Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

Saionji Hiyoko

Saionji stood quietly as she watched the weird girl speak before seeing herself on a camera screen in the corner. It was a distant memory that she didn't particularly care about - something in her high school years that showed her bullying someone.. what was her name? Mikan? Well, the video didn't faze her much. In fact, in the middle of the showing she ran back over to Shinohara, asking, "Hey, Mr. Shinohara, do you have any snacks? This is boring!" she frowned. She saw the man who was stabbed be affected by it. "A true investigator wouldn't be such a pansy!" the petite girl said in their direction, noticing that the white-haired girl behind him was standing there in awe. "Hey, do you have a problem or something? Stop looking so dumb just standing there!" she puffed out her cheeks, pointing at the girl.

Nagito Komaeda

The tall boy watched the scene unfold in interest, listening to the girl's answers to the questions. She seemed rather eager to talk about that other man, Jasper and rat him out. He didn't quite understand though - did injuring one of the new people by stabbing them serve any purpose? And if anything, people seemed more interested in the girl's answers than the stabbed man's well-being. Komaeda did want to get to know this "Shinohara" man better, but he would have to save that for later. 4 videos played on cameras in the kitchen, which again caught his interest. Only the stabbed man seemed troubled by it, and Saionji certainly didn't feel anything. He'd witnessed her bullying that girl before and he doubted it was something to hold over the little girl's head. He saw her tugging on the man's sleeve and beginning to talk to Suzuya, which caused him to step back a bit just in case they were about to fight.

He wasn't particularly interested in asking the girl questions - what was there to ask? She was a boring individual who didn't hesitate to spill the information on Charles and that man he encountered the other day in the laundry room. He would have liked to say that she was decent, but from what Komaeda saw today with Suzuya, he wasn't yet prepared to forgive her for almost endangering him with arrows and traps and showing him that dead girl.
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.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya was so spaced out at this point, everything was just too fast for him, and he was already in shock from the earlier events. the Albino took a quick glance at Teela, noticing how she just admitted to being a killer, and seemed to be having a tantrum of sorts, then his attention went to Z, she was the same girl that let him hold her teddy bear, and now she was being interrogated and probably going to be punished for her crimes, to say that he felt sorrow however, would be misunderstanding, the stitched boy was merely curious and checking out his surroundings.

Snapping out of it when he heard Saionji yell at him, Suzuya cocked his head and turned towards the girl.
"Ah, I'm just a little confused.. isn't it confusing, Desu?" He asked the blonde rather absently, Although Saionji seemed to have a bad attitude, so the Albino wasn't so enthusiastic to talk to her.

.: Shinohara :.

Watching as his investigators started doing everything without him, Shinohara couldn't help but feel a little left out, and perhaps a little angry that Evan wouldn't ask him for permission to ask all of the questions first, however, Shinohara couldn't find an entry into the conversation, and had to stay quiet for the time being as he listened and observed the interrogation.

Which, Shinohara noticed went way too smoothly, so smooth in fact that it was suspicious, Z was just spewing word after word of information about Jasper, not even struggling or trying to remain quiet, it was uncharacteristic of any criminal that he interrogated before, and just left an unsettling feeling within his stomach, he knew something was wrong.

The girl was just saying this and that about him being innocent. and honestly, that didn't sit well with the man, why would he trust a murderer's advice? she was insane if she thought trained investigators were going to believe her, all the information that he was taking in only fueled his resolve that Jasper was dangerous, and let Shinohara know that he would have to be wary when he finally did encounter this Jasper individual.

Shinohara was just about to ask a question of his own, when the videos began to flicker on one after another, and as such the S.W.A.T member took a glance over at the screens, they were playing videos of each of the investigators in some shape way or form, and when his came on, the screen flashed to a show a bloodied warehouse, the floors were covered with Corpses, and there was a little albino clad in a white blood stained dress shirt, he was toying with a knife as he smiled up at Shinohara, the albino appeared to be the one that killed all of these individuals, yet only looked to be about 10 or 11, Shinohara kneeled down and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, and asked him if he wanted to come somewhere safe.

This was when Shinohara decided to look away from the video, it was a past event, and dwelling on the past was something the man didn't like to do. "Hm.. they'll have to try harder than that, pull yourself together!" he called to Kenai, not wanting any of his men to be taken by such trickery, these past events, things they had overcome, and they didn't need to let themselves sink into despair over the films.

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"Your films aren't as bad as mine..." I murmured to myself as I wiped away my tears on my sleeve. "A-aren't you going to arrest me or something because I was a killer?" I asked Shinohara, rubbing my sleeved arm at the memory of my brother and the scars on my arm.
It was decided. Jasper really needed to go down there and punish Z for what she did. But was it really worth rushing their meeting? He sighed. She really could be a handful at times. He set down his laptop on his bed and checked around his room, grabbing a few weapons to hide in his jacket. He might as well get this meeting over with. The visitors should be a bit shaken from the videos so that will be a bonus.

Evan glanced over at one of the screens and grew a bit surprised. A video started to play that even he didn't know about. He watched the tape and intently. It seemed to be a surveillance tape of sorts and it showed Alice's parents wandering around a mansion like this. They both looked frightened as if they had seen a ghost. All of a sudden, a little masked boy popped out of nowhere and attacked the two. He wasted no time in decapitating their bodies whole while the two screamed their heads off, chilling Evan to the core. Seeing all the bloodshed made him feel even more sick. Had Alice suffered like that? Were others possibly suffering too? Before the video cut off, a voice was heard. A voice that Evan wasn't sure to forget for a very long time. It said, "Good job, Jasper. Next time, try not to be so messy."
Saionji Hiyoko

"Oh, could you not get it into your dense head that someone was stabbed? And you call yourself a friend of Mr. Shinohara!" Saionji huffed, getting close to the girl's face to inspect their face, failing to do so because of her height. "You should really pay more attention, you know! Maybe a killer could just walk up to you and there goes your leg!" she teased, enjoying how vulnerable this girl seemed to be, bringing a hand to her mouth to hide her devilish smile.

Nagito Komaeda

When Komaeda finally lost his train of thought, he realized what was happening around him. He noticed that Saionji moved over to Suzuya now and started to insult him which made the tall boy instinctively move over to the albino, standing nearby him."Hiyoko.. I know you've just arrived and all, but step away from my boyfriend and leave, please." The boy smiled at the petite girl, hoping she would get the message.
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.: Suzuya :.


Yes, those were insults being thrown in his face, he was being ridiculed, and put on the spot by some little brat that thought she was probably worth more than anyone else here, from the way she talked, Suzuya figured that Saionji was sour and would have a putrid taste if she was ever made into a candy flavor.

The stitched boy examined Saionji with a dead on vacant stare on his face, listening to her say such things like that, it was rude, and Suzuya wasn't really a fan of being talked to like that, he was just about to retort when the little thing sprung up and was a few inches below from meeting his face, not quite there, but it looked like she wanted to pick a fight.

"Ahh.. you're really annoying.." Suzuya mumbled to himself, and he was just about to try to move away from the situation when the Albino glanced back at Saionji and noticed that devilish smile as she hoped for him to get injured, not only that, even the way she talked about his leg being ripped off annoyed him to a certain degree.

Not only that, she had dragged Komaeda into this as well.. the taller boy was trying to reason with the rude girl, and somehow seeing Komaeda have to interfere made the Albino angry, he was already in a bad mood, and this didn't help.

Yet even as he tried to stay out of trouble, and tried to sidestep past Saionji, yet when he couldn't find a way around her and was forced to look at that condescending face, without even realizing it Suzuya acted on impulse as he always did, and without warning or giving it a second thought, the stitched boy suddenly lunged forward, tackling the girl to the ground and thus getting rid of the obstacle In his path.

.: Shinohara :.

"Evan.." Shinohara started, warning the investigator to not let himself be consumed by grief, that was exactly what this 'Jasper' character wanted, and if they allowed themselves to be dragged down to such a level of sorrow by these videos, then they wouldn't be fit to be called investigators, much less a rescue team.

Although Shionhara soon addressed the situation with the maid, as Evan and Kenai seemed to be handling Z at the moment, which the S.W.A.T Member didn't really agree with Kenai moving so much, but if he felt like he could, then Shinohara would allow it.
"I'm assuming you knew this was coming, then?" He muttered as he pulled off the only handcuffs left on his belt, coming over to Teela, Shinohara cuffed her just as tight as he did to Z, making sure there was no way she could escape, or access any weaponry she might have on hand.

"Evan, I'll handle the more dangerous of the bunch... mind doing me a favour, and handling the maid?" Shinohara smiled sheepishly as he asked this, wanting to somehow clear up the mood.

yet it wasn't long before he also added
"And for you miss Z.. I think it's about time you stopped talking, ah, not to sound rude! but really, you've done enough of that, we're going to take you to a temporary room until we get a guarded car to escort you and misses Teela out of here.. only the finest, for such high class ladies!" he scoffed at his horrible joke, coming over and back behind Z, the S.W.A.T member grabbed her left arm a little too roughly and shoved her to the right to make sure he had a good grip, these ladies were anything except high class, in fact, they were lower than dirt for hurting, no, murdering other human beings like it was some sort of game.

Shinohara quickly called out a order to the group. "Let's move! there's no doubt whoever is behind those cameras is on their way.. hmm, and if they're smart, then they're probably coming to rescue this little lady here, haha, we wouldn't want that, would we?" narrowing his eyes as he said this, Shinohara made the gesture for everyone to get on the move, and perhaps find a suitable place to set up a holding ceil.

Yet he was taken aback as Komaeda called his son his boyfriend, his eyes widening in shock, and then seconds later, he watched in horror as his son tackled the blonde detective to the ground, yelling out "Hey, hey! break it up!"

Evan shook his head, clearing his mind. He laughed. "This might make me feel a bit sick but I'm only more motivated to catch the people in charge and to save the remaining victims. Speaking of, how many people total came here? Are we sure everyone is in here with us? Are we missing any others?" Evan's eyes roamed the kitchen. A lot of people were in here right now.

He nodded. "Oh, yes, I can handle the maid." He walked over and grabbed one of her hands. "It's a shame things had to end this way. I had really thought you were innocent in the beginning."

Jasper rushed down the stairs, his temper beginning to rise with each step he took. Who did these scum think they are? Coming into his territory and taking charge like that? That was absolutely rude and his videos didn't even seem to impact them that much, aside from the one named Kenai. This was ridiculous. Was it really the end of the game already? No. No it wasn't. He wouldn't let it finish like this. He needed to get Z before she got herself killed. He was really starting to run out of options now and it made him feel disappointed in himself. He had been killing ever since he was 10 years old. How was this game any different from the rest?
Evan shook his head, clearing his mind. He laughed. "This might make me feel a bit sick but I'm only more motivated to catch the people in charge and to save the remaining victims. Speaking of, how many people total came here? Are we sure everyone is in here with us? Are we missing any others?" Evan's eyes roamed the kitchen. A lot of people were in here right now.

He nodded. "Oh, yes, I can handle the maid." He walked over and grabbed one of her hands. "It's a shame things had to end this way. I had really thought you were innocent in the beginning."

Jasper rushed down the stairs, his temper beginning to rise with each step he took. Who did these scum think they are? Coming into his territory and taking charge like that? That was absolutely rude and his videos didn't even seem to impact them that much, aside from the one named Kenai. This was ridiculous. Was it really the end of the game already? No. No it wasn't. He wouldn't let it finish like this. He needed to get Z before she got herself killed. He was really starting to run out of options now and it made him feel disappointed in himself. He had been killing ever since he was 10 years old. How was this game any different from the rest?
I started laughing at Suzuya and Hiyoko. "Haha! Love really does make you go insane!" I grinned, obediently holding out my wrists as the cuts were snapped on. "Do you think you could loosen the left one a notch? I don't want another scar on this arm. Fourteen is such a dull number." I murmured, testing the strength of the cuffs. "Now if you guys are looking for somewhere to lock us up, the music room is most ideal. The only thing truely usable in there is the piano. But all that does is make music. The door can also be locked from both the outside and inside with the master key, which you have. And mister Shinohara, I'm deeply offended. i'm not a 'missus'. I shouldn't even be adressed as a miss either. I'm only a sand of grain in the big, vast ocean, and I'm so low in social ranking, calling me a high class lady is just the same as calling you a dirty, rotten, pig! Which of course, you aren't. And when this guarded car comes, will I be able to see Philip? I need to say goodbye to him if I'm being sent to my execution." I stated, my expression surprisingly calm as I allowed Evan to grab one of my hands.
Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda's eyes widened in horror when Suzuya tackled Hiyoko, not sure what to do at first since he never would have expected him to hurt someone in front of him. He roughly grabbed the albino by his arm, pulling him up and making sure to grip it tightly so he would get up. He didn't say anything, staring at the ground as if he were ashamed to even look at the albino. He didn't walk slow or fast, refusing to say anything to the boy. It was unnecessary for Suzuya to attack the girl like that - if he had just let him stop it before the fight started, this could have been avoided and Komaeda wouldn't have to hurt the stitched boy. If Komaeda were in his place, he would have talked things through instead of jumping at Saionji and hurting her. He knew well that she couldn't fight if she wanted to, she just had a vulgar vocabulary and enjoyed teasing others. When he finally reached the bedroom, he slammed the door behind him after letting Suzuya in. Standing in front of the bed, his eyes remained locked on his shoes for a while in silence, his grip on Suzuya's hand strengthening with every second until he was practically crushing his hand. He didn't turn around, not wanting to look at him, saying in a grave tone, "You really disappointed me today, Suzuya."

Without another word, he released his unyeilding grip on the boy's hand, climbing into the bed and making sure to stay on the farthest corner of it.

Saionji Hiyoko

"Look who's talking, you're the-"
Saionji was cut off when the boy lunged at her, the tears from before budding at her eyes again. She moved her hands up to her face to cover her eyes, clenching her hands in an effort to protect herself when suddenly the girl was yanked off of her and dragged away by Komaeda. She got up, wobbly and trying to wipe her eyes. She was glad that aggressive girl was gone, staring at the ground, her pigtails noticeably messy and her kimono wrinkled. Her tears were still coming, even if she was gone but that was enough fear to last her a lifetime.

.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya was just about to start ripping at Saionji's hair for talking so rudely to him, knowing that she would be screaming and probably regret her actions if he did such a thing, yet instead of punishing the girl, The Albino flinched as he was suddenly ripped off of Saionji instead.

From the quick motion the Albino felt disorientated, his mind still rather hazy and absent from the impulsive action he had just committed, not only that yet the way he was just handled and yanked up like that had quite the dizzying effect as well.
Staring up at the one that had stopped the one sided fight, his heart sunk in fear of the other, it was Komaeda and he didn't look happy, and Suzuya didn't have to think twice before he closed his eyes tight, knowing something unpleasant would probably happen soon.

When no smack came however, Suzuya carefully opened his eyes, remaining quiet as the other ushered him off like that, there was no way he could protest, after all, The albino knew from the way Komaeda was acting that he had disappointed his partner, and although fearful, he also felt regret starting to sink in as they rounded the corner and got to the guest room.

"That... happened again." Suzuya managed to speak out, but it wasn't much, it was all he could offer as an explanation for his actions, he had acted on impulse again without thinking about it, just as he always did, and this time, Suzuya had crossed a thin line and he knew it, so much then when the other started squeezing his hand so tightly it began to throb, Suzuya muffled his whining as if he suddenly felt that he deserved it, then winching when the other let go of him, The Albino could only watch with a look of defeat, his mouth agape yet nothing came out, not quite sure of even what he could say as Komaeda plopped down on the bed like that.

.: Shinohara :.

Shinohara watched as Komaeda pulled Suzuya off of Saionji, a little thankful that the other was handling it, yet still wary of how exactly he would, however, Shinohara was certain that Komaeda was just going to take Suzuya out of the room to get some air, and they would be following after them anyway, so it wouldn't be too big of a deal, hopefully.

Yet his attention shot to Saionji as he heard her crying, his expression softening as he pulled Z roughly along, extending a free hand out to Saionji. "He doesn't mean it.. I swear, he's just a little off.." He whispered, yet Shinohara knew the words probably didn't help much.

Knowing that someone was probably on their way and that Komaeda probably had the right idea to get out of the room, Shinohara turned to everyone and exclaimed.
"Alright, it's time to go, follow me!.. while Teela's opinion Is nice, I would prefer somewhere with lodging, call me insane but... I can't make a lady sleep without a bed." he sheepishly admitted, escorting Z out as he gestured for everyone to follow him.

Shinohara called to Yuki to make sure she would come along as well, then started out of the same door Komaeda went out of, a part of him just wanting to follow to confirm his son was alright, not to mention he had to catch up with him, and the other knowing that the guest rooms would be their best bet, someone would have to stand guard on whichever room they chose for the makeshift holding ceil, and if Kenai could get some rest the boy would regain strength, which would it would benefit him In the long run.

"It's safe to assume there are more victims inside... I'm not sure of the exact quantity of guests that were invited, but I'm assured that these aren't all of them, I recommend we also set up a sort of base camp after we acquire the holding ceil." Shinohara suggested as he lead everyone out and into the halls, making their way to the guest rooms as he helped herd his group safely, keeping an eye out for any traps.

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Evan pulled along Teela as he followed Shinohara and the group out of the kitchen. Who knew how long they had before someone would come in and find them? Evan definitely didn't want to stick around long enough to see who it would be.

Jasper threw open the kitchen door and almost screamed in frustration when he discovered it empty. How could they have known that he was coming? That Shinohara sure was a force to be reckoned with but he had now activated Jasper's wrath. No one can just waltz in here, thinking they're the ****, and take charge like that. No. It can't be. His mind was now set. Jasper would do everything in his power to keep the whole group locked in the mansion and they wouldn't be allowed to leave ever, not even if they're driven to such a level of insanity that they began to kill each other. This mansion might as well be their death beds for all Jasper was concerned about. If someone were to view his expression now, they'd call it one of a mad man. His eyes were burning with hatred and bloodlust. He needed to kill and it was like he had never killed in his life. But who should be his next victim? Maybe that little brat who kept sucking the information from Z. He seems like a good target. What was his name again? Evan? Jasper grinned at the thought. Yes, Evan will be the next to die. He deserved it after all for coming to this place. They'll all get what's coming to them. Soon.
Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda, laying awake and gazing at the wall, trying hard to restrain himself from looking back at the albino and forgiving him. He already regretted scolding him and he could do who-knows-what now that he knew he was angry at him. He just needed to give Suzuya some time to think about what he did. Komaeda didn't want Suzuya to make any more enemies than he already did, and he could only protect him so much from them. He did worry for the stitched boy since he seemed to be a bit unstable, but he seemed to acknowledge Komaeda's existence, after all. He decided he'll apologize to him first thing in the morning, thinking on the subject a bit more before dozing off.

Saionji Hiyoko

Saionji sniffed, wiping at her eyes a bit more at Mr. Shinohara's words and smiled. "Y-yeah.. of course he would! Only someone like her would hurt me like that," the little girl earned back her usual attitude but couldn't resist the occasional sniff. She didn't want to say anything else in case she was gonna be yelled at again, wondering what was behind each of the doors they passed. Each time they would see a door, Saionji would ask eagerly, "Can we go in there? How about over there? Maybe behind this door!" She would tug at his sleeve excitedly at each door, itching to find something cool, So far, it was really boring here and less cool than she expected.

Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi smiled gently at the man for extra reassurance, suddenly feeling the need to use the restroom. She politely said, "Excuse me for a moment," and hurriedly left the room in order to find a lavatory. She didn't find any on the way here.. she was worried that she couldn't find any. She heard the voices from before grow louder as they went up the stairs, hoping and praying they weren't killers as she searched for a restroom.

.: Suzuya :.

That unfamiliar feeling of guilt was washing over Suzuya once more, this was the second time since he had entered this mansion, and the Albino still hadn't grown accustomed to it, the feeling was sickening and twisted in his gut, causing the most uncomfortable sensation.

"Komaeda-san.. I won't do it again, you want to hear that, right?" The albino blurted out, not knowing that he waited too long, around twenty minutes too long in fact, Komaeda was already fast asleep, and Suzuya wasn't sure if he wanted to wake the taller boy or not, as the Albino wasn't even sure if he could even face the other yet.

Sluggishly, Suzuya dragged his feet over to the bed and came close to Komaeda's side, leaning down ever so slightly, Suzuya stood there for a good while, taking a gulp to try to calm his nerves, he expected the other to yell at him, or tell him to go on his side of the bed, yet when nothing came the Albino grew confused and anxious, perhaps even a little lonely without the sound of Komaeda's voice.

Suzuya slowly reached out his hand, and was reaching for the other to touch him, to make sure the other was still warm even with sleeping alone like that, yet just as slowly the Albino reached out with his other hand, and clasped it around his own wrist, stopping himself midway from reaching the other.

He bit his lip, Komaeda would get angry if he touched him now, perhaps even shout again, or hit him, yet Suzuya felt like he might of deserved it, that happened again, the thing he promised never to do again, and his body moved on his own, taking him quickly towards the door, how uncomfortable the stitched boy felt in his own skin was unnatural, and he knew that he had to make the feeling stop, and just as last time, Suzuya planned to apologize to his victim, to apologize to Saionji and make Komaeda happy again.

With this new found conviction, Suzuya gripped the door handle and twisted, sneaking out of the room without as much as a sound.

.: Shinohara :.

Guiding his group over to the guest rooms, Shinohara scratched his chin with his free hand as he wondered which room would be best suited to lock their criminals in, although Shinohara already knew he was best suited to stand the guard shift, he was the brute strength in this mission, after all.

However, Shinohara was a little confused and figured that he heard Saionji wrong, she sounded as if she was referring to Suzuya as a female, but Shinohara dismissed it as a trick of hearing, and roughly dragged Z along as he examined each door she pointed to, looking over at Evan to make sure he was doing okay with his captive.
"Hey, you doing alright boy?" He questioned the other to make sure he was well, but he also had to figure out which room would be best suited for base camp, and of course which one was suited for a temporary ceil.

Since his hands were kind of full, Shinohara decided now would be a good time to assign Saionji one of her first tasks.

"Saionji, do me a favour and pick whichever room you like best, how does that sound? that way we can lock the bad guys inside, I'm sure someone as smart as you will be able to pick the room most suited." Shinohara smiled as he said this, hoping to ease the girl's worries just a bit, he knew how unstable Suzuya was, yet he never expected his son to act like that so fast..

Shinohara knew that he really needed to talk to Suzuya after they finished this set up, it pained the man that the stitched boy had to be escorted out before they got the chance to really talk.

Saionji Hiyoko

Saionji pranced about the floor, getting eager when Shinohara offered for her to find a room for the criminals to sleep in. "On it, Mr. Shinohara!" Saionji smiled happily, running around the rooms to see which room was which- she eventually found an empty guest room, then attempted to wave her arms wildly towards Mr. Shinohara hoping he'd notice. It looked comfortable enough, but certainly not the comfiest one since she wanted to save that for herself.
Evan nodded in response, while continuing to pull the maid with him. This wasn't so bad so far. If the rest of their mission went like this, then it would be a breeze.

Going mad from the bloodlust, Jasper had a sudden idea of playing with the pile of human flesh still left. He picked up piece by piece and started to skillfully throw it around the room, aiming for the walls. He hit them so hard and so fast that it sounded as if hail was falling onto the walls and there were even marks left. He was getting rather destructive and it was really starting to show. The pile ran out but he continued to throw whatever he could get his hands on, in an attempt to ease his anger if only just a tiny bit.

No one will get the better of Jasper. He was the best at what he did. He was raised to do this. He was the expert. He needed to put the others in their place and he needed to do it soon, before he lost what remained of his sanity, before it was really gone for good.
"Not to be needy or anything, but would it be possible to at least let me play one song on the piano? There's this song that's stuck in my head that I really need to play out. Oh please, mister Evan? This may be my last chance to ever play again..." I gently tugged on Evan's sleeve as I made doe eyes at him.
Evan looked over at the maid and replied, "I'm afraid I can't let you do that. We're not going to the music room and I would prefer it if we could stick to the group. Maybe you can ask Shinohara and he might let you later?" He understood how much she wanted to play but he didn't really have the power to allow her. It was a bit out of his hands at this point. Plus, Shinohara might get mad at him for acting on his own accord. It's best to talk it over as a group first before doing anything more. He made a bit of a mistake during the interview but he had been so caught up in the moment. Hopefully, the others understood that.