Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

"Looks like the little princess has a death wish..." I muttered as I stared after her. "Most of the food in the kitchen is poisoned... She better not be eating my cookies!" I grumbled. "Come on. You're coming with me." I smiled at Evan as I grabbed his hand as I led him towards the kitchen. Once seeing Saijoni eating the cookies on the counter, I ran up to her as I slapped the sweet from her hands. "You idiot! Those are poisoned! Spit that out right now! If you don't, I seriously will cut open that little stomach of yours!" I shouted as I pulled out my box of matches. Throwing the jar of cookies into the broken oven, I threw in a lit match. I stood watching until all the poisoned food was incinerated. "Evan, why did you guys bring a bratty, little girl!? If Charles or Jasper catches her, they'll hold her hostage and torture her! And I seriously don't want to have to put up with that ****!" I snapped, speaking as if the girl wasn't there.
Evan was startled when Teela suddenly dragged him along to the kitchen. "Wait, where are you taking me?" He was confused and he still didn't know if he could even trust this girl. "The food here is poisoned?! That's insane. What kind of sick man is Charles? Where can we find him? And if not him, where could Jasper be?" Evan watched her burn the poisoned food. He scratched the back of his head. "I'm not too sure. Shinohara must have invited her but I don't know why he did that."

Jasper smirked at the mention of his name by the new investigator. He surely had to pay them all a visit, but not yet. He still had to plan out their videos and now, he had almost all of their names. There was just one more name he needed and that was the one of that male investigator with the notebook. He laughed. He surely reminded him of Alice with her petty little notebook. Speaking of, Jasper still had that. He took it out once again, and began reading it cover to cover, absorbing the information into his mind. He would be needing this for later.
"Yes, the food is poisoned, Charles is crazy, and nobody knows where he is. Jasper may be in the security room or study. And bringing her along was a mistake. Any more questions?" I answered, sitting up on a counter.

.: Shinohara :.

Everyone was shuffling out of the room, and things were moving fast, so Shinohara didn't have much time to make a decision. not wanting Saionji to run off on her own, and of course not wanting anyone to get separated, the man gently took Yuki's hand in his own like one leading a child would, and brought her along to the kitchen, hoping she wouldn't mind, but honestly it would be best for them all to stay together.

Shinohara arrived slowly but shortly, he was older after all and had to walk slow, yet he caught the gist of the conversation.
"It might be wise to stay away from the food.. as the maid says, it's more than likely tampered with. However.. I can't just ignore you both insulting Saionji, she might be temperamental at times and even act childish, but I want to assure you my choices that I brought here to this mansion are above average." Shinohara smiled sheepishly,

"Lets see.. the best way to explain it well, have you ever heard the saying that, Geniuses tend to be eccentric, or have odd habits? that's Saionji for you, she's really like a kid but.. her detective skills are top class, you won't find another talent like her." the S.W.A.T member reassured, he wouldn't of brought a rookie on this mission, he knew the itself mission wasn't even approved, and would more than likely be dangerous, anything other than top class the man wouldn't of even mentioned, much less brought into this dangerous situation, he hoped this would help clear any suspicions about his choices.
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Evan nodded, listening to the maid. "Do you happen to have a map of the mansion? I'd like to take a look at it if that's alright with you." Evan smiled when Shinohara appeared. He trusted in the man's wisdom and knowledge so it was reassuring when he explained why he brought along the girl. "Thank you for explaining, sir. I just hadn't met her before today so I was unsure."

A strong smell filled Evan's nose and he looked around the kitchen for the source of the smell when he spotted a pile of burnt, rotten flesh near the kitchen table. He bent over and began to puke out his stomach contents, feeling weak at the sight. That was disgusting. How could someone do that?
Nagito Komaeda

"Ah.. sorry, did I wake you up?"
Komaeda asked the boy quietly, smiling lightly as he used the side of his hand to caress the albino's face. "You were mumbling in your sleep and I got worried," he smiled, petting Suzuya's hair. He overheard the commotion downstairs and didn't want to be too loud for fear they were other killers. But at the same time, he stared at the door as if daring for someone to come and kill them, even if he wasn't armed he could still take them out if he felt the need to. He stayed in the hug with Suzuya, not intending to let go of the stitched boy.

When he finally noticed how the boy was nuzzling into his neck, there was a slight tickling sensation that almost made him laugh loudly, muffling himself in the blanket. He abruptly pulled his hand at the side of his face and his body away from the boy a couple of centimeters, narrowed his eyes darkly and roughly whispered into his ear, "I'd appreciate it if you didn't do that.. Suzuya," he finished with a smile that curved up on one side, something he didn't do often.

Saionji Hiyoko

"Ugh.. stop being so mean to me!"
Hiyoko cried, tears budding at her eyes at Teela's and Evan's remarks, loudly. Her appearance came into play at this - it really did make her look like a little girl with her orange kimono and pigtails bawling her eyes out. "I'm serious, see? Mr. Shinohara says so!" Saionji huffs, scuttling on her flip-flops over to the tall man. "You're all stupid idiots!" she pouted, sticking out her tongue at the two. "Isn't there any good food?" the little girl complained to herself, shuffling around behind Shinohara, still looking accusingly at Evan and Teela from time to time.
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.: Suzuya :.

Letting Komaeda pet his head like that, Suzuya began to wonder when such a simple gesture started to become so reassuring and comfortable to him, yet twitching just a tad bit as Komaeda traced his face so softly like that, it was a reaction that someone would give if they had gotten struck before, or perhaps were paranoid of being hit at some time in their lives, sadly for the Albino in question, it was because of abuse Suzuya received before getting such a comfortable home with Shinohara.

Although it wasn't long until he relaxed into the caress as well, even going as far as leaning in closer to Komaeda's hand to let the other touch him, the other's hand felt nice and like it belonged there, only there to ease the Albino's worries and wash them away with such a nice feeling of being cared for like that, it was alien to Suzuya to let himself indulge this much, but Suzuya was selfish and didn't want to just pull away from such tender touches.

Perhaps all too soon Komaeda seemed to almost have a laughing fit, The albino blinked a few times and watched curiously as he was hoisted away from the other just a few centimeters, listening to what Komaeda had to say however, caused a quick chill to run down Suzuya's spin, his face growing warm as he tried to contemplate why the other scolding him gave the Albino such a sweet sensation.
Suzuya was almost tempted to mess with Komaeda so he could explore this sensation a little further, finding how his heart raced to be quite exciting, even though the Albino could of done without the red hue that started to consume his cheeks slowly but surely.

"Ah.. Komaeda-san, Did I do something wrong, is it really bad, desu?" Suzuya softly asked, not quite understanding why the other would want to him to stop his actions of nuzzling, and due to this, Suzuya gave a really puzzled expression, not really noticing how red his cheeks had gotten, or even how his body was slightly shaking perhaps from anticipation of what Komaeda might do next, or perhaps of his own confusion and intimidation of these sensations he was feeling, they made no sense to him and they were all so new and alien.

Although quite abruptly the Albino got distracted by sounds that he now heard in the kitchen.
Now cocking his head just a little in confusion, the Albino's attention was hard to keep in one place, plus the noises were getting louder and Suzuya was growing curious, his eyes shifting from Komaeda, then to the door, as if asking the other without really speaking if they should go check it out.

.: Shinohara :.

"Now then, that's more like it, Evan!" He praised Evan for getting back on the right track, glad that the differences were at least solved for Evan and Saionji, or at least on the investigator's behalf.

Shinohara didn't mind when Saionji ran behind him, either, it was similar to how Suzuya would hide behind hi mwhen he got embarrassed over something or someone, the Albino believe it or not was quite easy to tease and embarrass if one knew how, and Shinohara grinned as he reminisced about how his son was so shy at times. simply turning around and patting Saionji on the head, the man rustled into his pockets for awhile before he pulled out a wrapped pastry, holding it out to the little detective. "Here, I was saving it for Suzuya but.. I highly doubt he would mind sharing a little." Shinohara offered sincerely, trying to help Saionji calm down.

Though it wasn't long before his nose scrunched up, using his other hand to hold it. "What a sicko... how long do you think the body has been like this?" He called over to Evan as he looked in the direction of the charred, cut up corpse of Daniel, though to Shinohara it was just an unidentifiable body, and he couldn't help but be disgusted by whomever could of done that kind of handiwork to the body.
"Evan! I'm so sorry, are you alright?..." He watched as Evan started to chuck up his stomach leftovers, and had to turn his eyes away so he himself didn't have to vomit.

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"I do hope you stop calling me 'the maid'. I have a name after all, and I would be grateful for it to be used." I muttered as I stared at was once Daniel, not seeming to mind the gore. "All the unpoisoned food has been looted. And why would a detective eat her own evidence?" I questioned, glancing at the girl before adverting my eyes to the gore. "This is one of Jasper's 'works of art'. Certainly not his best though..." I muttered. "I don't have a map, but I know where all the rooms are. I have no knowledge of the traps though. Anyways, we should start looking for Jasper in the security room. On the way up, we can take a quick look around for Suzuya."
Sendo Senkusha ~

"My parents...? Ah..." Sendo was at a loss for words, trying to think of how to explain. The truth would probably be best, but would she understand? He took a leap of faith as he began his explanation. "My father... he was a very violent drunk. When he wasn't drinking, he was a mess of depression over the loss of his brother. That's why he always had a bottle of anything alcoholic in his hand while he beat on my mother in anger." He tightened his fist as he continued, "My mother dealt with this every day, her cuts and bruises only getting worse over time. Until she asked me to help her... I suppose it wasn't the right solution, I should have gone about it a different way, but I ended her life to spare her the pain of going through it all again. My father was furious with me, but I left home after that, I left him alone in his drunken sorrow." as he finished his explanation, his eyes dropped to the floor in regret.

"I didn't escape without some scars of my own, of course." he added, tracing a line with his finger across the black makeup over his eyes. It became apparent that he wore the makeup there to cover scars that his father had put there. "It doesn't matter though," he said, looking over to Mahiru, "the fact is that I've killed people after that even, I've murdered innocent people to save them pain without even trying to find out if they truly wanted that. That's why... my life should not be anyone's concern. If I die here, it's only what I've deserved for a long time." Sendo had forgotten about Mahiru's other questions, his mind deep in the past.

Yuki Shiro ~

Yuki was comforted greatly by Shinohara's attempts to cheer her up. She mustered a smile to show him that she felt better and followed him as he led her to the kitchen with the others. There seemed to be an argument between the rude investigator girl and Teela. Shinohara vouched for the girl though, saying that Saionji was really a great detective despite her attitude. Yuki found it hard to believe, but Shinohara was right about everything so far, so she figured he must be right about this too. She noticed that the pile of Daniel's body was still there, as well as the blood stains from where Koizumi had put Sendo when he was injured. Even the vanilla cake was still on the table with two cold cups of tea that Komaeda and Suzuya hadn't touched.

Though she felt better about being in this room again with the investigators here, it still made her feel uneasy. Yuki gripped Shinohara's hand and looked down at her shoes, trying not to think about the scary parts of being at this mansion.
Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda smiled gently, not responding to the boy's question. For just a moment, all the signs of Komaeda being a hope-obsessed killer suffering from dementia was replaced by a kind, polite boy who merely wanted for Suzuya to be happy. He recovered the small gap in between them, gripping the albino's arm lightly and leaning into his face until he was mere milimeters from closing it with a kiss. The tall boy chuckled, licking a crumb off of the other's lips and then pulled back with a devilish grin. "Ah, don't you think we should be checking out what that commotion is? It was bothering me for a while," Komaeda said in a normal yet satisfied tone, getting up from the bed. "I think some newcomers arrived - we should go welcome them."

Saionji Hiyoko

"What is this..? Oh, thank you! Nobody's ever given me sweets before, thanks, Mr. Shinohara!"
Saionji rejoiced, happily taking the pastry and eagerly unwrapping it. Her tears before disappeared in seconds as she ate it, shooting a glare in Evan and Teela's direction and walking over to the corpses. "Ew, who would want to die in the middle of the floor!? They're rotting! That's really gross, they should've tried harder to live!" the girl scowled, staring at them in disgust. "I could even tell the killer was being lazy too!" she frowned, biting into the pastry.

Koizumi Mahiru

"Oh.. I'm so sorry, I didn't realize.."
Koizumi looked sorrowful for the man when she heard about his parents. She felt lucky that her parents were even still alive, but she that was soon replaced with awe of how he came this far with that weight on his shoulders. "I'm sorry for asking, but.. I really don't think you should think of yourself that way. I wouldn't know how you feel, but don't forget that you saved my life. I think that's pretty important - I was in a similar situation, but I'm not really sure if that would make you feel any better." Just about now, Koizumi heard a familiar voice downstairs yelling. She figured she should check it out when she's done.
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.: Suzuya :.

To say Suzuya was surprised by the sudden tug was a understatement, he was bewildered as Komaeda pulled him back like that.
The albino's heart started to race, race so fast that he was a little scared it would burst from the excitement.

Although as the hot feeling of Komaeda's tongue gently licked and teased his lips, Suzuya couldn't help except let out a gasp at the sensation, pulling back out of intimidation of the feelings swelling in his tummy, he felt really warm in the face and couldn't help cover his mouth with his free hand, trying to somehow ease the new tickly feeling that lingered where Komaeda's tongue had been.

Suzuya felt so very puzzled and uncomfortable in his own skin, not sure what exactly he was even feeling, only that he really liked the feelings, and for some reason Suzuya was certain that only Komaeda could make him feel this way, gulping as he nodded to the other, still trembling ever so slightly as he slowly pulled him up, and helped himself off the bed.

The Albino was actually quite embarrassed, and wasn't even sure how he could reply to the other, so he only nodded again to let Komaeda know he was ready, gingerly taking Komaeda's finger in his left hand as he averted his eyes nervously, not ready to bring up what just happened, nor try to figure it out yet.

.: Shinohara :.

Averting his eyes from his vomiting partner and the charred corpse, Shinohara ever so lightly patted Saionji on the head to let her know that she was welcome, smiling sincerely at the little blonde as he would to his own kin, along with this, he also gave Yuki's hand a squeeze to let her know it would be alright, there was no reason to let fear consume them, after all.. things were about to get better now, there was no way he would let any of his comrades, or the victims, fall to despair.

"Pardon me, I'm terribly sorry, Miss Teela... however, I can't agree with that plan." Shinohara was quick to comment, although he wouldn't raise his voice in case to scare the fragile girls beside him, Shinohara was already not liking the idea of going after the murderers before they were even sure whom was alive and whom was diseased.

"The victims here should be our first priority, saving them comes before anything else, even confronting the murderers.. I would prefer to tread carefully here, If what you say is true, there are trained killers, and being one that has had to deal with such dangerous individuals before, I know it's better to wait for them to come to you." He soon explained, waiting for a retort of sorts, though he would sooner dismiss it.

And As Shinohara made such a statement, letting the maid know that he was not going to just let her take control like that, Shinohara narrowed his eyes to let his investigators also understand that he meant business, there was absolutely no way he was going to let rookies lead this rescue mission, much less one of the victims themselves, and to be completely frank, the S.W.A.T member was starting to doubt Teela's innocence by the hasty way she was acting, it seemed more like she was holding some sort of grudge against Jasper.

Z gave Jasper a side-glance of curiosity, wondering what his next move would be. Jasper was getting a lot of attention from these police officers and it seemed that he liked it, causing Z's brows to furrow slightly with confusion. She shrugged it off, knowing that if they were to come for Jasper, she'd make them go through her first, because the two were... a team now. A team. Noticing he was near the end of Alice's notebook, she decided now would be a good time to ask,
"What's the plan?"


The profiler watched Teela in silence, his blue eyes narrowed with further suspicion than before. He jotted down another few notes in his notebook before placing it in his back pocket. He didn't trust her. He couldn't. The owners of this place are the sick monsters that held this party, so what's the real likelihood that this maid was innocent? She probably knew the plan all along, and now she could be leading them to a trap with that murderer Jasper. He sighed in relief when Shinohara spoke up, nodding slowly a thanks in his direction. He had been getting anxious.​
Evan finished throwing up, his face turning a ghastly white, as he glanced over at Shinohara. "I- I'm okay. Just a bit sickened, that's all." He was not very good at dealing with gore and this kind of gore was unbelievable. It only motivated him to want to protect the victims even more; to prevent something else like this from happening again.

Jasper closed the notebook and looked over at Z. "The plan is to wait. I still need that last investigator's name before I can move on any further. Unless you want to go down there and try to get his name for me." He looked at her expectantly.
I sighed as I stared pityingly at Evan. "If you're going to puke at the sight of some gore, I'll make sure you don't see the dining room or the cellar." I stated, gently rubbing his back. "Are you okay now?" I questioned, my eyes softening quite a bit.
Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda led the albino to the door, opening it and letting him go before he did, following after him. "Hmm? Suzuya, are you okay or just tired? You're being a little quiet. I know it's probably because I woke you up - sorry about that, I didn't think I'd wake you up," the tall boy apologized, acting as if what just occurred a few seconds ago never happened. "I'm curious as to what our new guests are like. I think I heard them coming from the kitchen - am I wrong?" he wondered aloud, talking a lot like usual. "Oh, I'm rambling again. Sorry, sorry,"he let out a light laugh, facing forward the entire way but still letting Suzuya hold his finger as they descended down the staircase and neared the kitchen in quite a content mood at seeing his reaction.

Saionji Hiyoko

"Yeah, yeah, Mr. Shinohara is right! The killers here are probably just pedos who have nothing better to do with their lame lives!"
Saionji chimed, smiling. "Hey, are you done puking yet? We're gonna go somewhere, you'd better not make it dirty by puking there, too! This isn't even bad.. how lame can you get?" the petite girl poked Evan on the head with every word. Saionji never really minded excessive gore, since she always saw it when she was on cases. She had to admit though, she'd rather not see it but at least she didn't throw her guts up like he did. "Mr. Shinohara, we should go and find some more!" she smiled, eagerly tugging on his sleeve like a child would.

When she noticed Teela trying to comfort Evan, she laughed. "Hey, maid! Why do you try to comfort him? He's being a wimp!"
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Evan asked surprised, "Wait, there's more?" He had always visited crime scenes after all the gore was cleaned up so he didn't have much exposure to it. Seeing it now made him absolutely sick. "I'm better now. Thanks." He gave her a small smile, still a bit shocked at the gore.

He glanced towards Saionji and replied, "Yeah, I'm done. No need to brag about it." He was a bit irritated at the girl's childish behavior yet he had to trust Shinohara's promise that she would be of help to the case. "So where to next? Hopefully, somewhere a bit more... clean."
"Call me maid one more time, and I'll use your eyeballs for bombs!" I shouted, glaring daggers at the girl. "You're probably more of a wimp than he is! Just wait til you're shot in the eye. Bam! Blind on your right side! Bam! Blind on your left! Better yet, I'll replace your eyes with grenades and laugh as your head explodes! How'd you like that, twirp!" I grinned madly as I pictured her head exploding. But my grin quickly vanished as I heard something outside the door. Slowly making my way over to it, I pulled out my blunderbuss, the click of a bullet sliding into place echoed throughout the kitchen. Opening the door a crack, my eyes widened as I saw Komaeda and Suzuya. "You're alive!" I cheered as I threw the door open, tightly hugging them.

.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya complied and continued to follow Komaeda as he went on down the hallways, clinging to the other's finger as the albino nervously let his eyes find anywhere to look instead of Komaeda's face, staring towards the other's shoes, pants, jacket, basically Suzuya was letting himself get absorbed into anything except the face because for some reason the Albino felt he would be even more embarrassed if he saw those eyes looking into his own.

"Ah...I'm fine, I'm fine." Suzuya mumbled softly, though it was obviously a lie, anyone could tell this was the same response a shy kid would give when they didn't want to talk about something, which parents would usually stop prying at this point and let the kid hide behind them and so on and so forth.

Although he was still acting nervous, Suzuya did pick up a little bit as Komaeda mentioned the new guests, the Albino being curious himself to see what all the commotion was about. "Ah! I wonder.. do you think they like stitch art?" Suzuya asked rather curious, it was a peculiar question.
Yet it was expected from the stitched boy, on the other hand, Suzuya jumped back a little bit as the door to the kitchen suddenly opened, and gulped when he noticed Teela going in for a hug, his nervousness not having died down yet, the Albino looked like he was about to have a heart attack of sorts and didn't even notice the others yet.

.: Shinohara :.

"Hah.. It's nothing to really be sorry about, you just need to learn is all." Shinohara was quick to reassure Evan that throwing up was natural at first, yet the man was also stern in letting the boy know that he would have to learn to handle such things.
Although Shinohara could already tell judging from the determined look in the other's eyes, Evan would turn out to be just fine in the end, something about knowing Evan was learning so quickly made the man proud, and he couldn't help but grin.

"Oh! not to rush everyone, but Saionji has a point.. " Taking a second to give the girl a confirmed nod that they would be heading out now, Shinohara turned back to face the group. "I think it's about time we head out, this is a rescue mission! so let's get to rescuing!" Shionhara ordered with a laugh, ready to rally the group so they would be rearing to go, or rather, would be if it wasn't for the maid's retort towards Saionji, the blonde was one of his precious comrades, and being threatened like that wasn't acceptable by any means.

"Now now, is there really any need to get hostile...? I don't think you want to throw yourself to be such a suspect right at the beginning of this, Miss Teela.. Threatening Saionji like that, that doesn't sound much like something a victim would say.. ah! not to be completely rude or anything, but if you even touch a hair on this girl's head." Placing a hand idly onto Saionji's head, Shinohara smiled and closed his eyes as he continued.

"I'll have to take action, just because you don't agree with someone's personality doesn't mean you have the right to act like some psychopath, I'll suggest you try to be a little more nice from now on, right?" Shinohara explained rather sternly, there was no way he would tolerate that kind of behavior, and the maid already had two strikes, one more, and they would have the right to restrain her.

Although... there was nothing to prepare him for what he saw next, just as he was getting ready to leave, Shinohara would of called himself delusional, there standing in the doorway with another white haired male, looked to be the same stitched up Albino that Shinohara was looking for, unharmed, and just looking embarrassed or nervous as he usually did around girls In general.

This caused the S.W.A.T Member to softly whisper "S-Suzuya...? Is that you? this isn't a joke, right?" not believing his sight, this was too easy, and as such Shinohara felt on guard, this could of been a trap, and to Shinohara's suspicions, it more than likely was.

Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda quickly noticed Suzuya's nervous behavior when Teela abruptly approached them, holding out a hand in front of the boy. "Suzuya isn't interested.. would you be so kind as to move aside, please?" Komaeda said in a dark tone despite his gentle smile. He then grabbed Suzuya's hand and walked into the kitchen, not forgetting to shoot a glare at Teela over his shoulder.

He saw a taller, older man and a couple of new faces except for one he recognized. Komaeda backed off a bit, letting him approach Suzuya since he seemed to recognize him, but stayed near him just in case it was a creeper. "I see there are some new guests here," he smiled at the investigators. "I'm not sure what purpose introducing myself will serve, but I'm Nagito Komaeda - nice to meet you all. Oh, and hello, Saionji. It's nice to see you again." The tall boy bowed slightly. When he was done, he turned to the man who approached them. "Are you acquainted with Suzuya?"

Saionji Hiyoko

The petite girl was about to start crying again because of Teela's comment until Shinohara defended her. "Thank you, Mr. Shinohara! Teela's a big jerk but nobody's ever helped me like that!" Saionji smiled, about to hug the taller man until she realized that he'd directed his attention to something else - well, not something, someone. It was a weird white-haired girl who had stitches all over her. She didn't say anything but just attempted to intimidate them by staring at them intensively. Saionji also noticed that Komaeda walked into the room, huffing loudly at his arrival and turning the other way.
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Still hugging Suzuya, a grin formed as I whispered something to him. "If you get the chance, can you stitch up that little girl's mouth? I would certainly be grateful seeing how I kept your father from harm..." I murmured, quickly backing up from the albino. "You look more like a ragdoll than the last time I saw you! And Komaeda, you look like the walking dead! You have dark spots under your eyes!" I giggled, poking the taller boy's chest. The darkness under my eyes was much worse, since I only got two hours of sleep ever since the game started. "Mister Shinohara, this is him." I reassured the father with a smile.