Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi was quiet for a moment when he mentioned the videos, wincing at the memory and then turned back to Sendo. "Ah.. we should probably go to sleep, right? We have plenty of time later to talk about that." The photographer's voice was strained when she spoke the words, sitting down on the bed. "Th..thank you for rhe bed. I'm grateful," she tried to smile, then laid down quietly, resting her eyes - but the terrifying events from her high school years kept playing through her mind like a broken record player.
Once Z left the room, Jasper wasted no time in downing his cup of coffee and leaving it sitting on the side table. He grabbed his duffel bag and entered his small room, punching in the code as if he was in a hurry. Inside his room, he sealed himself from the inside, making sure the locks were 100% secure. He set his duffel down on the ground and climbed into his small bed, pulling out Alice's journal as he did so. He began to read it and after a few pages, he set it down on his bedside table and drifted off to sleep. He really couldn't remember when the last time he slept was but he was certainly in need of the extra energy boost. Besides, he can't just become an insomniac who never sleeps. That would surely make his performance levels go down and his murders would not be as creative as they were when he was more awake. His last thought before his mind shut off towards sleep were about Z and how might she react to seeing the kitchen...

The female stood in the kitchen doorway, watching the fiery, gruesome scene before releasing a laugh of excitement. This was good. It was just the right amount of awesome and disgusting. Z wanted to see how the cattle would react to such a scene, they'd probably be horrified and and go looking for Jasper, and that was an easy way to drive prey towards them. Besides, with the fire, it would keep that room off limits to hiding.. and make it difficult to get food.

Z turned, shaking her head and biting her lip, holding back a squeal of excitement. Jasper, you sicko... you did it again.~ She made her way back to the study after realizing she had left her scissors on the desk, and she slowly opened the door. Jasper was gone. Frowning in confusion, she slowly closed the room door behind her and grabbed her weapon before looking around. She knew he couldn't have left the room, she wasn't gone for very long anyway. It didn't make sense. She carefully set her bear down in the chair and crept around, nearing the walls to press her ear against them and gently tap with her recently manicured nails. She had just gotten them done before all of this and... no, she had to stay focused. Her taps were just gentle enough so if she did find a hollow spot, if he was behind that door, he wouldn't hear them.

It wasn't long before Z found what she was looking for, and, pulling a hairpin from her head, she easily picked the visible locks and pushed the door, closing her eyes and holding her breath. The door slid open smoothly, and it was just as she thought. Jasper was asleep in the room, his gadgets and technology laying about. She gasped, looking around the room in awe. No cameras, no anything. Jasper had a private room, even from Charles.

Her attention quickly zoned in on a duffle bag sitting on the floor. It was different than the rest of the plain room, so it stood out, and it drew her towards it. She knelt down, unzipping it slowly to try and avoid the volume of a regular zipper, which actually seemed worse when she went slowly, and once it was open, she nervously glanced up at Jasper, hoping she hadn't awoken him. She lifted the laptop he had been using earlier, frowning as she opened it up to reveal the screen and power it on. She was lucky that the laptop was muted or else...

The laptop played a welcoming jingle. It wasn't muted, it was louder than ever. Z closed it, afraid of how angry he would be if he found her snooping.​
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The sound of Jasper's laptop brought him back to the world. He lifted himself carefully from the bed and looked straight in front of him for the invisible intruder then he began to look around the room when he spotted Z. His face contorted into one of disappointment before brightening into one of amusement. "You just keep on surprising me, now, aren't you?" He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up. He asked a bit acidly, "Did anyone see you walk in?" Jasper couldn't risk his location being sold out to everyone in the mansion. After all, this was his refuge. His place to relax, recharge, and to plan. If he lost this room, he didn't know where else he'd be able to sleep.

"O-oh.. no! Nobody saw me."
She slowly closed the door, looking at him with widened eyes. Her heart was pounding in her ears, she was sure he didn't like her enough to stop himself from killing her if he wanted to. It was terrifying. Exhilarating. Z was alone in the room with Charles' favorite (and probably most brutal) killer. She slipped his laptop back into the bag and laughed awkwardly, standing up to slowly back away towards the door.
"Sorry about that... I'll pretend like I didn't see anything..."​
Jasper's lips curled into a smirk. "No, stay." If he wanted to win this game, he needed someone to help him out and it seemed like Z had just proven her skill by finding his room. He tilted his head curiously and asked, "How did you find this room?" His voice was low, but the tone of his words said everything. He was dying to know, curious, and a bit pleased that she was the one to find him. He always knew that his room was not invisible. That someone would eventually stumble into it one day but he had hopes that everyone else was too stupid and incapable too, especially not any of the females that ever stepped into her. To say that Jasper was surprised was an understatement and at this point, he really wanted an answer from her. From this seemingly rare, experienced human being who might even be worthy of being seen as his equal, that is if she exhibited the same level of skill on a few more tasks. Of course, time will tell and Jasper was excited at what he could possibly find out from her.

Z looked him straight in the eyes, ideas flashing through her gaze on different lies she could tell him before she sighed and decided to tell him the unimpressive truth.
"Well, I figured out you were hiding a room when you asked me to shut my eyes. You can't really keep that hidden when you suddenly appear with a bag and a few other things. So when I returned from your beautiful art in the kitchen, I noticed you were gone. Remembering the room from earlier, I decided to create sound to see which wall would echo back and when I found it, it was indeed hollow and I just used simple lockpicking mechanics to open the room."
Z knew he would laugh at her when he heard how simple her method was, and she chewed on her lower lip, wondering what is was that prevented him from killing her right then and there. Nobody would know, there were no cameras, he could easily say a cattle had done it... but he didn't. That relieved Z slightly.​
Jasper nodded his head, listening to the story she told. That didn't exactly answer his question though. "What made you come to the conclusion that it was an entire room? I could have been hiding things in a secret closet or maybe even a room outside of the study." He stared into her eyes, testing her with his sharp, cold gaze.
Sendo Senkusha ~

"Yeah..." Sendo agreed, sitting down in a chair not far from the bedside. He removed his hat and set it in his lap as he leaned back and watched Koimizu, wondering when he should mention how he felt about her. How could it be fair, though? She deserved someone so much better--someone innocent. It would probably sicken her to know someone like himself, a killer, had feelings for Mahiru.

Although the past few nights he had spent with insomnia, he felt oddly at ease watching Koimizu sleep and it made him very tired. He had soon dozed off, resting his head on his left hand.

Yuki Shiro

"Ohh, yeah! You're right!" Yuki exclaimed, "You're really smart!" she added proudly, with a cheerful smile. A nasty smell wafted through the air though and she made a weird face, "Eww, it smells like... I don't know but it's bad!"

As her eyes fell upon the burning pile of flesh in the kitchen, her hand went instantly to her mouth; a feeling of horror and anxiety crushing her lungs--though the smoke didn't help. Yuki began to cough, trying to think of what to do.
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Z blinked before smiling devilishly, resting her hands on her hips as she thought up the words to answer the question.
"You never seemed to sleep and unless I had bad timing visiting the bedrooms, you had to have been asleep elsewhere. You disappeared in the room so it would have been uncomfortable if it was a closet, and you're protective about it. If it were a closet or another room, you would be a little more calm about it being found, but with it being an entire room, you'd want to keep it to yourself, of course... it's like your personal place. Somewhere you can be alone and not have to worry about everything else."​
Jasper slowly began to clap. "Although, I can go days without sleeping. However, one week seems to be the maximum that my body is able to handle. Nevertheless, excellent deduction." He truly was amazed at how quickly her brain worked like that. "Now then, was there any reason to this unexpected visit?" He walked over to his duffel bag and stooped down to grab his laptop before sitting on the edge of his bed and turning it back on.

"I.. uh... wanted to talk about Charles."
Z's playfulness slowly faded from her eyes, and she lowered them to the floor, knowing this wasn't a great subject to bring up as Jasper was very faithful to Charles. She didn't want him to be angry with her, but she knew that these were things she couldn't keep quiet anymore. He needed to know what she had to say, or he would continuously be deceived. She sighed.​
"Charles? Did something happen to him?" Obvious concern filled Jasper's voice as on a deep level, he did care for the man, and actively seeked his approval in the murders he committed. After all, it was the least he could do to repay Charles for that fateful day he was found in the streets peering at dead bodies and dissecting them. Jasper sighed, the memory filling his mind once again. How Charles took him in and raised him on his own. He shook his head quickly. This was no time to reflect. He watched Z with curious eyes, waiting for her response.

.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya pouted, not quite liking Komaeda's response at all. "That's not true... trash is gross, and it's usually on the ground." he mumbled rather stubbornly.

"You're fun, I like to play with you.. and you're nice and warm, you also taste good I think." Suzuya then complimented, though it was an odd compliment, and a little odd to think that Suzuya just kind of figured Komaeda tasted good, but the Albino was eccentric and perhaps such replies were expected.

The stitched boy was starting to feel dizzy however, but he kept his condition to himself, not wanting to really worry the other as his blood loss began to get a little critical, the wound with arrows kept bouncing on Komaeda's torso, causing friction each and every time the taller boy walked.
yet Suzuya didn't want to bother the other with something like that, not finding his own conscious that important.

The albino leant to the right from where he was lying on Komaeda's shoulder, and gently pressed his lips against the other's cheek. "I love you.. so you deserve it, because I say so." He whispered, a light pink hue developing on his cheeks as he did this.

Although Suzuya had to let the other know and accept that the Albino had these feelings for him, because otherwise Suzuya wouldn't know what to do with himself, it was odd enough that he was so attached to someone after all.. he was still learning how to handle it properly.

.: Shinohara :.

"Heh, if you'll follow a crazy fool like me... I would be honoured." He grinned towards Kenai, then looked over to Saionji and Evan with a glint in his eyes that was full of determination and pride. "Let's go then, why wait around here and slack around?" He teased the blonde girl, yet Shinohara knew they had to be quick if they wanted to get to that mansion and everyone still be alive.

So with that, the S.W.A.T member quickly started to head out and began to the door, once he came past Philip however, Shinohara put a hand on the Teacher's shoulder and told him that he did "a good job, and he's done now." dismissing him as he left to his car and awaited everyone to come to the mansion, and once they arrived they could finally solve this mystery of a case.

Evan stood up abruptly. "I'm coming too, sir! I have let way too many unsolved cases pass me by to let another one go." He thought back to Alice's parent's disappearance and now, Alice's disappearance. They both seemed eerily similar. Were they connected in some way? Evan thought it over. There must be some kind of connection and maybe cracking this case would finally lead him to some answers. Evan followed Shinohara outside the cafe and to his car. He asked a bit nervously, "Mind if we commute together?"
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Nagito Komaeda

"..Well, I'm afraid I can't agree with you saying that I'm not worthless, I'm sure there are many people who would gladly say so.. but thank you, it means a lot to me that you think I'm warm and fuzzy, but I don't--"
Komaeda was stopped short when Suzuya lightly pecked his cheek, stopping for a moment when they got inside the bedroom. He slowly let Suzuya down and he just wobbled towards the bed with a flushed red face, putting his face in a pillow.

He quickly got up again though, clearing his throat. "Ah, I brought a first-aid kit in here, by the way.. we both get injured a lot so it might come in handy," Komaeda said with a slight blush still on his face, gesturing for the boy to sit down.

Saionji Hiyoko

Saionji didn't want to go in Shinohara's car, but his face said that she had to get in or she won't be able to come. Or, at least she thought that's what it said.. either that or he was looking stupid. She pouted as she got into the car, swinging her legs back and forth on the chair, pouting visibly due to not wanting to go in here: it stank, she was forced to be closer to these pedos.. and she felt like Shinohara would be a bad driver.

Koizumi Mahiru

(( Timeskip for Taka and I! Everyone could catch up later ~ ))

Koizumi woke up shouting out really loudly, "You're wrong!" with tears in her eyes. She had a dream about what'd happened and what happened if he came to kill her by sucking out her other eardrum and then hitting her with a blunt object.. she was a little relieved to know that Sendo hadn't tried anything and was sitting in the same chair as last night.. she hoped she hadn't woken him up, the wound was enough of a burden for now - she didn't want to make it worse.

.: Suzuya :.

The albino wanted to stop Komaeda from self degrading himself, so Suzuya was quite pleased with the result, it seemed like the kiss worked and made it where the other stopped talking like that. not to mention how soft the taller boy's cheek felt against Suzuya's lips, the feeling sent butterflies up the Albino's tummy as he thought about it, his own cheeks deepening into a red hue.

"Ah.." Suzuya was lost in thought as he gently hobbled over to the bed, it was clear to see that he was having difficulty moving as his leg just wouldn't work, it was safe to say that the limp had gone numb from the blood loss, nevertheless Suzuya managed to the bed and sat down, smiling up at Komaeda as he did so.

"Why are you so red.. are you catching a cold, is it a bad cold, desu?" The Albino asked curiously, "Ah but If you get sick, I can nurse you to health.." Suzuya also absently offered, it wasn't much but the Albino at least knew how to treat a cold and sew up wounds, not much for a nurse, but the stitched boy wouldn't mind giving it a shot.

However, soon enough Suzuya addressed the numb and quite uncomfortable feeling in his leg, a frown coming to his lips as he did so.

"Ah... I can't feel it anymore, do we need to cut it off?" He asked softly with a rather disappointed tone.

.: Shinohara :.

As Shinohara unlocked and gestured for everyone to just take his car, the black BMW beeped as the safety locks went off, and Shinohara opened the door and got into the driver seat, reminding everyone to wear their seatbelts and to be sure not to get anything messy as the inside of the car was surprisingly clean save for a few things here and there such as papers on the desk and an old bottle of soda in the cup holder that the man probably drank this morning before he came to Anteiku.

Although the car did have the scent of freshly brewed coffee, plus Shinohara's cologne due to the fact he had been in the car so often, which wasn't so bad since the S.W.A.T member used pretty expensive brands, and the faint scent of candy and sweets came from the front passenger seat, along with a few candy wrappers underneath said seat.

"Don't be shy, come on and get inside, my car doesn't bite.. unless you somehow get pinched by the seatbelt!" he laughed at his own terrible joke, gesturing for Evan and Kenai to come inside as well since the blonde girl had already did so.

"Saionji seems to be more responsible than both of you.. come on now, don't let a girl upstage you." Shinohara teased, perhaps to try to make Saionji feel better about herself since she seemed so uptight, and just to mess with the other men.

Evan nodded, agreeing with the plan. He opened the passenger side door and climbed inside. He didn't really want to sit next to the girl in the back. She seemed too hot-tempered and Evan would only frustrate her even more if he sat down next to her. "How far away is the mansion from here?" Evan asked, while looking at a map.

.: Shinohara :.

"Not that far, Evan.. it's actually only three streets down, what a shock, right?" Shinohara joked once more as he started to put the key into the ignition, starting his BMW up as he checked the mirrors, and made sure everyone had their seatbelts on. Shinohara was a cautious and defensive driver, but he never got into a wreck because of his safe and steady pace.

"I actually asked to meet up at Anteiku because me and my son are a regular at this caf? here." The man gestured towards the caf? as he started to get the car to go, waiting for Kenai to get into the car as well, and when he did Shinohara started to pull out and drive onto the road.

"Another reason I think your theory about Charles only abducting those close to him is actually a thing, I live right down the street from that hideous mansion.. Actually one of the only reasons I let my boy go, was because I knew I could pick him up afterwards with no problem, but in reality when I came to pick him up...
Charles answered the door and told me that my son had already gone home, now, I felt like the man was lying to me, but he refused to let me search the house without a warrant, and the guys back at my old station before I got promoted to S.W.A.T well you can imagine they didn't give me one.
Ah, speaking of, for some reason it seems even officials trust this Charles character, although it's really peculiar how much trust they have, I'm starting to think there might be some kind of conspiracy, or he's paying some higher up's off?" Shinohara explained as he drove, deciding some conversation might lighten the trip up quite a bit.

Evan scratched the back of his head thoughtfully. "Wow, that is surprising. You bring up a lot of good points. This actually reminds me of something that happened 10 years ago. I hadn't thought too much of it at the time as I was only 14 but Alice's parents were invited to this big banquet held at a fancy hotel owned by a local man named Charles. I'm starting to believe that they may be the same person but I haven't had the chance to look more into it yet. It's just a theory that just popped into my head now while listening to you. And yes, I'd believe that people are being paid to keep quiet. Why else would no one make such a fuss about it? It seems as if everyone else is treating these missing people as if they never really existed in the first place."