Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]


"He uses you for all of his dirty work, Jasper. And for what reason? So he can be killed and leave you alone? Where will you be after someone kills him...? He doesn't want to get his hands messy and therefore makes you do it. He doesn't love you, he doesn't love anyone. And if you and I were together? He'd ask someone to kill us too. Don't you see that?"
Z cringed a little, sensing the irritation in his voice. She didn't want him angry at her, but if that meant he'd know the truth, then she'd risk it. Z was raised as a murderer, she was trained that her life was not important so long as she could get the job done, so that's what she was thinking now. She had to get the job done.​
Evan slowly nodded his head. "Yes, I did know her. We're cousins." Evan laughed. "I still remember the day I saw her last. It was only 10 years ago and her family was moving away. That night, however, her parents were invited to a party and so they went, seeing it as their last chance to celebrate their life in the town. They never came back but that didn't stop Alice from moving on her own. I wonder how she was able to survive by herself all these years. She was such a strange girl." Evan tensed up when the lady placed her hand on his shoulder. "Oh... I see."

Jasper began, growing unsure of himself, "I- I'd become my own master then. I'm sure Charles won't die. I'll protect him with my own life were it to come to that, I'm sure of that. He's just a bit paranoid with the whole love thing. I'm sure he'll get over it... eventually." Jasper looked at his laptop screen, changing it to show the view of the lobby. His lips curled into a grin. "Looks like we have more visitors. Why don't we go greet them? Or actually, I want to see how Teela handles this. Let's sit here and watch."
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"Ah... Her parents... They died in one of Charles' 'games'..." I murmured softly, kneeling down besides them. "You guys were sent by Philip, right? Oh, and I never caught your name." I added, staring at him.
"That's what I'm assuming so far. Although, there is no concrete evidence yet. And yes, Phillip informed us on what was going on here and we came right away." Evan gave her a small smile and replied, "My name is Evan. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Evan grew curious at the mention of the other name. He had only heard things about Charles so far. Who was this Jasper character. He decided to ask the maid. "Who is Jasper? Is he the co-owner of this mansion or something?"
"No. Jasper is Charles' most trusted butler and killer. Monica was the co-owner and Charles' wife, but he grew bored of her and ordered Jasper to kill her. Jasper likes watching others suffer... He even turns his kills into 'art'..." I muttered, trailing off as I stared at Alice.
Evan opened his eyes widely, growing surprised at what he was hearing. "Wait... there are paid killers here? What kind of sick game is going on?" Evan grew a bit sick at the thought of his sweet cousin Alice being turned into art by the fiendish Jasper. Without even meeting the other man, Evan knew he needed to be sent to prison for the despicable crimes he had committed. It was truly horrendous and Evan was glad they came the time they did. If they came too late, all of them could be dead now.
I took a step back, my hand ready on my blunderbuss. "I-I thought you knew..." I murmured. There are paid killers here, but most, like Jasper, do it for the enjoyment... In the beginning, we started with a few killers. Jasper, Z, Komaeda, Daniel, Sendo, and one other whose name is on the tip of my tongue." I managed a smile, biting the inside of my lip as I lied about the last part, not mentioning I was among those people.
Evan sadly shook his head. "I don't know too much about this place yet. I was hoping I'd find out by coming here and maybe if you're willing to share, you'd be so kind as to help us as well. You look like such an innocent and beautiful young girl that I have no idea how you could be caught up in such a bloodbath." Evan offered her a smile before continuing, "If I can only accomplish one thing in this place, I'd hope to at least help you escape. Phillip did mention that you were innocent in all of this and I am driven to believe him."

Z opened her mouth as if to speak before hearing her name on the screen. Teela was selling out the names of all the killers excluding herself. Amused, the female leaned in to watch as the maid spoke with the new man who had entered with three others. It was three men and a female, all seeming to be of a police force of some kind... except the girl. How unprofessional she was. Z liked that, the female was childish, just as she was.
"Snitch..." Z murmured towards Jasper. She was glaring at Teela on the screen, regardless of the smirk on her face.


Kenai watched Evan around this maid, carefully examining her. She appeared to have blood stains upon her outfit, and charcoal from what Kenai assumed was this dead body. That would mean the maid moved the body out here... but for what reason? Kenai frowned, jotting down his thoughts into his little pocketbook. He was going to keep an eye on her. They came to rescue innocents, including this Teela, but if she did anything that caused suspicion to arise within him, he would mention it to Shinohara.​
"Ah..." I murmured, covering a reddened cheek, turning my head to hide the other. "Y-your embarrassing me!" I chuckled, a grin forming. "Though I will tell you everything I know." I giggled. "Though you shouldn't put me on the top of your to save list. There are quite a few who need help before me. After all, I'm only a maid!"
"I assume you all have lethal weapons on you, right?" I questioned as I turned to Kenai. "Either way, Charles has one too, a .45 Caliber pistol. He's been in hiding for nearly the entire game, and not once has he used a bullet. But I know he has tons of rounds. "I only use my blunderbuss," I pulled out my gun, playfully pointing it at Kenai, my finger not on the trigger. "So knives and such are useless scrap metal to me, but there's plenty hidden around, so it would be best if you guys pick up whatever you can get. Fire also works, but there's quite a bit of gunpowder hidden around, so if you don't hate your life, you should refrain from using any. Unless it's to make bombs and such, but it's hard to imagine any of you boys knowing how. But your little friend might..." I trailed off as I stared at the girl who had come in with them. "Sorry, but I only know mister Evan's name. It certainly would help to know the names of my allys..." I chuckled, pointing the gun away from him.

.: Shinohara :.

Shinohara was stunned to say the least when a gun was pointed at him, but he wasn't scared of a little girl with a gun, it was just something dangerous for her to hold and something he would have to restrain her and take, he had done this task many times before with guys bigger than the girl, so if it came to it then he would be able to save his men.

However, soon she lowered the gun and he smiled towards his men and Saionji, they seemed to resolve the situation without him needing to use brute force.

Shinohara listened as the maid mentioned names that he hadn't heard before, someone named Jasper, that there were trained killers, and even saying to save everyone else before her, it was a kind gesture...
Yet at the same time it made the maid seem a little suspicious, that and the way Philip had described her as a victim, Philip and herself, they were both trying to label Teela as a victim so desperately, but for what purpose? a victim should be easy to find, not have to be called out as one, so he decided that he would ask about it soon.

However, soon enough Shinohara's eyes trailed to where the charred corpse was, to where Evan had ran off like that, and his heart sunk a few meters as he imagined if that could of possibly happened to his son, although the man was quick to shake the thought, knowing to think positively and stepped forward, reaching into his pocket, the man was trying to find something, rustling out a wallet that he started to dig through.

"My name is Shinohara Yukinori, I'm here to look for my son... Suzuya juuzou, since you seem to be giving so much information, I find no problem in putting you on our protection list, don't degrade yourself.. just accept our help!" He smiled as he said this,
Then holding out a photo that he had rustled from his wallet, it was a picture showing himself and Suzuya both looking quite happy as they indulged themselves in ice cream in the photo, Shinohara was pinching Suzuya's cheek, and Suzuya was reaching up in the photo to pull on Shinohara's own cheek as they playfully fought.

"This is Suzuya juuzou... my only son, I know it's a bit sudden but you seem to have quite the bit of information so, have you possibly seen him?" The man asked hopefully, leaning down so the maid could see the photo since Shinohara was probably quite the bit taller than her.

(Ah, Sorry I've been AFK for quite a bit lately~ been sick.. ;w; however I'm feeling a lot better so I'll be able to play Sunday like all day to make up for my AFK ness~ <3 )

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Jasper replied, "Not surprised. I knew she'd let us down again. And now, they know us by name... great. Maybe I should make videos on them too." Jasper laughed. It did seem like a good idea. All he had to do now was wait for their names so he could write them in his Death Note.

Evan smiled. "Thank you, Teela. Your help will be very much appreciated. You may be just a maid but your help is priceless."

Evan grew curious. "If we're your allies, why do you keep pointing that gun at us? And why do you seem to know a lot more about weapons than any normal civilian would?" Something was fishy around here and Evan planned to get to the bottom of this. There was nothing he hated more than liars. Nothing.
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- - - Post Merge - - -

Jasper replied, "Not surprised. I knew she'd let us down again. And now, they know us by name... great. Maybe I should make videos on them too." Jasper laughed. It did seem like a good idea. All he had to do now was wait for their names so he could write them in his Death Note.

Evan smiled. "Thank you, Teela. Your help will be very much appreciated. You may be just a maid but your help is priceless."

Evan grew curious. "If we're your allies, why do you keep pointing that gun at us? And why do you seem to know a lot more about weapons than any normal civilian would?" Something was fishy around here and Evan planned to get to the bottom of this. There was nothing he hated more than liars. Nothing.
Your a professional that is amazing. :)
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"Ah... Mister Suzuya... He was your adopted son. Umm... He's dead... He was led into a trap by Jasper and Z so he could rescue Koko. The master bedroom is probably set with the most dangerous traps, but there's a teeny tiny chance that he lived. But it's doubtful." I murmured, placing my hand on his shoulder much like I did with Evan. "As for why I keep pointing my gun at you guys, it's because I don't know if I can fully trust you, dispite the kindness you have shown." I answered, staring at Evan. "Why wouldn't I know about weapons? Are you saying I shouldn't know how to use them in defense? And I only know about firearms and explosives. Anything else is a waste of time for me." I stated, a hint of anger in my voice. This was the truth, but with only some details left out.
Sendo Senkusha ~

"Well, cake is not only delicious but also filling if you've missed a meal. My father never liked sweets and he always kept them away from me, but I hid so many desserts around the house that he gave up looking for them." Sendo explained, a smile appearing on his face at the memory. It was among the few better ones from his past. "Suzuya...? Ah yes, perhaps I would have been a little fond of the boy if he hadn't sucked out your eardrum." he answered quite nonchalantly, as if hating the albino had slipped further down his priority list.

"Red velvet, eh? That was my mother's favorite." his mouth twitched a little as he remembered the videos of his first murder. He'd never really thought on it before, it just felt right until now. Perhaps it was the notion that had slipped into his head, the idea that maybe... people didn't want to die when they were suffering. It ate away at his soul now that he had already killed so many people. Something else bothered him more, though. Koizumi knew he was a killer, of course that was obvious, but did she know just how long he had been doing it or how many times he had killed people already? How would she react if she learned of his past crimes?

Yuki Shiro ~

Yuki sighed with disappointment when everyone wanted to talk to the maid and not herself. Though she really didn't know how to answer their questions anyway so she looked over all the investigators, wondering what kind of people they were. One of them seemed particularly interested in Alice, he said he was her cousin or something. And another was looking for Suzuya, she remembered the albino from the meeting when he spoke up about traps; he had such odd stitches all over him, he was hard to miss.

Another investigator held a notebook--maybe he was an artist? Yuki shook her head, no, he was probably taking notes. She didn't very much like the last investigator that was with them, if the girl was an investigator at all. To call someone ugly upon meeting them was really mean, even if they were a little beat up from being in a mansion full of killers.
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.: Shinohara :.

His heart sunk at the mention of his only son being killed by the sickos that owned this mansion, how his son could be lifeless and only a corpse just like that girl, Alice, and most of all his heart sunk at how lightly Teela spoke of it.

He had to take a minute, closing his eyes as he exhaled before he could answer the maid.

"He wouldn't die that easily, my boy is very agile.. I'm sure he wouldn't be put down like that, can you give me directions on where you last saw him?" Shinohara asked, his voice sounded desperate determined not to believe that his son had met the same fate as the charred corpse Evan ran to, that very same corpse used to be Evan's cousin, and could just as easily have been Suzuya.. yet, Shinohara was optimistic, and didn't want to let himself believe such a thing could happen.

Though soon Shinohara noticed Yuki, and gestured for her to come over as well as he didn't get an introduction from her, then again, someone pointing a gun at your face was one way to make you forget there was anyone else in the room.

Yuki Shiro ~

"Um, is there something you need?" Yuki asked, approaching Shinohara when he gestured for her to come over. She wasn't sure how much she could actually contribute to what Teela had already explained--considering she didn't even know half of those things before now. Just then, she remembered something else about Suzuya that could put the investigator's mind at ease a little. "Komaeda," she said suddenly, "Suzuya was with a tall guy named Komaeda and I think they are good friends! They were holding hands and making sure the other was okay all the time. I think... I think that Suzuya must be alright if he has somebody like that!" she concluded. Yuki didn't really know that Komaeda had also been a killer, since she had never kept track from the beginning, but she did know just from seeing the two that neither would ever let the other get hurt.