Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

.: Shinohara :.

Shinohara acknowledged Kenai's exchange with a smile of his own, before he held up his hand to signal the waiter that was appointed to his table, Shinohara was here before everyone else, so it wasn't surprising that he already got someone to look after the table.

Following the signal A boy with medium length black hair came over to the table within seconds, a smile was adoring his face.
"Hello, Shinohara-san, would you like the usual or um...oh! y-you have company." the waiter stuttered out, sheepishly holding the saucer in front of his chest as he bowed and apologized for not noticing everyone.

"I'm Kaneki ken, and I'll be serving you today." Kaneki recited, deciding since there were new faces he might as well, however once getting a closer look at the boy, it was obvious that he was tensing up and seemed quite nervous to be serving them, possibly scared of crowds or even new at his job. The waiter was blushing lightly and looked like he wouldn't mind just sinking into the ground at any given point to avoid the new faces, though upon closer inspection one would also notice a white surgery optical patch covering his left eye, indicating he was in an dangerous incident at some point in his life.

At the way the boy was acting so nervously, Shinohara couldn't help but laugh a little to let the boy know this wasn't life or death, he just wanted to order a coffee for his fellow workers on the case he would soon discuss.

"They won't eat you up, Kaneki! come on, you have to get used to new faces." The older of the bunch said to the waiter, offering Kaneki a smile to try to calm his nerves.

"We just need another coffee, you can make it anyway you like." Shinohara asked politely, yet with a teasing tone a father might have when talking to their son.


She watched the screen, frowning silently before releasing a heavy, dramatic sigh.
"How weak. Koko didn't make it."
Disappointed, she turned towards Jasper with a slight head tilt of curiousity. She could see the gears turning in his eyes, so even if he hadn't mentioned having an idea, she would have known he did.


Kenai looked down at the notepad in his lap, reading off the pages about his notes on the killer(s). They were of an older age, calculated, sneaky, and hopeful. They enjoyed good fun, as they were known for their party invitations, and it seems everyone registered that had an invitation had disappeared. He sighed, closing the book and looking back up at the others.​
Jasper laughed. "I didn't think she would. After all, scum like her aren't fit to live." Jasper exited out of the bedroom's view and looked at the feed for the laundry room. Just as expected, the bodies of Daniel and Alice were still lying there. Jasper looked around the scene a bit and grinned when he spotted Alice's faded green notebook peeking out from her jacket, with a few blood stains adorning the front. He glanced over at Z. "Would you like to have a bit of fun?"

.: Charles :.

Charles had seen some rather extraordinary footage through his surveillance cameras, and to say he was impressed was no lie. however Charles had also observed some other footage that he did not enjoy as much that threatened treason, this footage had to be dealt with right away.

The old man had one destination in mind as he trotted across the mansion, and that would be the study, he had devised a plan out of various information he had gathered this morning, and wanted to discuss it with his most trusted servant, to get things moving into motion once more.

Rapping his knuckles against the doorframe to the study, Charles invited himself in.

"Do you mind if I join you?" He teased, though in reality the old man would of came in either way, clearing his throat.

"I have some unfortunate news... as well as some enlightenment."

(I'll wait for Ani to reply with Shinohara and Suzuya~ so I thought I would sneak some insight on what Charles is up to. D; )

Jasper looked up over at the door. Charles was here. He replied, "No, I don't mind at all." He watched Charles enter anyways. "What kind of news?" Jasper looked at Charles expectantly, hoping it wasn't anything too bad or perhaps, he wanted to comment on yet another pair in the mansion who were not playing the game as they should be playing it. That seemed to be the common trend lately.

Z smiled devilishly, her gray eyes lighting up with eagerness as she gave him a quick nod. "I'd love to have some fun. Things need to be shaken up a bit anyway."
As she spoke, she heard the door open and saw the familiar Charles enter the room. She waved over to him happily before moving her hand down to playfully ruffle Jasper's hair.
"What is it, boss? Jasper and I were planning on making things exciting.~"
As soon as she heard about the unfortunate news, she almost knew exactly what was to be discussed.​

.: Charles :.

Charles couldn't help but grin when the two commented on how they were going to make things exciting soon, glad at least some of his killers were acting accordingly.

"Oh my, well that is quite the surprise... however, It has to my attention we have some traitors." He said calmly, though before he continued his conversation, he raised an eyebrow towards the two, then looked at Jasper.

"I didn't know you were the type to date... I thought you would be alone until your death, yet do I see the spark of romance?"
It was a weird question for Charles to ask, but honestly he was a little concerned, not as concerned as cattle dating each other or other killers were, but concerned that perhaps Jasper had feelings for Z, which would cloud his mind and decisions.

Nevertheless, he sighed and continued where he left off. "The traitors must be dealt with.. so I decided to come tell you in person, not to mention even more forbidden romance has blossomed... however, I have just the thing to fix all of our problems, as well as give you two some fun, I'm sure you're both quite antsy since the last time you've killed, am I wrong?"
The old man offered promise of fun with an eerie grin, as well as posed the idea of weeding out traitors, then waited for the responses.

Jasper whispered into Z's ear, "I'll tell you later." He stood up, stepping away from Z, and frowned when she ruffled his hair. He spoke clearly and confidently when responding to Charles, "It seems as if this game, we have more traitors than we have ever had before." Jasper laughed. "Are you kidding, Charles? We merely formed an alliance. There's nothing more going on. Besides, you know how I feel about women. I find most of them to be complete idiots. And yes, I have been itching to kill again. What do you have in mind?"

The female returned her gaze to the screen, curious about what Jasper had in mind, but she turned her attention back to Charles, pulling her bear up into her lap and idly playing with the paws. She blinked, pursing her lips before smiling and nodding.
"I'd love to kill again. It's boring to just sit back and watch."
At Jasper's comment, Z snorted and rolled her eyes slightly, knowing very well that she was not an idiot. But, he would continue to think that way, so she said nothing about it.​

.: Charles :.

Charles was now watching the two closely, he wanted to believe Jasper yet at the same point something felt a little off about them, perhaps puppy love? It was still something that Charles wouldn't allow if he were able to confirm it, nothing should be there to distract Jasper, much less something as petty as love.

"Steven, and Sendo, are my expected traitors." he began to explain, strolling around the study as he lightly pulled out an old, and withered book from the shelves, flipping through the pages idly as he talked. "Steven has been helping the cattle from what I've heard.... so do with him as you please, I want him eliminated, Sendo on the other hand has vowed to kill me.. something akin to hatred for me the man has developed. so I would like him to be dealt with as you see fit, they are both trained killers just as you are.. but I believe you two are better, stronger, more skilled and will be able to deal with the problem accordingly."

Pausing for a minute, Charles stopped on a certain page inside the book. this page depicted a man getting boiled alive by an ancient relic of an iron bull. "Komaeda seems to be in love with a cattle by the name of Suzuya, and Sendo has fallen victim to a red haired girl by the name of Mahiru...
however, I will deal with Suzuya and Mahiru first, I want the boy to be brought to me alive, he has extraordinary acrobatic skills that I would like to improve."

clearing his throat once more, he continued with "Not only that... I will rip the Albino away from Komaeda, and cause him to despair unlike he ever has before, I also want Mahiru to be confined, tortured, and kept alive to fill Sendo's rage and hate, I want Sendo to become consumed with grief for his actions, then brought to death, Mahiru will remain alive to tell the story of our mansion to the later generation, the crazy lady down the street, if you will."

Charles closed his book, and looked up to the two trained killers in the room, a glint in his eye as he added.
"I know Jasper has a plan, so I would like him to go ahead and carry that out first... then you two can carry out these missions in any order you see fit, I'm not in a rush, I want this game to be full of surprises and excellent traumas."

Jasper listened intently to Charles's wishes and nodded his head. "Very well, sir. I shall carry out everything as you wish. As soon as I finish with my own plan, of course." Jasper could sense that Charles was losing a bit of faith in him. He spoke quickly, "Sir? Can we step into the hall for a moment? I'd like to tell you something in private before you head off again."
Saionji Hiyoko

"You're all big, older men while I'm here alone! There's a huge demand for someone with looks like me, you know!"
Saionji puffed out her cheeks. She stared at the man who came to their table menacingly, turning the other way stubbornly. "Are we gonna get done soon? We have to, or everyone could just die!" Saionji said rather loudly, looking at Shinohara straight in the eyes.

Nagito Komaeda

"You don't understand, do you? Look.. just stay around me, okay? You're going to get yourself hurt again if you don't. Um.."
Komaeda stood quietly, pondering how he was supposed to take Suzuya to a safer room. He couldn't carry him because he'd probably make the arrow go deeper.. and he certainly can't walk. "Ah," Komaeda started, turning around and kneeling down, "get on. It's not like you have any other choice," the boy said, looking behind him.

Koizumi Mahiru

"Of course.. where is your room, though? Is it far? I don't want to run into anyone and have them kill us."
Koizumi looked around her a little cautiously, anxious to move since anyone could walk into the room at any minute. "Sure, sure, I'll follow along with you. I can trust you?" she questioned.

.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya gave a playful salute to Komaeda, smiling as he did so. "Ah, I'm happy I get to hang out with Komaeda-san~" The abino beamed, simply delighted that he was going to be able to spend time with the other, plus as absent minded as he was, Suzuya was fast to move from different topics.

"Piggy back rides? you want me to get on? mm.. is it fun, desu?" Suzuya suddenly questioned as the boy kneeled down, though there wasn't much else he could do, The albino could feel his leg going numb and nearly toppled over as he went to climb onto the other's back, quickly steadying himself for a minute, before he tried again and actually managed to crawl onto the other, then and looping his arms around Komaeda's neck.

"Mm.. you're warm." He cooed in delight, perhaps he was acting so odd due to the blood loss, though as eccentric and childish as it was in a situation like this, Suzuya couldn't help but nuzzle against the other's head with his cheek, giggling as he did so.

.: Shinohara :.

The waiter immediately gasped as Saionji got so loud, being as nervous as he was, it wasn't unexpected. "I-I'll get the coffee ready soon! I have to go call my girlfriend soon though.. A-Ani must be worried." Kaneki stuttered out, before he nearly bolted off to get away from the table.

Shinohara couldn't help but let out another hearty laugh as Saionji complained like a child might and Kaneki nearly had a heart attack, shaking his head as he started with "Yeah, I think it's about time we start on the subject on why we're all here... " Pausing for a moment, the man's expression darkened, and he narrowed his eyes as his tone took a much more serious tone completely different from his joking and friendly nature.

"My son was recently abducted... as well as Evan's cousin, Alice, we have suspicions to believe the culprit is Charles, the man whom resides in the rather expensive mansion on blurows lane.
my son disappeared the night that man offered a welcoming party to the neighborhood, and I'm ashamed to say I didn't go with Suzuya, however..normally a welcoming party isn't odd, It just becomes odd when you dig up dirt and find out Charles has thrown around forty different welcoming parties, all in different states, along with purchasing then selling different estates within a short time frame, not to mention all guests that attend turn up missing... and only a week later, Charles is gone. " Shinohara started to explain, his heart heavy with guilt that he hadn't attended that party, yet also determination to solve this case.

.: Charles :.

"I would ask for nothing else, I have quite the bit of respect for you and that is why I will permit you to do as you desire first." Charles said with a nod, though he was quite surprised to hear that Jasper wanted to talk to him.

"Certainly, if anything concerns you.. then it would of course, concern myself as well." With that, Charles trotted out of the room and gestured for the other to follow, after all, the old man had to go back into hiding soon, so he wanted to deal with whatever it was that Jasper wanted quickly, one could see how badly the elder seemed to be in a hurry and wanted to leave after the conversation was dealt with.
Evan nodded, listening to the information given. He added, "I have also been looking into a few things online about Alice and I have come to the conclusion that she attended that same party. She lived only a few houses away from the supposed mansion so I have a theory that Charles might only invite those who live nearby the mansion." He scratched the back of his head, feeling a bit embarrassed at how simple his explanation was. No. It's fine. It's only the beginning of the case. He'll find out more once they really dig into it.

Jasper followed Charles out of the room and slammed the door roughly behind him. He checked to make sure it was closed properly before walking over to Charles and whispering into his ear, "Keep this a secret between us two. I'm actually using Z as a bit of a pawn in my plans." Jasper moved away and walked down the hallway, away from Charles, as if he never really said anything at all. He wasn't too worried about leaving his things with Z because he knew he could trust her to keep an eye on them. He was just really excited to get down to the laundry room. There was something he needed from there.
Saionji Hiyoko

"Well, y'know, it's the guests' fault! They go to someone's welcoming party who's famous for having people go missing! Plus, why would they go to a welcoming party, anyway? They're boring,"
Saionji blurted out, seriously wondering why someone would attend such a thing when they could just visit the candy shop down the street.

Nagito Komaeda

"Don't move around too much, okay? I might trip,"
Komaeda said, wobbling around at first with Suzuya on his back, then adjusting and standing up straight. "You're okay back there, right?" Komaeda asked, holding onto Suzuya's legs to make sure he didn't fall over, and began to walk cautiously.

Z hummed to herself once Jasper and Charles had left, standing up and swinging her bear happily before pulling it into a tight hug against her bosom. "I've got a friend, I've got a friend.~" She sang, hoping she wouldn't be heard through the door, but partially not caring if she was. She may have been liked outside of her work, being happy and go-lucky most of the time, but within her work, her methods were usually questioned, and it was hard for her to work with any others like her as a girl carrying a bear didn't seem so intimidating. Z thought it was a clever and mysterious way to carry her weapons, so she didn't quite understand what was wrong with it. She had many toys she liked to carry around, and it's not like she had the pockets to do so.​

.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya nodded a little bit, though the Albino knew better than to move too much, it was still really hard to resist not to rock around and pretend he was riding a legitimate horse, he was playful and had the tendency to like to do odd things after all.

So instead, The albino settled for nuzzling the side of the other's head, resting his own upon Komaeda's shoulder as he relaxed and let himself be carried by the taller boy, it was comfortable and Komaeda felt so warm, which instantly helped Suzuya feel safe and content.

"I'm fine, I'm fine~" He slowly chimed, though in reality Suzuya felt really woozy, tired, and was suffering for the third time in this week the effects of blood loss, nevertheless, the Albino failed to actually feel the pain of the arrows stabbed into his leg, or the blood lightly trickling form his shoulder, nor the pain of realizing that he had just lost Koko forever.

all the Albino focused on now was Komaeda's scent, and the gentle rocks as the other would move this way and that. being numb to nearly everything else at this point. ".. If I told you a secret, is it a bad time, desu?" The albino whispered, almost as if he didn't want to be heard and was hesitant.

.: Shinohara :.

"Good job, Evan! that assumption is correct, don't feel ashamed for not missing the small facts." He reassured Evan, for a second going back to his more fatherly state, however his tone soon turned grim once more as he spoke.

"From the looks of it.. it's true that Charles only invites those who are closest to his estates, other than that I'm still unclear on how he chooses his victims.. however, " Turning to looks at Hiyoko, Shinohara offered his own opinion.

"Listen, even I wasn't aware that people were going missing at Charles estate... we can't simply blame the guests, they were like anyone else that wound up at the wrong place, at the wrong time." Shinohara smiled softly, though a bit sorrowful as he recalled how excited Suzuya had been when he asked for permission to go to that very party at Charles estate, how the man wished that he never allowed the albino to go.

However, perhaps a rather fortunate or unfortunate event happened soon, expectantly a man soaked with rain water and bandages all over his body shoved the door to the caf? open, stumbling in as he held out a key in one hand, and the door with the other to keep his balance.

"Shinohara-san! I went to that mansion.. and I can verify all of your theories were true! that man is insane, mad with power.. I didn't believe you at first, and for that I apologize.. but you're the only one I can... go to now, the police won't listen to me, but they are there, I can confirm that every single guest is still there! I cannot say if they are alive or not, but if we don't make haste.. all shall perish!"
The man shrieked out, honestly the man must of looked simply mad, it was understandable no one would believe him, however, the man was actually Philip, a physics teacher that had been close friends with Shinohara for quite awhile, and even helped in Alice's private schooling long before. it was as if the last piece of the puzzle had come together, and it was all connected.

.: Charles :.

A look of relief washed over Charles as Jasper confirmed such a thing, sighing In content.

"I'm glad to know... That really does ease up my suspicions, I was getting a little paranoid about how you two were interacting, but if she's just another pawn to you, then surely it is fine." spoke with heart, having nothing but concern for Jasper if he had gotten stuck on something as pitiful as love.

"Now then, I'll be on my way... please do carry out the plans after you are finished with your own." He gave warning, and left down the hallways soon after.
Evan replied, "Thank you sir. Is it possible to make a list of the victims involved? That way, we can look for any commonalities between them all, such as age, occupation, or possibly even social connections." Evan watched in surprise when a man suddenly burst in. He listened intently to what the man claimed and one by one, the pieces fell into place. The mansion was where they all were but the most important question now was why?
Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda was a little surprised at how quiet Suzuya was being, and looked back to make sure he didn't die on his back. Relief washed over his expression when he figured out he still was alive, and kept walking until he spoke up. "It's not a bad time. We're not surrounded by people, after all," Komaeda smiled assuringly to the boy, but kept walking to a room where he could tend to his wounds. "I don't mind listening.. it's nice of you to do such a gesture for scum like me."

Saionji Hiyoko

"How do you know that everyone's still alive, huh? They could've all died for your escaping,"
Hiyoko smiled devilishly, sitting back, satisfied at her response. "It sounds suspicious, though - how do we know you aren't a filthy liar? How come.. you of all the people there, assuming there are people, escaped and left everyone else behind? Are you a traitor?" she asked, standing up but still had to look up at the man.
Sendo Senkusha ~

"It's not too far from here, but that means nothing with so many traps around, really." Sendo explained, "A trained eye can see only so many traps. Let's hope fate smiles on us." He looked at the door, ready to fight anything or anyone that was outside, if it meant keeping Mahiru from harm. "Of course you can trust me," he stated, "or I wouldn't have risked everything by mentioning killing Charles out loud." By this time, Sendo realized he'd made a grave mistake while trying to explain things to Koizumi. After all, there were surveillance cameras anywhere and everywhere. Not that it mattered now, though. Sendo pulled an extra pair of gloves from his coat pocket and slipped them on. "Which brings to my attention," he said, "that we should be more wary than ever of any killers that come our way."

Sendo looked up at one of the cameras with a crooked grin that said he was ready for Charles to try something.

Yuki Shiro ~

"Oh... Well, that's alright, I guess." Yuki said, not too phased by the idea of the leg being cut off, as long as it meant not dying. "That would hurt though." she added, watching Teela suck out the poison. "Ah! Thank you, by the way," Yuki mentioned when she remembered she hadn't thanked her yet, "if you didn't come along, I'd probably be dead."

"I'm not really worth saving, though." The girl glanced off to the side, a feeling of worthlessness surfacing.