Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]


Z waited, bored, before shifting her gaze over towards Jasper's laptop. He had left it open and on, and Z knew she shouldn't snoop, but her curiosity got the better of her, and she leaned in, sitting in his spot. Her eyes scanned over the screen as she tried to make out what was there, her brows furrowing slightly.​

.: Suzuya :.

"Mm.. why do you call yourself scum? I don't think it suits you." Suzuya idly commented, not really approving of how Komaeda was self degrading himself like that, in fact the sentence brought a frown to the Albino's lips as he continued to cling to the other's back, relaxing into the gentle rocking motions that each step would emit.

Although Suzuya wouldn't dwell on the self degrading topic, there were many things about Komaeda that the stitched boy didn't know, and would find out later on, thus he wouldn't just pry the information from the ultimate luckster, instead the albino would earn it in his own way.

However, Suzuya couldn't help himself from gently blowing against Komaeda's ear, perhaps to annoy him or just mess around with the other, playing around wasn't really convenient at this time, but it was pretty obvious that the Albino was playful no matter the situation, even to the point of ignoring his own bleeding injuries and mental trauma to do so.

Once the Albino got comfortable again, Suzuya then began to whisper his little secret to the other, although sounding a little fearful that someone might overhear as he revealed his thoughts.
"Ah.. I love you, I've thought on it, and I'm sure.." The Albino trailed off, thinking about the word love and what it meant, he nuzzled against Komaeda's neck to try to emphasis his feelings.

"Ah! perhaps that's a bad thing, desu? are you upset by it?~" Suzuya's tone was curious rather than worried as he questioned the other.

.: Shinohara :.

Philip was the last person Shinohara expected to burst through the door, and the man had no hesitation in displaying the shock it caused him to see Philip at that door. "Philip? what in heavens name are you doing here like that?" He nearly blurted out, yet as he listened to Philip's tell of horror, there was nothing stopping Shinohara from standing up from his chair, rustling his pockets for the money and smacking it down onto the table, then looking back at everyone else and exclaiming.

"I understand this might be hard for you to accept right now, yet believe me, this man before you is a well established and respected teacher at a nearby college close to where I live, as such I've known Philip for roughly two years now... He's a good man, and I can tell that he's not lying, call it a hunch, but I'm taking it, you can leave now and call this off as nonsense, but if we want to act, we should act now, if this isn't a sign I don't know what is.. are you willing to risk your lives for a mad man?" Shinohara grinned as he said this, starting to slip on his coat that had been discarded onto the back of the chair he was seated at.

The S.W.A.T member couldn't tell what came over him at that moment, it was anticipation, hope, fear, and determination to rescue his only son, and perhaps a little bit of insanity sparked into the bunch to take this risk, to believe Philip and go right this instant. somehow, it felt right.

However, Philip's features turned to horror mixed with happiness as he shakily choked out. "T-thank you.... you believe me, by gods you believe me!" The teacher couldn't help but be filled with relief, this was something, it really was.

"I'm not sure who you are miss... but I can assure you that I had to escape, I was within an inch of my life when I left, I ran as fast as I could.. p-perhaps selfish, but I had to get this truth out.." He gulped, knowing that the others probably wouldn't believe him, but perhaps if they would believe in Shinohara instead, then Philip would have hope for the hostages in that mansion to be saved.

"I-It's not much yes... but I can also confirm that Teela, the maid is one of the victims in this case.." Philip lied through his teeth, but he saw the maid as innocent, and he wanted to make sure she got out safe too, his heart pounding as he worried that someone would see through his lie.

"Ah sure you are. I know that every second I spend in this hell of a place ticks away each and every second before I completely loose it!" I grinned, twirling my finger in a circle around my head. "And if I really were to cut your leg off, you would most likely die of blood loss. Blood is useless to me. Like, sure, it tastes like copper, and the color is pretty! But it eventually starts to smell and turns into a horrible color when in contact with oxygen for too long." I chuckled, moving the ribbon tied to her leg over the cuts to stop the blood. "Too bad Suzuya isn't with us anymore... He could probably stitch this up really well..." I murmured, a solemn look crossing my face. "We shouldn't stay here much longer. Oh! Wanna go blow up something?! I was able to get my hands on some dynamite!" I giggled, a flicker of insanity showing in my eyes. "Think you can walk?"
Yuki Shiro ~

"Right, I suppose that would happen if you cut off my leg...!" Yuki replied thoughtfully. Her eyes widened when she heard the maid mention dynamite. "Oh, that sounds interesting! What would we blow up though? I wouldn't want to hurt anybody with it..." she added, poking her index fingers together. "Ah! How about we bust a hole in one of the walls!" she exclaimed, quite proud of the idea. "We might be able to get out if we did that." Yuki stood up, flinching a bit as she remembered her injured leg, but fixed her posture through sheer will. She was still trembling a little from what poison made it into her system, but it wasn't as bad as before.
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"I'm thinking the lobby! It should be the safest place. Lots of space for bombs to be lit without us dying." I smiled, taking her hand as I led her to the lobby.
Koizumi Mahiru

After a few moments' silence of walking towards Sendo's room, Koizumi finally spoke up. "Ah, I was wondering - why do you hate Charles so much? He's your employer, after all - you sound like you everything about him." There were many things that Koizumi didn't know about him, but she didn't want to bombard him with questions. It would burden him, after all. His arm wound was enough for him today.

Nagito Komaeda

"Scum? Ah, that's right - I call myself that because it's true! I have such a useless talent - luck - who would ever need it if it never amounts to anything? Unforunate things happen to those around me if I can benefit from it due to this rotten good luck.. I can't do anything with a talent like this, so all I could do is try to become a stepping stone to those who can obtain hope."
Komaeda grinned, then saying, "I'm flattered you.. 'love me,' but I don't believe that I deserve to earn even just your friendship, more less your love, Suzuya.." Komaeda sighed, looking ahead, noticing he was nearly to the bedroom, "you can amount to something though.. you'd probably just be dragged down by trash like me."

Saionji Hiyoko

Ignoring what Shinohara said, Saionji frowned, saying, "Even when nobody was gonna believe you? Ah, you might as well should've stayed there and died if you're going to make everyone think you're crazy!" the little girl snickered, sitting back. "Are we gonna go? I'm getting bored talking to this liar," Saionji puffed out her cheeks again, wanting to just get on with solving stuff already.
Sendo Senkusha ~

"Just because he's my employer doesn't mean I ever liked him to begin with. I don't agree with how he does things or how he treats people." Sendo answered as they walked. "I joined this as a killer, though at the time I thought things would go the same as they always had..." he trailed off, looking at Koizumi, "I've since rethought my way of doing things to exclude killing, with the exception of Charles and any others who get in the way." Looking ahead again, he spotted his room a few feet away. "Looks like we're here." he said, adjusting his hat.

Yuki Shiro ~

"Sounds good!" Yuki agreed with a smile as Teela led her to the lobby. This girl was strange, but she seemed so nice too. As dangerous as the situation was, she wondered if maybe it would be fun to blow things up--though she'd never done it before. "Do you think the killers will find us because of the sound?" she wondered aloud.
Koizumi Mahiru

"Isn't there some sort of punishment for not killing anyone, though? Charles did invest his money in you, so he might do something to you for not doing what you were paid for.."
Koizumi wondered aloud, standing idly in the room. "Are you sure you want to sleep in a chair? It's your room, after all," the girl said, feeling a little guilty for having to sleep in his room.
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"Oh yes, they probably will hear us! But no worries! I have a feeling that something... Wonderful will happen soon!" I smiled warmly, pulling out a detonator.
[Sorry for the short posts. Watching anime]
Sendo Senkusha ~

"Oh, definitely. But I doubt Charles is worried about wasting money. Rather, he's disappointed at how things are going for him--after all, none of this is going how he planned from the start." Sendo answered, "I'm not worried though, he should be hiding from me if he thinks he can do things like displaying videos of the guests like that." his eyes narrowed as he finished, wondering whether he disliked Charles or Suzuya more.

"It is my room, but as a gentleman I must allow a lady the luxury of sleeping somewhere suitable if I can." Sendo said with a smile. It was a lot more normal than his usual grins, but the black makeup that ran vertically across his eyes just barely kept the expression from actually setting anyone at ease.

Yuki Shiro ~

"A-alright..!" Yuki decided she would trust Teela, since she seemed so confident--but also because she kind of felt like something wonderful would happen too. She waited in anticipation to see how this whole bomb thing was done; she'd never actually seen something like it before. "Yay!" she squeaked quietly, excitement bubbling in her stomach.
Giggling, I set the bomb on the door, pulling Yuki back a safe distance, I pulled out a small homemade looking box, a small button in the middle. "Haha! Cover thy ears!" I laughed, insanity showing in my eyes. Pressing the button, the detonator blinked 13 times, before blowing up. But as the smoke cleared, a frown replaced my grin. "Ah... What a shame..." I muttered, the door now charred, but not broken.
Yuki Shiro ~

Yuki held her ears as the explosion sounded, leaving behind only a black mark and some pieces of what used to be Teela's dynamite. "Aww, it didn't work." Yuki sighed. "Maybe we can try again--do you have any more?" she asked, hoping the maid would say yes. Yuki was actually having a lot of fun, despite being with a somewhat crazy bomb-enthusiast, not to mention the two arrow wounds on her leg from earlier. It didn't bother her too much though, as long as she wasn't by herself.
Jasper followed Charles out of the room and slammed the door roughly behind him. He checked to make sure it was closed properly before walking over to Charles and whispering into his ear, "Keep this a secret between us two. I'm actually using Z as a bit of a pawn in my plans." Jasper moved away and walked down the hallway, away from Charles, as if he never really said anything at all. He wasn't too worried about leaving his things with Z because he knew he could trust her to keep an eye on them. He was just really excited to get down to the laundry room. There was something he needed from there.

Jasper arrived in the laundry room, and closed the door shut behind him. He walked over to the two bodies lying on the ground, their color long gone and the blood just a small puddle. He bent down to Alice's level and pulled out her notepad, placing it inside his coat jacket for safekeeping. This information would certainly come in handy later.

Remembering the knife he always kept on him, he took it out and set to work on chopping up Daniel's body. As for Alice's, he had something else in mind for her. He finished chopping and took the pieces of his body and placed them in a big black trash bag. He hid the bag in the corner of the laundry room for now, saving it for later. Using his strength, he picked up Alice's dead body and pulled it along with him towards the kitchen.

There, he placed her body on the ground and used a few matches to set him on fire. Jasper left the burning corpse there while he went to grab the bag with Daniel's remains in it. He pulled the bag along and emptied it's contents out into the fire. To anyone else who saw, it looked very gruesome and Jasper made sure to sprinkle some of the left-over blood found on the ground. He cleaned up the laundry room well and left the kitchen in a mess.

He went back to the study and lightly knocked on the door, before walking inside. He gave Z an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry I took so long. Charles had a lot he wanted to say." Jasper walked over and grabbed his laptop, packing it into his bag. "If you don't mind, I'm a bit tired, I think I'll be taking my leave for now."
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"Sadly no. But do you have any scissors? Or ping pong balls? I wanna show you how to make a bomb!" I giggled, moving my fingers as if they were scissors. "If you wanna make a stink bomb, I'll need some of your hair! But the smoke bomb is much more fun to set off!" I laughed, bouncing up and down in excitement.
[afk for a bit]
Yuki Shiro ~

"For real? You really think I could?" Yuki asked excitedly, happy that Teela was offering to teach her. "I don't have any scissors, but maybe there's a ping pong table in the mansion somewhere!" she added with a thoughtful look. "You know--since mansions usually have a room for everything...! I bet they have a room just for cooking!" She paused for a moment as though she'd realized something, "Oh, and maybe a room for eating, too!" Yuki finished, slapping her fist to her palm in accomplishment.

(Yuki's a bright one, ahaha.)
"Um... If we did have a ping pong table, it would be in a game room, which this mansion doesn't have. And a cooking room would be called a kitchen, and an eating room is called a dining room." I chuckled, grabbing her by the wrist. "There may be some scissors in the kitchen..." I murmured, the smell of burning flesh filling my nostrils.

Z nodded, watching Jasper gather his things before she shifted her gaze away. Her voice lowered before she spoke to him.
"When do you want to start on Charles' plan? The game is getting boring unless we get something started, Jasper."
It was as if her thoughts stripped away her innocence temporarily, before she grabbed her bear and then got up to head towards the door.


Kenai stood up, excited that the S.W.A.T member wanted to carry out the plans. Kenai's research hadn't gone to waste, he wanted to get started on the investigation as soon as possible. Watching Philip's relief, Kenai knew they had to take care of this right away.​
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Jasper gave her a gentle smile. "Everything has already been taken care of. Just head down to the kitchen and you'll see." Jasper prepared another cup of coffee for himself, waiting for Z to leave so he could retreat into his little room, all alone. He was lucky that his room was one of the few without cameras installed. That would have been embarrassing if it did have them.

Z looked up at him, tilting her head a bit before her cheeks reddened and she nodded, turning to exit the room in order to leave Jasper alone. She shut the door behind herself, smiling before skipping down the hall to make her way towards the kitchen. Jasper never failed to impress her, so she understood why Charles liked him so much. She was happy they were getting along this well, it felt nice to be around him, even if maybe he didn't see her the same way. It's not like they'd ever talk again after this game was over, so it didn't matter much to her. She wasn't allowed to feel emotions for other people anyway.​