out from all of the blood loss would also be something that he expected.
Surprised as he was suddenly jerked away from Koko, Suzuya stayed completely still for a moment as he felt himself getting a little upset for once in his life at the other for trying to take him away when Koko was needing their help so much right now.
"Komaeda-san?.." The Albino mumbled, then Suzuya began to squirm and push at the other's chest, the smaller boy then started to argue when the other wouldn't let go of him.
"Ah, let go! She passed out so... so we need to wake Koko up!" His voice was irritated and confused, not to mention a little annoyed due to the other's actions stopping him from waking his friend up, the Albino didn't understand the problem.
Although his own injuries didn't bother him, the blood began to create a thick stain on his shoulder along with the arrows wound still dripping freshly from his leg.
.: Shinohara :.
Shinohara sat a lone table inside of Anteiku caf?, waiting for some of his friends and colleagues to join him for the discussion of the current case he was working on, a case that no one else would take up, however, Shinohara had reason to believe that his son was taken away to a mansion not too far off from where he lived, a man named Charles had just thrown a party on the same day his son and many others went missing.
Though even suspecting the man proved difficult, his record was clear and there was almost nothing Shinohara could pin on him, so he grumbled in defeat as he ordered a house blend coffee, waiting for the arrivals that would surely come today, as he arranged a meeting with his friend Evan, and some other connections simply to discuss the matters about his suspicions with Charles and his whole charade.
Z looked up at Jasper, her lips curling into a devilish little smirk before she stood to face Jasper, moving in close to examine him and then circle around him, noticing the new bag he had with him. That definitely wasn't in the room, so that meant this male had a hidden room somewhere in here. Z kept that noted, hoping maybe he'd show her one day, when they weren't fighting for their lives, and fighting to take others'.
Kenai slowly entered the coffee shop, looking around in hopes that he wasn't the first to arrive. He then noticed Shinohara of the S.W.A.T., he had been told that's who he needed to meet. Quickly, Kenai smoothed out his hair, heading to the counter to order a mocha latte. He then turned towards the male, offering a hand out to meet him.
"You're Mr. Shinohara, right? I'm Kenai Jayden. Psychological profiler. It's a pleasure."
Jasper sat down on one of the armchairs and motioned for Z to sit down in the one next to him. He set his duffel bag on the ground between them and pulled out his laptop. Once he launched the surveillance feed, he turned his screen so that she could see it too. He gleefully announced, proud of his work, "Tada~"
Evan walked into Anteiku's, the fresh smell of coffee filling his nose. He soon spotted Shinohara and joined him at his table, along with someone else who he hadn't met before. Evan began, "I hope I'm not too late. I was back at Alice's apartment to get a feel for how things are going."
"No. Suzuya, listen to me. She didn't faint. She can't wake up anymore, do you understand me?" Komaeda asked seriously, squeezing his shoulders tightly enough to make sure he won't move from his grasp but not injure him. "You'll only hurt yourself," he said quietly, worried for the boy.
Suzuya continued to push at the other, wincing a little bit at Komaeda's grasp tightened causing the Albino to finally stop trying to shove him away.
"Why won't she wake up? she was just talking... so it's fine, it's fine desu..?" Suzuya asked slowly, not really understanding what was going on, much less why Komaeda wasn't letting him go to Koko, the Albino wanted to wake her up, and bring her back with them, leaving her like that would be rude and wrong, Shinohara-san taught him better to know not to leave something you cared for behind.
The albino slowly stopped squirming, and instead innocently his eyes trailed to look up at Komaeda, as a child might when they were seeking an answer for something. "Why, why won't she wake up..?" He repeated.
.: Shinohara :.
Shinohara looked up to acknowledge the new arrivals, they were quicker than he expected them to be, but that was even better for him. "Ah! Good afternoon to you, I'm Shinohara as you expect, I'll be the brute force on this case.. sorry to call you so unexpectedly." He answered bashfully, smiling as he took the other's hand in greeting, then giving a wave towards Evan.
"Hey! come sit down, if you want to order anything it's on me, so don't hesitant to indulge yourselves." He offered the two, after all.. This wasn't even an official case and he did drag them all out here, it was the least the man could offer.
"There Is one more that should arrive soon, so let's lay off the details and cut to introductions until then." he explained as he sat back down, waiting for the other two to take a seat as well.
"She'd dead, Suzuya, don't you understand?!" Komaeda raised his voice, making sure that Suzuya was finally listening. "She's dead - she won't wake up anymore." Komaeda said the last sentence quietly, releasing Suzuya. "..She's dead," he repeated once more in a grave tone, staring at the corpse on the bed.
Saionji Hiyoko
Saionji wandered around town, wondering if she should really go do a case that takes so much time and effort. It's not like she had much to do anyway, so she found the cafe they were supposed to meet at and opened the door slightly, looking around. He noticed three people sitting at a table, who she assumed were the people she was supposed to meet.. "Are you all perverts? Was this an excuse to get with me?" she asked, folding her arms and puffing her cheeks out.
"There's only one true way to end the game, Koizumi. We have to kill Charles and get out of this hellhole." Sendo stated, narrowing his eyes at the thought of the whole situation. He joined this wicked game to free suffering people from the shackles of misery by ending their lives... the people trapped in this mansion had all been caged for slaughter from the start and he knew it--but how could he not have seen it before? How could he have missed that the killers were meant to die as well? From the very moment Sendo accepted Charles' invitation to be a killer, he himself was marked for death in this godforsaken place.
"I suppose for now we should rest to gather up our strength. We've got a long road ahead." he said quietly, though there was no way Sendo would really get any sleep with all that was on his mind. He knew it would be best for Mahiru to take a break from all this, though, if only for a little while.
Yuki Shiro ~
Yuki raised her head up off of her hands, blinking tiredly and looking about the room she was in. "Oh, this chair was so comfortable--I must have dozed off!" she concluded to herself, bouncing on the furniture a little. It really was a comfortable chair. She realized she should probably continue looking for a way out, though, and slipped out into the hallway before skipping down to the other end. As she continued, however, she unknowingly triggered a trap that shot out several poisoned arrows--two of which pierced her right leg. She screeched in pain, falling to the floor holding the leg with both hands. "It hurts... it hurts...!" she squealed, not wanting to touch the arrows to pull them out. Yuki suddenly began to feel very drowsy, and her head started to throb with pain, leaving her nearly immobile in the middle of the hall.
Staring vacantly at Komaeda almost as if the Albino didn't hear a single word the other was saying, or perhaps didn't want to, the Albino was motionless, and looked quite like a real life doll as he stayed like that for quite awhile until he processed the sentence.
Suzuya's expression slowly morphed into one of shock, his eyes widening ever so slightly. "Dead.. she's dead? ah.." The albino whispered softly, carefully turning so he could look at the corpse of his friend, Suzuya didn't understand death that well, but he did know once someone was dead, they were gone and useless. so there was no hope in trying to wake the girl anymore.
"What a shame.. does this mean we won't be able to play anymore?" Such a childish question, yet it was expected from a boy that had been sheltered nearly all of his life, yet the Albino didn't exactly look sad, just disappointed and shocked at the realization that the girl was no more.
.: Shinohara :.
Well, that was a very impolite and unexpected way for Saionji to enter, but Shinohara decided to just laugh it off, she looked and acted like a kid, so he would treat her as if she were one and just call it mindless teasing.
"Welcome, you're just in time! come take a seat, I'll order you something, though I think I'm a few years too late to try to woo such a beautiful girl." He complimented, trying to lighten up the mood as he waited for everyone to get seated before they would try to discuss the topic that was probably on everyone's mind.
"Where will we sleep..?" Koizumi asked, rubbing her eyes tiredly. She wasn't too sure.. with all the people here, there were only a few bedrooms. There were only around 3-5 the last time she checked. She always wondered where everyone else slept since she never saw anyone else sleeping. "We'd probably have to find somewhere with a door so nobody could murder us in our sleep."
Nagito Komaeda
"No, not anymore. It's best not to think on it too much. If you do, you might get really hurt.. ah, how did you get all these wounds though!? I fall asleep for a bit and you come to me all battered up.." Komaeda said worriedly, not really sure if Suzuya was okay.
Saionji Hiyoko
Saionji sat down at the table, scooting her chair about 10 feet away from all the others. "Bunch of pedos.." the petite girl grumbled, reaching into a bag of gummy bears she'd brought, avoiding the lemon ones and picking out the ones she liked, not particularly listening to the men had to say.
(( lame post - eep, i'm about to leave for about six hours so i needed to get a post in.. ;m; ))
The stitched boy had forgotten all about his injuries, and gave a shocked little gasp whence Komaeda commented on them.
"Ah! I forgot that I'm bleeding..is it bad, Desu?" the Albino absently asked and began examining himself as he turned and looked at his shoulder that was covered with dried blood, yet the wound was also still partially leaking the red fluids.
The stitched boy then arched a little to get a good look at his leg.
His pants were practically ruined and torn, being covered with rips and tears here and there from the traps, and worst of all there were two small incisions with sharp arrows sticking out of his flesh that had yet to be removed.
The Albino soon glanced back up at Komaeda with a sheepish smile, closing his eyes as he simply shrugged with no concern for his own well being and answered. "There were traps! they were really fun to trigger.. exciting and umm.. exhilarating?"
Suzuya wasn't sure if that was the word he was looking for, but figured exhilarating quite fit the thrill that he had felt when dodging those traps, the feeling was equivalent to the excitement the Albino felt when Shinohara would take him to one of the many theme parks in town, and Suzuya quite enjoyed such adrenaline filling his veins.
(Don't worry honey, your post is fantastical, and I'll wait for you. ^^ ah, also I'm waiting to post with Shinohara again for when the others come~ <3 )
Z was watching him get things set up, her eyes wide with wonder. When he finally showed her the screen, she blinked, not quite understanding his plan. She applauded him quietly for his quick installation, smiling and nodding a bit. Z then leaned in, looking at the screen and resting her chin in her palms.
"So we can find them with this, right?"
Kenai looked over at Evan, smiling a hello before he spoke up again lightly, to both the new male and female now. "Kenai Jayden, criminal profiler."
He looked at Shinohara, the man made him feel comfortable, as if everyone here belonged exactly where they were. This case would be solved thanks to this man, and Kenai would be able to figure out exactly the mind of the master behind these disappearances.
"If you don't mind, I know that my own room is safer than most of the guest bedrooms." Sendo said before pausing. He realized that Koizumi would probably feel uncomfortable at the suggestion as it was, "I have no problems sleeping in a chair, of course." he added. "Just remember that wherever we go there will be traps leading up to it, so we'd best tread carefully. Also, for the moment, if we run into any killers... Just go with whatever I happen to say about the situation, all right? I've been able to keep up the charade thus far but there's no telling when I'll be figured out so I need you to work with me."
After making a few smoke bombs, I made my way out the kitchen, stopping as I stared down at Yuki. "Ah, so there are traps..." I murmured, carefully making my way to her, keeping low to the ground. "I won't kill you, if you don't kill me." I muttered to the girl, taking out the black ribbon that held my hair up in a ponytail. "This may hurt a bit... Or a lot, really depends on you." I added, tightly tying the ribbon around her leg, just above the wound. Moving her hand away, I stared at one of the arrows, and gently pressing two fingers on her skin, I started to pull the arrow-head out, trying to be slow and gentle, unaware it was poisoned.
Yuki looked up at Teela as she approached. "Oh, it's you..." she said in a low voice, a little relieved to see the maid. "Don't worry... I don't like to kill people." she replied with a weak smile. As Teela pulled the arrow out, Yuki bit her lip, trying to cope with the pain, but let out a small squeak despite her attempts to act tougher than usual. "I think... I think they are poisonous arrows." she said, trembling. Though she wasn't trembling with fear--she'd contracted some kind of illness from the type of poison on the arrow-tips. Yuki felt very cold now, and her teeth were beginning to chatter against her will behind her smile.
"Hmm... I can try sucking the poison out. It's really our only option right now. All the medical supplies have vanished..." I murmured, pulling the other arrow out. "I was bit by a poisonous snake awhile back and my... Brother had to suck it out..." I paused at the mention of my brother, a shiver running up my spine. Lowering my lips to one of her wounds, the skin was tainted grey, indicating the poison hasn't spread to much. I started to suck the poison, spitting it out before leaning down to repeat my actions a few more times. "If this doesn't work, then I'll have to cut off your leg!" I chuckled with a grin.
Evan nodded politely, "If it isn't too much trouble, I'd like to order a coffee. I heard the coffee here is amazing and I'd like to see for myself."
Evan looked over at the girl who joined them and asked, "What makes you think we're perverts?" Evan knew himself that he would never harm another human being, especially not this girl, who appeared to be around Alice's age.
Jasper nodded. "Of course, we'll be able to see into all, if not, most of the rooms here in the mansion with just a click of a button." Jasper exited out of the current view to show a row by row screen containing all the possible screens. There were a lot. He began slyly, "Now then, which room would you like to see into first?"
Z looked at him with a smirk, seemingly quite pleased with what Jasper had done so quickly. She watched the screens flicker, deciding on a room while each flash of light registered in her brain. She shot him a side glance, her eyebrows wiggling knowingly before she murmured.
"The bedrooms. They're the best places to hide, don't you think?"
Jasper grinned. "Definitely." He clicked on one of the bedrooms and watched as the image came to life. Inside, Suzuya and Komaeda were clearly visible near the dead body of Koko. Jasper stared at the screen before commenting, "Aha. That gives me an idea..." He whispered to himself, "I wonder if they're still in there..."