Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]


There was silence as Z thought over what Jasper had said. He wanted her to go down there with the snitch and the pigs and get his name? That seemed rather dangerous to her. She sighed, looking towards the screen again before nodding.
"Okay. I'll go."
She knew this would end badly for her, but she stood slowly, grabbing her bear to head out of the room.


Kenai was bewildered that he once again had to take out his little journal to take notes on the girl. She just kept walking over broken glass, and soon she would cut herself if she continued. He watched as Shinohara approached the young albino boy, his eyes softening as the father was going to reunite himself with his son.​
"Thank you, Z. I will be sure to reward you later." Jasper went back to watching the screens as Z left to go to the kitchen. Hopefully, this would all go well. This would be the real test on whether he would be able to trust Z or not. How she handled this would prove her abilities to him.
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.:Z & Kenai:.

Z peered into the kitchen, glancing over towards the scene that was happening with Suzuya and this older man. She frowned, glancing over towards the pig with the notebook. She waved for him to come over, her facial expression quickly changing to one of terror. Kenai looked at her, tilting his head before approaching the female quietly so the others wouldn't notice his absence.
"Are you okay, miss?"
"Yes," Z whimpered slightly, looking around before chewing on her bottom lip. "I just.. there was a dead girl upstairs and I'm so scared."
Kenai sighed, rubbing his forehead before looking towards Shinohara. This wasn't his expertise. "Okay, just calm down. I'll get the others up there immediately. I'm Kenai Jayden, miss. I'm a criminal profiler."

Z looked up towards the camera as if nodding towards Jasper, a little smirk on her lips. Kenai followed her gaze, clearing his throat as if to ask for her name. The girl turned to him, her gray gaze wide with wonder, before she shot him a devilish smirk.
"Z. I'm sure you've heard of me."
She plunged her scissors into his side, taking his body and pushing him onto the floor towards Shinohara and the others. She hadn't killed him, just injured him to add fear to the police, and giggled, turning to skip back to the study.​
Jasper smirked when he saw Z looking back at the camera. She had done her role well. Very well, in fact. He cracked his knuckles and started to look up dirt on all four investigators for his video montage. This would be very interesting. It may even scare those four enough to the point where they leave.

Evan's eyes widened in terror as he watched the scene play out in front of him. He saw the girl run away and he shouted after her, "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" How could the others not notice her? Why were they so distracted right now? They needed to hurry up and protect the other survivors or they'd have more causalities on their hands. And more gore. He felt sick at the thought. He really didn't want to deal with any more gore at the moment but it looked as if he might have to.
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.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya shut his eyes and braced himself for the volunteered hug from Teela, yet was pleasantly surprised to open his eyes and see that Komaeda had blocked the maid from hugging either of them, staring up at Komaeda like some kind of super hero as the boy's eyes lit up with gratitude, then glancing back towards the maid, Suzuya contemplated if being called a rag doll was a compliment or not, though he was still hesitant to talk to the girl and ask, due to the fact of what happened in the music room days before.

The albino flinched when Teela poked Komaeda's chest, and the little Albino squeezed Komaeda's finger in turn, not realizing the fact he felt a little uncomfortable with it was because he was feeling a little jealous. although the moment was short lived, as soon enough the albino finally caught sight of his adoptive father and his eyes widened in shock.

"S-Shinohara...san?" The Albino mumbled out, yet made no move to go towards the man, instead instinctively clinging to Komaeda's arm as Suzuya was not quite believing his eyes, it had been forever since he saw his adoptive father, and he had to make sure the other was real and this wasn't a trap.

.: Shinohara :.

Shinohara took one step forward, then finding resolve that it wasn't some kind of trick within the way Suzuya acted and the way his voice sounded so familiar, the man took no time wasting, his leisure pace quickening as he hurried over to his son, and without much thinking Shinohara was minutes away from pulling Suzuya into a hug, yet stopping midway and realizing his mistake, the stitched boy had probably been through quite a lot, and from Suzuya's nature alone, was probably debating if Shinohara was real or not.

Instead, Shinohara placed both of his hands onto the Albino's shoulders, grinning ear to ear as a wet liquid threatened to spill from his eyes, the man wasn't crying, but he was closer than he would of liked to be.

"Hey... Suzuya, are you eating right? doing well?" He carefully whispered, pulling one of his hands back, Shinohara combed back a strand of Suzuya's hair behind his ear, relief washing over him as he felt an immense joy, pride, and accomplishment at knowing that his son was safe and sound, after all, that was all he could of asked for.

What he didn't expect however, was Kenai to come skidding across the floor with scissors stuck into his side.
"Evan! do you know first aid?!" He quickly addressed the situation, calling out to Evan as he hoped the boy knew how to deal with it.

"We need to fix him up, we can let the culprit go for now, the less causalities the better, no one can die on our watch!" he hollered the order out to the group, he had seen sneak attacks like this before, so he wasn't too surprised, but it did anger him that someone had the nerve to strike like that.

Evan scratched the back of his head and mumbled, "A little bit." He dashed over to Kenai's side and started to treat the wound, attempting to stop the blood flow by wrapping his jacket around it in a sort of tourniquet manner. He gently held the man's head. "You'll be okay, I promise. Just don't close your eyes or anything." He laughed awkwardly, a bit unsure in his medical abilities.
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Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda smiled at Suzuya and patted his head when the boy squeezed his finger. He remained silent at their reunion, watching silently and politely since he knew Suzuya cared for him and that this man probably felt the same. When he heard the commotion behind them though, he quickly turned around and saw one of the new people has been stabbed. "Ah, someone got stabbed? How disappointing." Komaeda walked over to the injured man in a rather uninterested way, and examined how he was hurt. "Looks like he didn't possess enough hope to live.. how sad." He hid a smirk behind his hand, adopting a look of faux concern on his face. He looked at the man nearby attempting to patch up the injured man. "You seem experienced in healing people.. might I ask why?" he asked, not caring for the injured man.

Saionji Hiyoko

"How did that happen!? Mr. Shinohara, what's-his-face is injured!"
the girl cried, tugging on the man's arm and pointing as she rushed over, looking curiously at the man. She started talking to him as if he weren't just hurt. "Hey, hey, we just got here and you're already stabbed.. why is that? Are you weak?" Saionji asked, looking closely at the wound, not really noticing the person healing him.
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My eyes widened in shock as I stared at the scissors in Kenai's side. "Ah... Put pressure to slow down the bleeding..." I muttered as I rushed over to him. Tearing off the sleeve covering my unscarred arm, I folded it up on top of the jacket as I applied pressure. "It looks pretty deep... Suzuya, would you mind playing out some of your stitch art?" I asked, my eyes never leaving the wound.

That was easier than she thought, Z almost half expected that Evan creature to come after her and arrest her. Good thing these pigs were all distracted. She laughed again loudly, just enough so the police would hear the echo of her giggling, and just as a tease, she reached down to pull a blade out of her bear and scrape it loudly against the wall. She loved to play with new toys, especially dumb ones.~
Z smiled to herself, hoping Jasper was at least somewhat satisfied of what she had done for him.


"No, no, I'm not weak... ha.. ha." Kenai gave the female above him a reassuring smile, his chuckle slightly awkward in his miserable attempt to cover up his weakness. He was already hurt, by that killer Teela mentioned... Z. She was clever. But he was too easy, he made it too easy for her. Looking over at Evan slowly, he nodded his thanks before also thanking Teela.
"Shinohara.. it was Z. That female that's with Jasper... she did it."​
Evan made a quick decision on his own for once. He set down Kenai, tightening the jacket around his wound, before getting up and running after the girl. She was making quite the ruckus and it seemed like she was trying to show off. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards himself. "Uh-uh. I'm not letting you get away. We have a few questions for you." He pulled her back towards the kitchen where the others were gathered. "Here's the girl."

Jasper was finishing up with the videos when he glanced over at the kitchen screen again. Really? Is she really being that reckless? He sighed. He'll have to scold her on that when he sees her next. It wasn't really worth it to risk a meeting if he were to go to save her, even if they were allies, it was every killer for themself.

.: Suzuya :.

The Albino wasn't sure how to react, his adoptive father was right in front of him and was actually real, not just some fever dream or illusion cast by the lighting in the room, Shinohara was here, and asking him so casually how he was doing and even if he was eating well, the same old conversation they used to share every night before it was time for bed.

"F-fine..?" The Albino managed to stutter out, still quite dumbstruck as he slowly got on his tipy toes, Suzuya then reached up to try to pat his adoptive father's face, just to make sure the man really wasn't an illusion, however the boy couldn't reach high enough.
Suzuya nearly lost his balance as soon as Shinohara called out his orders, breaking out of his little trance as he looked over to see some investigator on the floor, from the looks of it he was stabbed by a pair of scissors or perhaps a small knife, the Albino also registered that Teela had asked him to help stitch up the wound, and he was just about to absently pull out his sewing kit until observing that Evan sprung into action, so there was no need to help anymore.

"Ah.." Suzuya could only exclaim a little sound of shock, not sure how to react to how fast everything was happening around him, and before he knew it, Evan had once again took action and ran out of the room at top speed, before just as quickly the investigator had came back with Z in tow.

.: Shinohara :.

Shooting a glare towards Komaeda, as if to tell him that they would need to talk later, Shinohara patted Suzuya on the head, not expecting him to have to strain himself to speak anymore, and nodded at Saionji, letting her know that Evan was tending to Kenai so he would be alright.

However, soon the boy was done with treating Kenai, or at least halfway, and in a way Evan had disobeyed Shinohara's direct order to make sure Kenai was fully taken care of first, although Shinohara wasn't too disappointed with the results, Evan had sprung into action and ran down the hall, and before Shinohara knew it, Evan also managed to bring back the culprit, and at the very least made sure that Kenai wasn't within death's grasp, so the man decided he would scold yet also congratulate the boy's bravery later on.

"That was fast! if you went any quicker, I would confuse you for sonic... haha." Shinohara cracked a rather lame joke, heading over to kneel down beside Kenai, he decided to ask Teela to look after him for now, giving the maid one last chance to redeem herself in the man's eyes, then going over to where Evan was, Shinohara rustled a pair of handcuffs off of his belt, even S.W.A.T carried two sets for every occasion after all.

"Looks like we've got our first rodent, great job, Evan.." He praised the investigator, knowing that the boy wasn't used to this line of work, and decided to grab Z's wrist roughly, clasping one handcuff around it and tightening the restraint until he did the same to her next, making sure there was no way she was going to get out of those, even if he might of stopped her blood flow a little.

"Greetings miss! mind answering a few questions, or no?" He suddenly questioned, though in all honesty, Shinohara was being overwhelmed with emotions, he just saw his son in the first time In weeks, and his comrade got injured right in front of him, then they caught the culprit right on time, it was a impressive feat, and reminded the S.W.A.T member to take a migraine pill when he got home.


Z was laughing, wildly, her facial features gleaming with amusement. She looked at Evan before shooting him a wink, her gaze turning slowly to Shinohara before she smiled.
"Okay, I'll play your game, I love games. This was getting rather boring anyway. You know, when you like someone and they won't make a move... anyway, what are your questions~?"
Z gave him a sweet smile, her eyes moving quickly to one of the security cameras to look directly at it, and if anyone was looking at the screens, it would appear she was staring into their eyes.


The injured male stood up, limping to look Z in the face. He turned her attention from the camera towards him and did what came instinctively to him. He kneed her in the stomach. Kenai would watch as the female doubled over with a half-scream half-cry, before she'd look up at him with a smirk. Outside of this place, any cop would shoot and kill someone who stabbed another officer, but this girl was precious data they couldn't lose. He just wanted her to know that they meant business.​
Evan wasn't sure what to ask first so he decided on the first thing that came to his mind. "Tell us more about the other killers here, more specifically, tell us about Jasper." He was hearing this name tossed around a lot so he was quite curious on the person that the name belonged to.

Jasper rolled his eyes when Z once again looked into the camera. What was she trying to do? Was she stupid? Nevertheless, his videos were complete. Now to wait for the right time to play them. He sat there, waiting and watching the scene unfold before him. Soon, they will suffer. All of them.

"Jasper who?" Z laughed, finding her own little comment more funny than anybody else would. "Just kidding. Jasper is indeed a fellow killer, as you've heard. We work alongside one another. But... he wasn't hired like I was. He was manipulated. I had a choice in doing this and hurting people and killing things. He didn't. He was rescued and raised to believe that this is what he had to do, because it's what his "father" taught him. Jasper is... well, he's also a victim. In his own way. Maybe you don't believe me, but he doesn't deserve what could happen to him."
The female sighed softly, shaking her head as if to remove the softness from her face. She was a killer. A killer. That's someone who killed, not a little soft-hearted child. What would make her say something so... pathetic? She frowned, looking at Evan slowly.​
Evan frowned at her joke. He didn't really find it funny how. It was rather rude of her. He listened intently to her talk before asking, "So are you saying this Jasper fellow is innocent? Why should we believe that? It sounds as if he's created the most trouble and he can't just get away with that." Remembering Alice's corpse only made him want to lock away Jasper as soon as possible. Justice needed to be served. For Alice and for all the victims, really.

"Oh definitely not innocent, but.. he's not evil. In fact, the real culprit here is someone else. He remains hidden within the house, and has to be killed by one of the innocents for us to get out. You can't kill him, or he'll blow the place to bits with everyone in it still."
Z smiled, closing her eyes before humming in thought. She looked back at him seriously.
"Jasper has not created the most amount of trouble. I'm sure Miss Teela told you she was also a killer too, hasn't she? I mean, she told you about everyone else, so clearly she mentioned herself too, right?"​
One word slipped out of his mouth. "Charles." The next bit confused Evan. "Wait, she's a killer too? She never mentioned any of this!" He had been distrustful of the maid ever since she revealed her knowledge of weapons and this only fed his doubts even more. What if she wanted to kill them? Would she hesitate or do it? Why had Phillip talked about her as if she was really innocent? What's up with that?

Jasper yawned, unhappy with what Z was saying about him. What was she trying to do? Feeling as if this was the perfect moment to play the videos, he pressed start and the four videos on the investigators began to play in a loop. This should help things out a bit. After all, there should be a television in the kitchen, if he remembered correctly.
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"Oops." Z shrugged in response to his confusion, nodding.
"Guess she didn't tell you. Sorry you had to hear it from me."
She looked up at the sound of a television playing. It was the videos, his videos. She watched them, moving her wrists slightly to test the handcuffs. The skin on her wrists tore and she began to bleed, making her scowl. She knew now would be the time she had to escape, but her eyes widened in alarm when she realized she had left her bear with all her weaponry in the hallway. Her lips quivered slightly as she quickly tried to figure out another escape plan, causing her to panic mildly.


Kenai's mouth dropped open in awe. He had appeared on the screen, his current age, sitting in his office and crying. He was angry, throwing things and cursing. It was easy to remember what had happened in that moment. That was the day the little girl died. She had been kidnapped and Kenai was left with the case to figure out who it could have possibly been. He failed. She was found dead not two days later. Suddenly, the screen showed the girl tied to a chair, getting beaten and tormented until her death. The killer played with her corpse afterwards, abusing it more and more until only bits of her face were recognizable.

Kenai tore his eyes away from the screen. Who could have done this?​
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"Ah... Yes, I'm a killer. Or was a killer. Charles stripped me of my rank, reducing me to cattle. Just get it over with! Send me to the Asylum or wherever you guys send people who on the brink of becoming mad!" I pouted, holding out my wrists to Shinohara. "But you should know, I was raised in a violent household, and it's not my fault I'm heartless." By now, tears had started to run down my cheeks. "But before I'm sent to hell, I wanna see Philip." I added, a small grin forming on my face.