Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

"Ah... That is certainly not pleasant..." I mumbled, quickly grabbing the scissors from the counter. "Take these. I see no other weapons on you, and you need some way to defend yourself." I smiled, gently placing the scissors in her hands. "Well we have what we came for, so we should make it back in the lobby!" I giggled, making my way to the charred lobby.
Sendo Senkusha ~

"Bad dream?" Sendo asked, eyes still closed. "Don't worry, I've been awake for a little while now." he added, knowing she was worried about waking him. He lifted his head, eyes now open, and picked up his hat to put it on first-thing. "I didn't sleep too well, myself." Sendo mentioned, his mind jumping to a dream he'd had about Koizumi. The dream was full of despair and sorrow, Koizumi bleeding out in his arms, Sendo being forced to make a decision on whether it would be better to see her suffer or end her life to spare her the pain. Though he'd woken up before he came to a decision, hoping he never have to make a choice like that.

He looked over to Mahiru, shaking his head and coming back to reality. "I know it's not much of a breakfast, but I have more cake in here, somewhere." Sendo pointed out, trying to remember where he'd put it.

Yuki Shiro ~

"Um, okay...!" Yuki answered, just wanting to leave this room. She wasn't sure what she would do with a pair of scissors for a weapon, but she took them anyway since it was better than nothing. Before she left, Yuki took a pot filled with smelly dishwater from the sink and poured it over the fire, wishing one of her hands had been free to hold her nose as she did so. Now the fire was out though, so the mansion wouldn't burn down with them inside, at least. She coughed a few times more as she turned to follow Teela back to the lobby. "I wonder who they were...?" she said to herself, knowing that it was bodies burning in that pile.
I stopped walking for a moment to think. "Alice Bell and Daniel..." I murmured. "Their bodies were together, and they were the only corspes not massacred." I noted, never turning to her as I spoke. "Since Daniel is all chopped up, do you think we should bring Alice to the lobby so nothing else can harm her?" I questioned, spinning on my heel. Without waiting for an answer, I trotted back to the kitchen. Gently picking the charred body, I turned to Yuki, greif in my eyes. "Alright... We should go back to the lobby then..."
Nagito Komaeda

"I'm not too sure myself, actually.."
Komaeda laughed a little, his red face gradually (and slowly) diminishing into his normal, pale color. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure it isn't," Komaeda said with a smile, gently cleaning around his arrow wound, trying to lightly and slowly take out the arrows, and then bandaging the wound in order for him not to lose blood. "Ah! That wouldn't be such a great idea.. I wouldn't cut off your leg. You still need it, you know." The tall boy also started patching up the other scratches and smaller wounds here and there.

Saionji Hiyoko

"Of course I'm more responsible!"
Saionji smiled, getting cocky of herself. "I'm sure those two wouldn't be able to do a single thing without being told to.." the little girl snickered, and sat comfortably in the back seat. "It's because all the police here are idiots, isn't it? They're just greedy little ****s.." she said with a sweet smile.

Koizumi Mahiru

"Sort of.. well, we should take what we can get, right? It seems like Komaeda and Suzuya seem to spend a lot of time in the kitchen."
Koizumi tried to veer away from the subject of their dreams. "I can't make anything, either.." she laughed a little sheepishly.
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Sendo Senkusha ~

"Yes well, I can cook, I just don't trust the ingredients in this place." Sendo replied, "Now, if I remember right, I hid something over here." he said as he walked over to a large dark wood dresser in the corner of the room and looked through the drawers. "Hmm, that must have been a different room." he concluded, glancing around the area thoughtfully. "Ah, yes." Sendo remembered he had put it on the floor of the closet. "Here it is!" he grinned as he pulled the cake box from among whatever junk was inside. He didn't actually recall putting all that stuff in there, but he wouldn't put it past himself when it came to hiding sweets.

"This one is strawberry." Sendo said with a grin, strawberry was one of his favorites.

Yuki Shiro ~

Yuki ran to follow Teela as she retrieved Alice's body. "I think there's a couch in the lobby, we could put her there." she suggested, staring at the charred and lifeless corpse with concern. "There's a nice potted plant next to it and everything." Yuki smiled in light of the idea that Alice was no longer alive and therefore wouldn't really care one way or the other where her body was placed.
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"Ah, okay." I murmured, managing a grin. "For a corspe, she's pretty heavy..." I grunted, stumbling as I carried Alice to the lobby, gently setting her down on the couch. "I have a feeling I may need another detonator..." I murmured, staring up at the camera on the wall.

"I don't think he really trusts you... I mean think about it. He gives you compliment after compliment, and why? So you can stick around and believe he likes you... but immediately he distrusted you when he thought you and I liked one another... instead of just believing that his favorite, Jasper, was faithful and would stick around regardless. He thought I'd be some sort of distraction, instead of trusting that you would remain focused no matter what... doesn't that seem suspicious to you?"
Z looked at him, her eyes softening slightly with concern for how the male might react. It was something new to think about now, and she hoped he would ponder it for a bit before responding. She wanted him to open his eyes and see the truth.


Kenai's hands balled into fists and he had to stop himself from leaping in excitement. He was right. He was right about the missing kids, and he had backup to believe him. He pulled open the side door opposite to where the female had gotten in, sitting beside her, but leaving the middle seat open for space between them. He closed the door gently, latching his seat belt before leaning in.
"It's going to be dangerous, how many of us are armed?"​
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Hearing the sound of a motor, I strolled towards the window. Pulling the velvet curtain away, I peered through the glass, unsure if it was a trap waiting to be set or not. Sure enough, I could see a car rounding the corner, the blinking light indicating it was going to pull into the driveway. I burst into giggles and smiles as thoughts of the teacher filled my mind. I waited eagerly for the people to step out of the car, but thoughts of worry and dread filled my mind. "Ah... Perhaps... Perhaps they work for Charles... Was Philip caught...?" I muttered to myself, shifting the curtain to get a better view. Not caring if they saw me or not, I continued to stare.
Koizumi Mahiru

"Strawberry? That sounds great,"
Koizumi smiled. "I can tell you really like sweet things," the photographer commented, admiring the cake and its features. "I don't have manys weets that often, but I had a friend during high school who loved them.. ah, except for lemon flavors. She especially liked gummy bears and konpeito," Mahiru pointed out, a bit more cheerful now that she was reminiscing happy moments from her high school years. "Did I ramble? Oh, well, we could start eating when you want to. I forgot to thank you for letting me sleep on your bed too," she laughed a little sheepishly.

.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya felt suspicious, although the Albino decided against saying anything about a subject he wasn't even very knowledgeable about yet.

The stitched boy winced a little as the wounds were being cleaned, his body reacting on it's own as the alcohol stung his open wound, then his body fidgeted quite a bit as the arrows began to be pulled out and the numb feeling started to fade only to be replaced with pain, Suzuya helped in holding down his leg so he wouldn't mess up the procedure by fidgeting.
"Ah.. I have to be good, or else she'll be angry.." He whispered so quietly that Komaeda probably wouldn't be able to make it out.

The Albino then relaxed as the arrows were removed, and felt more content as the other started to patch him up like that, smiling up at the other as he was tempted to sway his legs, but knew better than to do so.
"Thank you so much for helping me out, Komaeda-san~" Suzuya said gratefully to the other, enjoying the familiar feeling of being patched up much more than the pain before.

.: Shinohara :.

Shinohara was glad to have such smart individuals with him, and couldn't help but nod at Evan's theory.
"The same person..? hmm.. it seems plausible, This Charles character seems to own quite a bit of estates, though he shuffles through the establishments very quickly, and it seems that he doesn't stay in one place for long at all.."

Shinohara figured it was best to let Saionji rant and rave, it at least looked like she was happy now, even if she was saying pretty rude statements, if they could get her to warm up to them, she would probably stop doing that. so he just shot her a smile and continued to drive.

"I'm glad you asked! heh, open up the glove box.. I have four revolves for all of us, it's not much, but it's all I could snag without getting caught. they all have around ten shots each, so I would make them count." he offered everyone, feeling pretty proud of himself for even being able to take that much.

Shinohara started to come upon the mansion, and couldn't help but notice just how eerie it looked, the place looked to be ancient and even though it was clean and possibly remolded in some places, all of the windows were drawn curtains so no one could see inside, and no lights were on whatever, or at least that could be seen from the outside.

"This is the place I'm guessing.. seems more like Dracula would live here!" Shinohara pulled one of his signature bad jokes, slowly pulling in the driveway and hushing his motor so no one would hear them.


"I don't think he really trusts you... I mean think about it. He gives you compliment after compliment, and why? So you can stick around and believe he likes you... but immediately he distrusted you when he thought you and I liked one another... instead of just believing that his favorite, Jasper, was faithful and would stick around regardless. He thought I'd be some sort of distraction, instead of trusting that you would remain focused no matter what... doesn't that seem suspicious to you?"
Z looked at him, her eyes softening slightly with concern for how the male might react. It was something new to think about now, and she hoped he would ponder it for a bit before responding. She wanted him to open his eyes and see the truth.​

Jasper looked at Z, growing confused. Would Charles really do that to him? Jasper asked curiously, "What makes you think that?" She had to be wrong. Jasper devoted his life to his job. He couldn't just let some outsider point out all the flaws in his life. That just wasn't right, no matter how smart the outsider appeared to be. That was still rude of her to do. Then again, it did bother him how Charles so quickly went to the conclusion that he must have been an item with Z. Jasper rolled his eyes. Could this really be true? Could Charles actually... distrust him?

Evan nodded. "Yeah, he seems like the type to grow easily bored and restless. Maybe this whole thing is seen as exciting to him? Like he gets a thrill from doing all this..."

"Oh, that's cool." Evan nodded at the thought of having guns. He never really used them much but they were reassuring to have for self-defense. Although, he hoped they wouldn't need them. That wouldn't be safe.

Suddenly, the mansion came into view and Evan gasped at the horrid site. He muttered lowly, "It looks like we died and went to hell. That Charles guy is really a piece of work..."
Nagito Komaeda

"You're welcome, Suzuya.. just try not to move too much, okay? Anyways, it's about time we both got some sleep,"
Komaeda smiled, obviously exhausted. He didn't know who was it that died, but it seemed like she was acquainted to Suzuya.. he didn't understand either about how the boy didn't understand pain or remorse. He'll have to ask him about it in the morning. The taller boy laid down on the bed, leaving a lot of space for Suzuya to sleep and move around - it was better than giving him a small space where he can't.

He thought over the events that panned out earlier. Suzuya was certainly affectionate, but he didn't think he could return his feelings because of his fear of becoming too close to someone. But why - why did he heat up when he kissed him on the cheek if he wanted to stay away from him? Sure, he wanted a friend at least but he was getting too close and something unfortunate could happen to him. Shutting himself away from everyone in his life really did a number on him: but having a friend made it slightly - no, way - better. Komaeda started, ever since Suzuya confessed to him, what was the difference between "liking" someone and "loving" someone? Either way, they were still friends and maintained a relationship. He'll deal with that tomorrow, he thought while staring at the ceiling wide awake.

Saionji Hiyoko

"Eck.. guns are overrated and leave gross holes in people. I don't need a weapon if it's something like that thing,"
Saionji huffed, fidgeting a little from wanting to go into the mansion. When they pulled up to the mansion, the petite girl eagerly stepped over Evan and Kenai's legs (and greeted with failure due to her short ones) and sprinted over to the front of the mansion, prepared to attempt to kick down the door and in an effort to get away from sitting next to those creeps.
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My eyes widened in surprise as a girl bolted out of the car. Tugging the curtain back over the window, I searched myself for my key. "Ah... Philip took it..." I remembered. Sighing, I pulled back the curtain enough to reveal my face as I stared at the girl.

.: Suzuya :.

"Ah, I won't!" Suzuya exclaimed as he leaned back onto the bed, then turning around the Albino climbed up so he could lay next to the other, "mm.. I'll be taking this, it's fine, isn't it? desu?~" though asking, Suzuya didn't really wait for a reply before taking Komaeda's arm and holding it close to his chest and stomach, the Albino wrapped both of his own arms around the limb and snuggled his face close, he slept like this quite often with Shinohara, and it was in a way a security blanket that the Albino had developed through time.

Suzuya closed his eyes, and relaxed his body as he tried to lull himself off to sleep with the comfort of the other's steady breathing pace, listening to Komaeda's heartbeat awkwardly gave the Albino a state of calm that he hadn't felt before.
"Warm~..." The stitched boy mumbled softly against the other's arm, exhaling as he started to slowly but surely drift off into the world of dreams.

.: Shinohara :.

"I've heard some killers do it for the thrill, watching their prey squirm and wither before them gives some sort of sick high.. " Shinohara decided to add to the conversation, especially because he was starting to feel like this Charles character would more than likely turn out to be one of those kind of killers.

As Shinohara parked the car, he tried to call out for Saionji not to run off like that, but sighed in defeat when she literally just sprung from the car, giving a sheepish smile towards evan and kenai.

"It might not be suitable for you guys to carry.. but I would recommend you both take one of the guns, we don't know what's in there.. and I've heard all source of service is cut off when you go inside Charles mansion, so that's goodbye to calling for help.. once we go into there, we'll be as good as dead men.. you can choose to stay in the car or follow me, but that's your choice and I won't make it for you, please think the decision through." he offered the two men, then taking one of the guns Shinohara slipped out of the car.

Digging into his pockets for the key he had received from Philip, Shinohara cautiously came up the worn pavement leading up to the manor, placing a hand on Saionji's shoulder as he passed her as one would a child, and he cast a glance towards the window, noting how the maid in the window looked shocked to actually see people was probably a bad sign that he noted.

Upon placing one foot onto the old steps leading up to the doorway, a creaking sound emitted with each step the S.W.A.T member took, then once Shinohara arrived at the huge manor door and putting the key in, with a twist of his wrist and a clicking noise, the mansion opened up to reveal the lobby.

"W-who are you?" I questioned, backing up from the door and window, pulling out my gun. "Who do work for? Are you with Charles or Philip?!" I growled, a click coming from my blunderbuss as the safety was turned off.
Sendo Senkusha ~

"I do have a rather soft spot for sweet things," Sendo answered with a chuckle. He was happy to see that she was so cheerful now, and he set the cake on a low coffee table he usually had tea on before he went to sleep at night. "Ah, it was no real trouble." he said in reply to Koimizu's thanks as he sliced two pieces and put them on top of some napkins that were there. "Unfortunately my tea set is still in the kitchen so we'll have to make do." he explained.

Yuki Shiro ~

"Oh! Hi, hi! You opened the door!" Yuki said at the sight of Shinohara, "Not even bombs would work but you opened it!" She ran up to the group of investigators without a care in the world, just happy to see some more people. They had a trustworthy appearance to her, so she really didn't bother with caution. Yuki didn't even realize she'd run right in the way of Teela's aim as she greeted them.
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Saionji Hiyoko

Saionji finally noticed the two females who greeted them at the door. The first thing she did was look up at her, judge them and huff. "You two are weird and ugly! Get out of the way!" the petite girl frowned, pushing past them and inspecting the house. She quickly spotted some spiders crawling along the ground, running over to them and squishing them with her fingers one by one, letting out a satisfying popping sound and giggling quietly at how easily they died because of her.

Koizumi Mahiru

"Ah, that's okay - I could just use napkins if it's all we have.."
Koizumi took a small bite from the cake in order to not look like a hog. "You must've had sweets a lot if you snuck cake of all things in.. I'm surprised you don't get along with Suzuya more because I'm pretty sure he took a liking to them, too.. red-velvet would be my favorite flavor, though. I've only had a nibble of it before."

Z sighed, lowering her gaze to the floor before lowering her voice in order to speak to Jasper. "He doesn't seem to actually care about anyone... you saw how easily he killed his faithful wife. She was beside him no matter what. Who's to say he's not going to do that to you next? I'm just worried about you...."


Kenai followed along behind the other three, examining the firearm within his hand. He had only used a gun in his training, and never had to touch one since. He usually just sat in an office behind a desk, figuring out what type of person could commit whatever crime was given to him. He'd been working on this case alone, and it was hard to gather his own information... until now. He noticed the two females as well and nodded them a hello, wanting to get inside and look around as quickly as possible.​
Jasper corrected Z, "I killed his wife, not Charles. Charles had requested me to. He trusted me enough to do one simple task, after all." Jasper was growing a bit frustrated with how Z was trying to make him doubt Charles. Charles had raised him like a father. There was nothing wrong with the way Charles did things. So why was Jasper starting to feel a bit of doubt now?

Evan followed the others out of the car, grabbing a gun on his way out. He tucked it inside his coat jacket before greeting the females he spotted near the doorway. However, a deadly stench filled his nostrils and he pushed through the door in order to enter the lobby. The first thing he noticed was Alice's decaying and charred body propped up against one of the sofas. It took nearly all of his resolve not to scream out in frustration right then and there. He ran over to her body and gently closed her eyelids with his fingertips. He felt sorry for what happened to her but maybe, if they all work hard, this won't happen again to any of the others still in this mansion.
Getting annoyed, I finally lowered my blunderbuss. "Ah... Did you know her? Were you and miss Bell related?" I questioned the boy, walking over to him as I gently placed my hand on his shoulder. "She died with someone she loved though..." I added, hoping to comfort him a bit. "My name is Teela."