.: Shinohara :.
Content that Yuki was coming over and no longer being a stranger, Shinohara was quick to comment. "Yes, actually.."
calming his nerves with his new found resolve that Suzuya would be alright no matter what, Shinohara turned to Yuki and gave her a smile.
"I hate to trouble you, but we're here to help I assure you." Shinohara gave the girl a reassuring look, then continued on with his speech.
"If you don't mind, I'll need you to answer a few questions, nothing hard though! hah, just like.. who took you here? how long have you been here.. and most importantly, do you know if anyone else is still alive?" as he asked these questions, Shinohara bent down and put his hands on his knees so he could ask the girl without her feeling intimidated of his height, she seemed fragile and he didn't want to spook her after all, the investigators were here to save the victims, not terrify them.
However his reassuring expression changed to one of delighted shock, and a hint of over protective fatherliness, although Shinohara shook off the second thought, this was no time to be worrying about something so silly, besides the fact that Suzuya didn't even know what a relationship was, so surely it was just some kind of misunderstanding on his part.
"Oh! do you think this Komaeda character might be protecting my boy? If so.. I'll have to thank him greatly, and if you don't mind me asking, can you remember the last time you saw them together, little miss?" Shinohara hated to ask so many things, but if he were to get to the bottom of everything, he would need to, not to mention It was nice to hear that Suzuya was more than likely alright, this only added more assurance to his resolve that his boy was inside this mansion, safe and uninjured.
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