Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

.: Shinohara :.

Content that Yuki was coming over and no longer being a stranger, Shinohara was quick to comment. "Yes, actually.."

calming his nerves with his new found resolve that Suzuya would be alright no matter what, Shinohara turned to Yuki and gave her a smile.
"I hate to trouble you, but we're here to help I assure you." Shinohara gave the girl a reassuring look, then continued on with his speech.

"If you don't mind, I'll need you to answer a few questions, nothing hard though! hah, just like.. who took you here? how long have you been here.. and most importantly, do you know if anyone else is still alive?" as he asked these questions, Shinohara bent down and put his hands on his knees so he could ask the girl without her feeling intimidated of his height, she seemed fragile and he didn't want to spook her after all, the investigators were here to save the victims, not terrify them.

However his reassuring expression changed to one of delighted shock, and a hint of over protective fatherliness, although Shinohara shook off the second thought, this was no time to be worrying about something so silly, besides the fact that Suzuya didn't even know what a relationship was, so surely it was just some kind of misunderstanding on his part.

"Oh! do you think this Komaeda character might be protecting my boy? If so.. I'll have to thank him greatly, and if you don't mind me asking, can you remember the last time you saw them together, little miss?" Shinohara hated to ask so many things, but if he were to get to the bottom of everything, he would need to, not to mention It was nice to hear that Suzuya was more than likely alright, this only added more assurance to his resolve that his boy was inside this mansion, safe and uninjured.

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"Now that I think about it, Suzuya may be alive..." I murmured. "We do have a few spare bedrooms here, so we could check there... But Komaeda is a killer..." I mumbled as I started moving away from the group towards the stairs. "You should come. One of the killers must have seen us by now." I added, tilting my head in the direction of one of the security cameras.
"Ah... Mister Suzuya... He was your adopted son. Umm... He's dead... He was led into a trap by Jasper and Z so he could rescue Koko. The master bedroom is probably set with the most dangerous traps, but there's a teeny tiny chance that he lived. But it's doubtful." I murmured, placing my hand on his shoulder much like I did with Evan. "As for why I keep pointing my gun at you guys, it's because I don't know if I can fully trust you, dispite the kindness you have shown." I answered, staring at Evan. "Why wouldn't I know about weapons? Are you saying I shouldn't know how to use them in defense? And I only know about firearms and explosives. Anything else is a waste of time for me." I stated, a hint of anger in my voice. This was the truth, but with only some details left out.

"You can trust us. We mean you no harm." Evan was a nice guy, who wouldn't even hurt a fly. He hated when people got hurt and was disgusted by gore. Evan stared at her curiously before replying, "Well, um, most nice girls, such as yourself, don't know that much about weapons so... I'm just surprised." He scratched the back of his head, looking towards his crew for some help. He was a bit stuck here.
Yuki Shiro ~

"That's what it looked like to me." Yuki said with a smile. She was sure that Suzuya was okay--he really didn't seem like the type to go down easily either, from the brief moment she had seen the boy. "The last time I saw them was at a big scary meeting Charles put together; he said anyone who didn't come before an hour was up would be hunted down and killed! It was really hard to get there because I don't know my way around this maze-filled mansion. I walked around for almost the whole hour trying to find the dining room!" Yuki paused, trying to remember what she was talking about before she went off on how hard it was to navigate through the mansion, "Anyway, he said he was mad that nobody tried to kill him and that he was setting traps everywhere! Suzuya was excited but I think it's really frightening." She stopped for a moment and showed him the two arrow wounds on her leg. "I already hit one..."

The girl soon perked up again, however, and continued talking. "Um, so about your other questions, I came here after being invited, I thought it would be a fun party and a change from being all alone in my apartment so I decided to come. I don't even remember how long I've been here anymore and... I don't know if anybody else is alive. The last people I saw before Teela were Koizumi Mahiru and Sendo, they were in the kitchen and Sendo was unconscious because he lost a lot of blood. The kitchen is empty now, though, except for... except for the pile of... pieces..." she felt sick at the thought of the smell the burning bodies gave off. Yuki didn't want to talk about that anymore.

.: Shinohara :.

Shinohara placed a comforting hand onto Yuki's shoulder, giving off a feeling only a father could as he reassured her.
"Now now, it's fine, You don't have to continue because I can see the strain it's putting on you.. Thank you for answering my questions, but I think you deserve a rest, little miss, you did a great job." He was glad that Yuki could answer his questions, but also a little regretful after seeing the strain it was starting to put on the energetic girl.

Although, thinking about Suzuya jumping around and laughing like a maniac as he dodged trap after trap made Shinohara muffle a laugh, holding a hand to his mouth as he couldn't help but chuckle. Suzuya was really eccentric, so hearing that he was excited was no shock at all.
"You know... saying how excited he was, I really do wish my boy would be a little more careful.. having fun in a situation like this? sounds just like him." Shinohara couldn't help but mutter the response to Yuki, somehow the information the girl had provided cheered him up to an extent, although it wasn't long before Shinohara noticed Evan looking at him like he needed help.

"Well miss, I think he's just saying it's odd for you to be 'so' good with weaponry, it isn't common, but it also isn't unheard of.. Ah, you also don't have to worry about anyone finding us, we can just shoot out the cameras, then take it from there? we're a lot stronger than we look." Shinohara carefully commented on the situation, although soon Shinohara's eyes widened when he heard Komaeda was a killer, surely this had to be wrong..

"How much do you know about this Komaeda character?" His attention was hard to keep in one place right now, he wanted to comfort Yuki, but with his son possibly being in danger his attention kept dividing, of course, this was a rescue mission and he should be focusing on rescuing the guests and making sure as many as possible get out alive, yet it was also true that it was his job as a father to keep his son safe no matter what, thus making his priorities clash.

"Um... Now much... He's albino, like Suzuya, but that's pretty much it. He also hasn't killed anyone yet, as far as I know, but I could be wrong." I chuckled. "Why shoot the cameras? There's wires and such I could use in them..." I murmured, staring up at one. "Mister Shinohara, you wouldn't mind giving me a boost, would you? There's copper wires in there that could serve me in making another detonator, seeing how my last one failed me." I giggled, a crazed look coming to my eyes as I pointed to the charred door, small bits of metal still hanging in place,but now completely useless. "I'll also need a timer or something to make the 13 count downs..." I trailed off as I got lost in the world of bombs and explosives, quietly muttering to myself.
Saionji Hiyoko

Saionji quickly grew bored with squishing the little cretins when there was none left, and decided to listen in on Shinohara's and the two females' conversation. "Komaeda? Oh, he's really stupid and obsessed with this weird hope thing.. I don't like him. He's gross and all touchy," Saionji puffed out her cheeks. "Everyone here is weird! This is ten times worse than listening to that guy spouting lies!" she folded her arms, looking the other direction.

Koizumi Mahiru

"I wouldn't take you as someone who liked sweets - with your.. no offense, but appearance and title and all. I could tell you're friendly,"
Koizumi smiled before continuing. "Are you still keeping your vow of killing him? Judging by the fight you two had," she mentioned a little hesitantly, not wanting to fuel his anger - Sendo was a bit tricky, after all.

At his next statement, Koizumi got a little concerned at his expression but decided it wasn't anything serious. "I actually don't know where my parents are now.. I wanted to be a photographer like my mother but I never really heard from her when I left. If I ever get out of here, I think it'd be nice to visit her.."
"Ah... You know him, little brat? Care to tell us how?" I hissed, reflecting her attitude. "For once, I actually tower over someone who's much crazier than I am!" I laughed, walking over to the blonde, gently patting her head. "Aww! Aren't you just the cutest little thing!" I giggled, though my eyes were emotionless. I leaned closer to her. "You'd make a perfect little bomb..." I whispered, a grin on my face as I took a step back from her.
Name: Escargoon
Age: 46
Gender: Snale (Snail Male)
Traits: Slow
Personality: Absolutely loyal to the king
"Um... Now much... He's albino, like Suzuya, but that's pretty much it. He also hasn't killed anyone yet, as far as I know, but I could be wrong." I chuckled. "Why shoot the cameras? There's wires and such I could use in them..." I murmured, staring up at one. "Mister Shinohara, you wouldn't mind giving me a boost, would you? There's copper wires in there that could serve me in making another detonator, seeing how my last one failed me." I giggled, a crazed look coming to my eyes as I pointed to the charred door, small bits of metal still hanging in place,but now completely useless. "I'll also need a timer or something to make the 13 count downs..." I trailed off as I got lost in the world of bombs and explosives, quietly muttering to myself.

Evan's face scrunched up in disgust. "Why should we help you make a bomb? Don't you know that'll kill all of us?" Evan didn't understand what was wrong with this girl. His main priority was to look for survivors and to help them escape, not to make bombs. That was just ridiculous.

Jasper whispered to himself, "They're onto us... excellent." It wouldn't be fun if no one could appreciate his work. After all, he put a lot of time and effort into what he did. So far, he only caught Shinohara and Evan's name. He just needed two more names and he'll be solid to make more videos.

.: Shinohara :.

"If he hasn't committed genocide yet... maybe he isn't a killer? that, or he's new, if he's new I think Suzuya could handle him." Shinohara decided to give his two cents, having faith that his boy would be safe if it was just one, but then again the doubt started to settle in his stomach once more as he thought of Suzuya being with a trained killer, and gullibly believing him to be a good person, the thought itself made his stomach twist in worry and doubt.

"Oh? you work with bombs, then?" Shinohara asked cautiously, he would of given the girl a boost, yet the expression on her face was just a little too off putting for him, that expression looked a little more than just unstable, not to mention Evan was suspicious of her, and Shinohara was always one to trust his men above others, and that caused him to stay exactly where he was instead of giving the girl a boost.
"I think we should just take out the camera, a bomb would be dangerous to handle under these circumstances." he tried reasoning with her, if he could get her to calm down and quit the bomb nonsense. then they could go search for more victims.

However, once more Shinohara's attention was divided as he listened to Saionji, turning to her as he lent her an ear.
"You knew him? in that case...Is Komaeda the kind of person to hurt someone? is he strong, smart? and if we are to presume that he's obsessive, is it to the point to where it's safe to call this individual clinically insane?" the questions came fast and possibly unprofessional, yet the man couldn't seem to care, he was growing stressed from all of this back and forth chitter chat, and wanted to go find his adoptive son right away rather than later, so any information helped.
"Aww don't be that way! I really need a new detonator!" I wined, the crazed look vanishing from my eyes. "I already have a few on me, so what's so bad about one more bomb? Can I at least make a flash grenade?" I pleaded, taking his hands in mine.
Sendo Senkusha ~

"Well, that really depends on how things turn out. Most likely he will end up dead some way or another, even if I'm not the one who ends his life." Sendo answered, "To be honest, though, I'm more concerned about you making it out of here alive. Charles has surely targeted you because of my decision... he has a way of sensing such things."

"Ah, if we both make it out, I can find your parents for you. I'm good at that sort of thing." Sendo offered before finishing off his slice of cake. "So have you made it far as a photographer? What kind of photos do you like to take best?" he asked, curious to know what kind of a photographer she was. "To come to a mansion like this, you must be interested in the paranormal, no?"

Yuki Shiro ~

Yuki was glad that Shinohara understood her not wanting to talk about the mansion anymore. She was surprised at how friendly he was and he seemed like such a fatherly character. It made her happy, as he reminded her of her own father, who she missed a lot. Though there was no way she would ever see him or the rest of her family again. A gloomy and pensive look appeared on her face at the thought.
Saionji Hiyoko

"Oh. Komaeda was a big wimp. He was really smart though. He always rambled on about stupid things and about how he was going to save all of us and we could all make an 'ultimate hope,'"
Saionji mimicked the words 'ultimate hope' and then continued, "he's a big, deranged lunatic - ew, he has messy white hair and that ugly ripped jacket too - so he would probably kill anyone who's in his way." The little girl snickered a little, bringing a hand to her mouth at that last statement, wanting to scare the man.

Nagito Komaeda

While thinking over things and how to solve them, he was sure Suzuya was asleep by now and was surprised when he wrapped himself around his left arm. The albino never ceased to surprise him with his actions.. but Komaeda felt a little strange when he did so. It was like as if he didn't feel as worthless when the boy was this close to him. He smiled a little, pulling the other boy slightly closer to him into a small hug, now staring at the door. He wondered why Suzuya made him feel this way, but he just sort of.. did. It was hard to think about - it was something he didn't understand after all - but.. he felt like he was something important. He held his hand up slightly and started playing with the little hair clips in his hair lightly. He felt this was somehow wrong since Charles had scolded them earlier on it, he did it anyway. He liked knowing someone was next to him and he didn't intend on letting them go - not anymore.

Koizumi Mahiru

"Well, you don't have to-- wait, really?"
Koizumi asked, surprised at finding out that Sendo could find her parents. "Th-that'd be great! I.." the photographer cleared her throat, trying hard not to sound too eager, moving onto the next question. It really had been a long time since she saw her parents - her dad never helped with the chores around the house, so she didn't talk to him that much - and her mother was always outside the house doing her job, would come home late and leave early, so she hardly ever saw her. When Koizumi left, it only made her and her mother farther apart so she had to take care of herself and didn't have many memories. She remembered she looked up to her though, which was why she took after her..

"Ah, anyways.. I usually take pictures of people and landscapes. But I didn't really get that chance since everyone here is sort of dangerous.." she laughed sheepishly, looking at her lap. "Ah, I was taking pictures of the paranormal because I thought it'd be a nice change, but it's not really working out," the redhead smiled a little. She decided to tackle the easier questions first.

"As for me getting out alive, I think you should be more worried about yourself.. really, I don't want to cause you trouble by being around you when Charles obviously doesn't like cattle and killers associating with each other. I think I'm capable on my own, too you know."
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Sendo Senkusha ~

"Sure, it's really not hard when you've got the resources." Sendo replied, happy to help her find her family. The only family he had left himself was his father, though he really didn't think his decision to never see him again would change anytime soon. "I'll bet they miss you." he added, knowing even his own father probably missed him, if only a little.

"I'd like to see some of your photography when we get out, I've always appreciated the many forms of art. Also there isn't much around this dreary place to capture, in truth, unless you were aiming to take pictures for the horror genre." he said, adjusting his hat.

Sendo leaned forward after Koizumi said he should worry more about himself. "Nonsense, " he started, "I chose this path and I will remain on it. I understand that you are perfectly capable, but it couldn't hurt to stick together, could it?" He leaned back again and gave a nonchalant shrug before adding, "Charles can go dig a hole and die in it."

.: Shinohara :.

Shinohara frowned at this new found information, he wasn't too keen that Suzuya was hanging around someone that was deemed a lunatic, that more than likely meant they were as he presumed, clinically insane.
Yet at the same time Shinohara wasn't one to just judge someone before they met them, in fact he wanted to give Komaeda the benefit of the doubt, after all, The boy was probably as young as Suzuya and Saionji, they were all just kids compared to himself and as such Shinohara wasn't going to just label them guilty or innocent without warning.

"Were you friends with Komaeda, or were you watching him from afar? the maid stated that the boy hasn't killed anyone yet, and if we're to take Yuki's information in hand as well..." Shinohara paused, placing a hand to his chin thoughtfully before he laid out his own theory into the conversation. "Komaeda seems to be protecting Suzuya for some reason, whether it's for personal gain or genuine concern, we'll have to find out for ourselves , heh..won't we?"

Noticing the gloom on Yuki's face, Shinohara decided it was best to suggest that it was time to head out, at least as best time as any would be.
"Everyone should get ready, victims should fall behind, do not walk in front of us in case of emergencies as there are dangerous individuals on the loose as we've heard, just make sure not to fall behind, stay close! I think it's time to find the others in this gate to hell mansion and find out exactly how many survivors are left, as well as casualties.." Shinohara called out to the group as a leader might, knowing that in this operation Shinohara himself held the highest rank, and would have to act his part.

However, once Shinohara spotted the despair on Yuki's face, the man gave a bitter sigh before he made his way over to Yuki, he couldn't help to not ignore her pain as he saw the gloom consume her features, placing a hand on her shoulder once more as he gave the girl a expression full of worry only a father would have.

"Hey... you'll be alright, we'll protect you and bring you home safe, got it little lady?" he reassured the best he could, then turned to the others and waited for their responses.

.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya was fast asleep, yet still twitched every now and then from whatever dream he was currently having, perhaps of adventure, perhaps of loved ones, or maybe just chasing around a bird, somehow the latter was more believable for such an eccentric little thing.

Although it wasn't long until the Albino began to stir, feeling the soft caress of the other caused him to slowly reach out for Komaeda, his eyes stilled closed as he reached out to try to hold the hand that was caressing him, almost as if he was scared the other would stop, or leave him at any given moment,
"D-Don't go... I'll be good.." he whispered half asleep, yet the stitched boy's usual cheer was replaced with hesitation, the voice trembled as it let out those words, and they meant more than just a fever dream, they meant more than Komaeda would probably ever even ask, those words, they were words from a time when Suzuya was small, and they were words that he would probably never repeat if the stitched boy was fully awake.

"I refuse to be in the back! How am I suppost to throw grenades and such over you giant's heads!" I argued, crossing my arms over my chest. "I've memorized the layout of the mansion, so the most you boys can do is trigger a trap. And my guess is that most of you have never even held a pistol before today. A lousy aim, means a lousy death. I want our prey to be alive so we can interrogate them!" I huffed as my cheeks puffed out a bit. "'Ohh the widdle bitty maid is just so cute and adorable! She can't possibly be better at shooting guns and throwing bombs than we are! Why don't we just send her to the back where she'll be picked off by anyone following us!'" I growled, lowering my voice to sound more male.
Koizumi Mahiru

"Would they? I can't think of facing them after leaving for so long,"
Koizumi smiled sadly. "What about your parents.. if you don't mind me asking?" she asked a little curiously and oblivious to what was shown in Sendo's video. Koizumi was so consumed in what was in her video that she didn't think about what was in his.

"Oh, I have some photos on my camera I have right now if you want to see," Koizumi offered, getting up and getting the camera from the bedside table. "It's really just landscapes and pictures of people," she said a little hesitantly. "Ah, thank you so much for bearing with me, though. I really appreciate it," she smiled before continuing, "you do realize though that you're risking your life, right?"

Saionji Hiyoko

"Ew, friends with him? He would always come to me and talk about his stupid hope and how he'd do anything to gain it,"
Hiyoko grumbled, folding her arms. When Shinohara started to sound like he was going to dismiss them, Saionji darted away as fast as she could in order to explore and get away from everyone. She started by exploring the kitchen and what was in it, not particularly focusing on investigating anything. She grabbed two cookies from a jar on the top of the shelf so she could devour them on the go, skipping merrily around the first floor and stomping on any insects she saw, making sure to push her feet into the ground each time to ensure their deaths.

Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda flinched when he heard Suzuya mumbling those words in his sleep and holding his hand. He didn't expect him to react to it so quickly. He wasn't sure how to react, because he was never the one who comforted someone else when they had nightmares. Not that he ever had anyone to comfort him, that is..

The boy recognized the look of need on the albino's face, deducing the fact that he was in pain and genuinely didn't want him to stop, so he intertwined his fingers with the other's, using his free hand to run his fingers through his hair before giving the boy a gentle and brief kiss assuring quietly to him that he wasn't alone and it was okay.

When he was done, he pulled the other into an embrace as if assuring him and himself that there was someone else that they could share their troubles with, and stayed in that position for a while, Komaeda awake.

.: Suzuya :.

Even half asleep and barely conscious, Suzuya couldn't help not to feel the soft lips pressing against him, his cheeks grew warm as he mumbled something incoherent, squirming just a little bit as he scooted himself even closer to Komaeda, letting himself be taken into the embrace without any struggling.

"Mm...Ko~..maeda-san?" Suzuya asked rather drowsily, letting out a little yawn as the albino began snuggling his head into the nook of Komaeda's neck, clinching the other's shirt softly as to keep a grip and show that he was somewhat returning the embrace, although allowing himself to get cozy even as he was starting to awaken, it wasn't wrong to enjoy the warmth of the other, and Suzuya found no problem in being a little slow to wake up just so he could enjoy this embrace.
Evan agreed. "We should move on out." He let go of Alice's corpse. "I don't even want to begin to imagine what waits for us ahead." He watched Hiyoko run off. "Wait! Shouldn't we go off together, as a team? You'll get hurt if you run off recklessly like that!" Evan valued teamwork and knew the deadly consequences of what happened to overconfident people who believed that they could do things on their own. After all, some of Evan's old co-workers were like that and they ended up getting themselves killed during cases that would have been easy were they done together. He could always count on the supportive effort of his team to keep him going whenever his motivation started to run low. If he wasn't working with others, there was no point in working at all. That's how Evan saw it.
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