Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

I muttered to myself as I pulled my hand from Evan's as I flopped down on the bed, a small trickle of blood from my cuffs staining the white sheets red. "I'm quite annoyed at these cuffs. Couldn't you just loosen them a notch? I can't feel my hands anymore..." I muttered, the tight bonds had cut off the circulation to my hands, making them appear cold and slightly greyish. "I haven't made a move to escape from you, nor did I show any restraint when I was forced to wear these bloody things." I added as I held my arms strait up in the air, causing some blood to drip down my arms. I didn't even bother to hide my white scars as my remaining sleeve fell down my arm. "As you can see, I have plenty of scars, and I most certainly would not like any more, mister Evan." I stated as I closed my eyes. "Thank the lord he didn't give me a Cheshire's Grin..." I uttered under my breath as horror filled memories of my red-eyed brother froliced in my mind.

[There's a TV in the room correct? Should they see Teela's video? I can re-post the discription]
Evan followed the maid inside the guest room that the group had ended up picking together. He watched her sit down and the blood that spilled from her wrists. "Are you okay? What happened?" He couldn't help himself from seeing her as a victim when he had seen her wounds. It was impossible not to. "Oh, I think I can loosen them just a bit." He walked over to her and grabbed the handcuffs, attempting to loosen them a bit. Once he was done and it looked loose enough yet still strong, he looked at her and asked, "Is that better?"

(Yeah, there should be one but I'd think by now that the videos are all done playing. You could make Teela frustrated and wish it was playing to show the investigators how much of a "victim" she is.)
"Thank you..." I murmured, sliding down the cuff a bit to rub my bloodied wrists, the colr quickly returning to my hands. "Mister Shinohara made them too tight..." I added as I stared at him. "You're probably wondering about my scars, right?" I questioned, tracing a finger along the longest scar. "Jasper managed to get a video... Maybe it was recorded..." I thought aloud, suddenly seeming very depressed as I turned on the TV, randomly pressing buttons til my video came on.

[gtg. will post vid details l8r]

.: Charles :.

From just outside the kitchen Charles muffled a chuckle, he had been surveying the mansion to make sure everything was in place, that the traps were set, and he had even come to check on the investigators, noticing that they hadn't gotten very far yet, however Charles couldn't help but admire how confident they were, and he looked forward to shattering that confidence soon.

Although hearing a ruckus coming the kitchen, Charles had came over and stood just outside of the door.

It was quite a long time the man sat and simply watched Jasper from the doorway, not saying a word as he observed the other recklessly throwing nearly everything in the room, throwing a tantrum as he couldn't get what he wanted, and Charles knew what he wanted, the boy wanted to end someone, he was not pleased that his videos didn't work a second time, and was even more ticked off that Z had been captured and ratted him out so easily, but Charles also knew that the boy needed to go through this, and he knew that now would be a splendid time to step in, and remind Jasper just who it was that took care of him, and just who it was that knew best.

A smirk slowly developed on Charles lips, and he rapped his knuckles against the doorframe as he slowly waltz in.
"My my... Jasper, has something gotten you angry? are you doing well, my boy?" He asked in a teasing tone that a father might, though it also held a sincere tone, one that let the other know Charles was genuinely concerned for him.

.: Shinohara :.

Shinohara was proud of Saionji's decision, and approved it without a second's thought. "Yeah! that'll do, however.." Shinohara trailed off, reaching up and rubbing his chin as he looked into the guest room Teela had gone into, it looked extravagant, and not really suitable for scum, anyone that could kill another human being as a job, or for fun, didn't seem to have the kind of quality to live in that room, even if it wasn't for long. Shinohara didn't like the idea of giving the girls something so nice.

Ushering Z along and into the room, Shinohara pushed her in so she would stumble, then began speaking to Evan normally, almost as if he didn't just handle the murderer so roughly. "These are criminals, women or not, I have the feeling we should strip the blankets, pillows, and television privileges.. ah! nothing personal, ladies." He smiled towards said ladies as he said this.

Although underneath his fatherly persona and friendly atmosphere, Shinohara really did despise criminals that didn't justify their actions more than anything else, he couldn't stand to know he was even in the presence of people like that, and how calm these two were acting about everything just made him sick to his stomach. they weren't innocent, there was nothing that even seemed human about these fools, and he would treat them as such.

Thinking about it, perhaps Shinohara could be really inhumane towards certain criminals, he was known to treat them like something out of a horror film, though he wouldn't protest he could be hard on them as he associated them with a certain creature out of one of his favorite horror films.

The binge eater, it was an old classic but it had a rather grotesque cast of creatures known as Ghouls, they had no remorse and would selfishly murder just to indulgence themselves for the thrill of it, perhaps eating some of the corpses along the way, still, their existence was the same as these two girls, they had no remorse, and they killed for the thrill of it, Shinohara frowned as he thought about it.​
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Jasper paused briefly upon hearing that familiar voice. It was Charles. He had come to join him. He took a deep breath, regaining his composure and replied a bit harshly, "I'm doing quite splendid. And no, I am certainly not mad. I am just making a mess of things for no ****ing reason. What do you think?!" He really had no patience for another one of Charles's talks but it didn't seem like the old man would let him off so easily. After all, he knew him better than he knew himself.

"Oh, no problem." Evan scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, it's okay if you don't want to talk about them though. I understand." He watched her play with the TV for a bit before stopping. On the screen. all he could see was static. "Are you sure it's not broken? I don't see anything at all on it."

Shinohara joined them in the room and Evan replied, "Oh? Are you sure, sir? What could they possibly do with things of that sort? I don't really see why we should remove them. Could you please explain?" He was confused. They were murderers but why did they act so innocent and calm? This was surely an interesting paradox.
"I can make a bomb out of many things, including those sheets, so I understand if you want to take them away. Strip the entire room if you want, but I would be quite happy to remain clothed." I muttered as I continued to mess with the TV. "Ah. I got it!"I jumped back as the sound of knives being sharpened echoed through the speakers of the television. I backed up as I saw what a younger me sharpening the blade of a pocket knife. Younger Teela's arms were rid off all the scars I had now, but I knew that was about to change once again. Moving back over to the bed, I perched myself on the edge, depression and dread showed clearly on my face. Little Teela had silent tears running down her cheeks, which were strangely dark with small, circular bruises. About the size of the small pellets shot from those toy guns. As little me slid the knife down her arm, I traced one of the scars that she was making on my own arm. Shouting could be heard from the video. "Hey Teacup! Where didja go?! It's no fun when my target is hiding from me!" Shouted a male voice, a blonde boy with blood red eyes, unlike her crystal blue. The tall figure could be seen through the old window in the shed Teela hid in. The boy appeared to be 14 or so, while Teela looked 7. Teela started to rip up her arm with the blade, the beginning of 12 new scars. By now, her clothes were soaked in her blood as the door to the shed was slammed open, the blonde boy stepping in. "B-brother... I-I d-don't want to p-play anymore..." Teela squeaked, dropping her knife as she dodged his pellets. "Too bad, Teacup! Mom and dad left me in charge, so I get to choose what we do!" He laughed, continuing to shot at the defenseless girl. Bending down, he picked up the pocket knife laced with her blood. Approaching her, the pellet gun dropped from his hands, landing by the girl's foot. With his hand shooting forwards, he grabbed Teela's arm, the knife raised towards the top of her arm, the very spot the long scar touched the 12 others. "L-lucas... L-lemme go!" She whimpered, loud sobs coming from her mouth as the knife slid down her arm. Bending down, she took the gun, pointing it at his face. Though Teela's eyes were shut tightly, when she shot the gun, a black pellet destroyed her brother's red eye. I winced as the video ended, the gunshot and my brother's screams echoing, something I had missed when I first watched the video. I curled up into a ball on the bed as tears flowed from my eyes.
Saionji Hiyoko

Saionji smiled proudly, putting her hands on her hips. "Of course! I'm always right!" she grinned, which grew into a smirk when the girls were denied TV and their pillows. She soon became occupied with her own needs again and looked around, a thoughtful look on her face. The little girl darted around, finding a row of guest rooms, looking inside of them one by one. "Hey, hey, Mr. Shinohara! I want to be in this room, you could be next to me!" she chirped eagerly, pointing into a bedroom.

When she turned around, she noticed a rather sad-looking person walk out from a bedroom in the distance, not thinking much of it, thinking they were just hungry. "We could play together and eat candy, too!" she beamed, genuinely excited.

.: Charles :.

The old man had expected a response like that, Jasper wasn't in one of the most pleasant of moods after all.

However, with Jasper feeling this way and being so conflicted on his own goals and blinded by anger, it would be easy to manipulate the boy as he always did, it would be easy to plant thoughts into his head, and better yet it would be easier to convince him of Charles ideals at times like this, Charles always did know just how to help Jasper achieve the best results from his rage.

"Now then, is it really alright for you to raise your voice like that? let's not make a ruckus, I'm merely here to help you, Jasper.." Charles started with a rather calming tone now, his eyes softening as he came over to the other male, placing a comforting hand onto his shoulder.

"I understand how annoying they are, they ruined everything, didn't they?" He mused, examining how upset the other was, Charles decided that it would be quite easy to lure the other into a false sense of security, although he really did worry about the boy, it was times like this that he knew Jasper needed a little push.

"I want to offer you comfort... I hate seeing you tear yourself up like this, it's not like you, Jasper.. It just kills me that cattle can be so cold hearted to a boy like you." Charles cooed to the other, frowning as if he was mourning over Jasper's loss this time around.

Soon, Charles posed a offer to his most faithful servant. "Would you like to make them despair, my boy?.. I know two souls that could ease your suffering, I need to get some bonding time with you after all, so how about we kill two birds with one stone, as they say? we can take that Albino and Photographer to the chamber, I was actually thinking of breaking down their spirits.. to you know, relieve some stress." Charles shrugged as he said this, staring at the other for a few seconds to let him process the old man's words.

Yet, it wasn't before long that Charles grinned widely, and added.
"We can do anything to you except kill them, I have plans for both... although, we can bring them to the brink of death, doesn't that sound fun, Jasper? just like old times, hmm?"

.: Shinohara :.

Snapping out of his thoughts about his favorite horror movie, the man turned to Evan to explain why they would be ridden of such luxuries.
"You can keep the sheets.. but I don't want them to feel comfortable, these people have ended lives without any remorse, Evan.. they are more than likely also responsible for what happened to your cousin." Trailing off as he said this, Shinohara cast a sorrowful gaze towards Evan, trying to offer some kind of condolence.

"Would you feel comfortable with them sleeping on soft pillows? watching television? enjoying their time..? I wouldn't, I would rather them sleep and nothing else, they of course will have the beds, but I think that's all they deserve." Shinohara informed the other of his thoughts, wanting to make sure the chosen guest room was as much like a prison ceil as he could make it for the time being.

"Oh! good idea, Saionji! that would work perfectly, suppose we do need a place to rest... I also don't think Kenai should be moving around too often, so we should make sure he gets plenty of sleep before we continue onwards, any objections?" Turning to the group to confirm, Shinohara observed everyone to make sure they would all stay in line, although giving an odd look towards Teela, he wasn't sure why she was freaking out so much over a television that only showed static and nothing else.
"Sorry, sir." Jasper looked down at the ground, starting to feel a bit ashamed. Charles had not come to praise him as he usually had done which worried him a bit. "Yes, they ruined all of my plans. I carefully put everything together. The videos. Getting the information for that investigator's name. I even sent Z out to do it for me. Then another round of videos. They just came and waltzed in here, ruining my masterpieces, insulting my name, without a care. I want to end them. They can't live another day outside this mansion. They have to be trapped here forever. Let me hurt them. Let me." Jasper listenened intently to the man's offer and grinned widely. "Yes! Yes! Yes! We must get the show on the road. We must make them despair."

Evan watched the maid curiously. How could static make her feel that way? Had she gone delusional? Was she mad? What was going on? He asked Shinohara, "What is going on with her? I don't understand."

He listened intently to Shinohara's explanation and it all made sense. "Yes, sir. I'll clean everything up right away." At once he began to pull up all the pillows and sheets to throw them in the closet. He couldn't let such vile killers sleep in such comfort. They needed to realize their crimes and only the cold would let them do that. The mention of his cousin only motivated him to work even faster than he currently was, stuffing away everything he had been told to in the closet in the corner of the room.
"H-he's gonna kill me... Lucifer is gonna kill me..." I sobbed as I stared at the static television. "B-brother is going to slaughter me... An eye f-for a life..." I whimpered, covering my ears, almost as if I could hear my brother's threats. "Make it stop... Make it stop..." I murmured, my eyes wide. My sobs turned into insane giggles as I raised my cuffed hands behind my head so the chain started to suffocate me.
Saionji Hiyoko

At hearing Mr. Shinohara's confirmation, Saionji ran into the bedroom she picked and flopped onto the bed, rolling around childishly. So far all this mansion had was bugs and boring stuff. There were also crazy people but at least she met Mr. Shinohara who seemed nice, unlike everyone else here. That Teela girl earlier looked crazy - she likes bombs and everything and that other investigator was weak enough to get stabbed. She, however, was being an angel if she did say so herself and she was going to keep it that way. Hiyoko was going to make Mr. Shinohara proud so she could play with him when they got out, she was sure of it. With these thoughts in her mind, after tossing and turning a bunch she fell asleep, curled up on her side.

.: Charles :.

"My word, don't apologize.. you have no need to, you've been through a lot, I simply want to offer you.. " Pausing for a brief moment to think of the correct term, Charles grinned ear to ear as he spoke "Enjoyment and refreshment." The man made a gesture with his hand as he offered such a thing as torture with such a light tone.

He was pleased with Jasper once again, the boy always did listen, and from the looks of it the servant was already eager to get this show on the road, so who Charles to deny him his fun?

"Very well! good answer, my boy!" he praised the other, retreating his hand from Jasper's shoulder as he exclaimed. "Let's search then, shall we? I'll find the red head.. and you are free to capture the albino, the only rule I give is that you must keep them both alive once we begin our little session. now, we wouldn't want them to just get off easy with death, we want them to despair! isn't that right, my boy?" Looking over at Charles, Jasper already knew his answer from the expression on his face.

Heading over to the kitchen door, Charles motioned for Jasper to follow him as he waltz out of the room, before departing and giving Jasper once last look to let him know their little mission had began, because letting the investigators have all the fun? well, they couldn't have that.

This plan would work wonderful in fact, Jasper and Charles would be able to bond. Sendo and Komaeda would despair for their betrayal. The cattle would be put into their place, and most of all, the new found heroes in this mansion would suffer, they would suffer knowing that they couldn't save even two of the cattle, and they have to live with knowing that the two were captured right under their nose, how splendid this idea was, if the man was younger, it would of brought a skip to his step.

.: Shinohara :.

Just so Evan wasn't alone in stripping the room, Shinohara decided to join him, since the man was well tall enough he had little trouble hoisting the television set up and brought it over to the very same closet, throwing it in with the blankets and pillows so it wouldn't break, though he honestly didn't care either way, everything in this mansion belonged to the mad man that brought people here to die for his own sick amusement.

"Hey... I was meaning to ask you this earlier, but are you alright?.. I mean after seeing your cousin in that state." Shinohara tried to ask Evan, though admittingly the man felt wrong asking anything about the other's personal affairs, yet he felt like someone sooner or later had to ask about the boy's state. "It might be hard now but.. one day, you might be able to convert that anger into something useful." He spoke reassuringly, offering a small and rather sorrowful smile.

Although the calm was shaken just as fast as it came once Shinohara heard Teela in the background, then glancing over at her, his expression turned grim as he witnessed the girl going insane, even if she had been through a lot, Shinohara didn't feel obliged to feel pity for someone that killed so many as she more than likely did.

However, soon he noticed what the girl was trying to achieve, and called over to the investigator by his side.
"Quickly, she's about to suffocate!" knowing that Evan was probably faster than he was, he was more for strength than agility.

Jasper eagerly nodded, "That does sound quite lovely. Yes, we can't let them off easily. We need to maximize their despair and suffering. It will be very very tasty." He left the kitchen as well and began to travel down the hallways. It didn't take him long to find the albino who was just wandering around the hallways aimlessly. Jasper pulled a surprise attack on the boy and grabbed him from behind, dragging him off to the cellar where Charles was sure to be waiting for him.

Evan finished tidying up the room quickly with Shinohara's help. He answered politely, "Oh, no. I'm fine. I just really want to get this mission on the road so no one else gets hurt. It'd be a shame if all our work were to be wasted like that." He grew surprised at the sight of the maid trying to choke himself and dashed over there to stop there. "Miss! Miss!" He shook her shoulders, trying to pull her hands from around her neck. "I can't let you choke yourself like that. That wouldn't be fair now, would it?"
"Let me die! I'm only a worthless pile of scum! A burden! I can't stand it anymore! There's just too much pain in life! I don't care if I get sent to hell to live under the punishment of Satan! The only things that kept me from completely loosing it was from playing the piano and Philip, both of which I'll probably never see or hear from again!" My giggles receded back into quiet sobs as I finished speaking, letting him remove my hands. "Just kill me... There's nothing for me to live for... Every second in this hellhole is a minute closer to becoming insane..."
Koizumi Mahiru

If anything, Koizumi felt ashamed of herself for not remembering where the restroom was. This mansion still was quite new to her after all, but it's not like it's her first time using it but she always got lost looking for it. Her sense of direction wasn't too great either, so it didn't help when she didn't have someone around like Sendo. Soon she just stopped feeling the need to use it anymore and was wandering the halls trying to find where she came back from, until Charles appeared in her peripheral line of vision. The photographer immediately froze, tensing up in fear hoping that he wouldn't notice her. What was he doing? He hardly went out and about without calling everyone to a meeting or having an ulterior motive. He looked like he was looking for someone, so she just stood there, standing behind a door hoping he wouldn't notice.

.: Charles :.

Charles wasn't really in a hurry, the old man was just leisurely waltzing up the staircase and then down the rather vacant halls, from watching the security cameras feed earlier in the evening, He already knew exactly where Sendo and Koizumi were staying, if they thought their room was hidden, they would be idiots.

The old man saw everything in the mansion, the only room that he didn't put a surveillance camera would of been the bathrooms in the mansion, and the bathing room in general, Charles figured he still had some couth to not go that low yet. some kind of self pride if you will.

Nevertheless, Charles kept walking until he spotted the very exact redhead that he was looking for, suppressing a grin that wanted to crawl it's way onto his features, and instead, the old man let himself walk right past the girl, giving her the brief relief that perhaps he didn't see her, allowing her a few minutes of false security, and then made his way down the corridor before he stopped completely. and ever so slowly the man turned and began creeping back towards the door.

"Did you really think that would fool me, my dear?" He cooed towards the hidden girl, and before she could even make an attempt to run, he swung the door shut and grabbed the girl, locking his arm around her neck, and started to drag her down the halls as he covered her mouth with his free hand.

"I have so many plans for you, and my my, I have this splendid assumption that you'll look just dashing in red.." The man cruelly joked, dragging poor Koizumi down the stairs and towards the cellar.

.: Suzuya :.

The Albino had gotten taken from behind, emitting a surprised gasp as he was suddenly being taken away without any sort of warning, his body acting on it's own, Suzuya squirmed and tried to bite the arm that was clasped around him, grunting uncomfortably much like an animal might as he twisted and turned in the other's grasp.

"Let go of me, what are you, a pervert?!" The albino hissed as he continued to struggle like a rabid dog would, growling and trying to snap at the other.

.: Shinohara :.

The man sighed in relief as he watched Evan handle the situation so professionally, the man placed a hand to his head to try to cool down the mild headache he felt coming on, it was evident that this place was taking a toll on him, and Shinohara had just arrived, so that probably wasn't a good sign.

"Evan.. if you wouldn't mind, I think we could all use some shut eye. I'll guard the door so everyone can rest without worries that someone might come and kill them, I personally think if everyone takes a quick rest, we can all reevaluate, after what we witnessed today... It's safe to say that we should tread carefully." Shinohara yawned as he said this, and started off to go stand watch outside of the door, he wouldn't want anyone breaking into the room Saionji was staying in, much less the Criminals breaking out, so he figured standing watch on everyone's rooms would be his best bet.

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Jasper scolded, "Quiet you." The pain didn't really faze him that much. As long as it kept the little boy busy, he was fine with it. He continued to drag him off to the cellar, not even bothering to stop.

Evan set the girls hands down. "I won't let you kill yourself. Now, try to get some rest, we'll deal with this in the morning." He glanced over at Shinohara. "No, it's fine. I can stand guard. After all, I owe as much for conducting the interrogation process without you. I was a bit caught up in the moment and for that, I apologize."
Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi let out a choked cry when Charles came and the fear was practically forced into her. Her arms started to tremble and her legs attempted to resist, trying hard to pry off the older man's arm, failing miserably in the process and not even trying to stop him. "This is despicable! Is this how you handle a woman?!" the girl cried, trying hard to get his arm off her neck so she could breathe easier. "You ought to learn some manners - and you call yourself a gentleman!" she coughed out, eventually realizing that her struggle was no use, even if this was an old man.

.: Charles :.

Paying no mind to the girl's threats and accusations, Charles merely strolled leisurely down the staircase as he made his way towards the cellar, observing his decorations in the mansion as he wondered if he should replace anything soon or not, then again, redecorating now would more than likely be just a waste of investment, the game was nearly at it's climax, and when it was, Charles would move away and start a brand new game all over again, so there was no need to waste any money on new items and d?cor.

"Oh that... well then, I don't exactly consider you a woman of any kind, you're a beast if anything, disgusting cattle? Ah yes, that fits you well! wouldn't you say?" Charles mocked Koizumi, deciding to humour her and actually antagonize her a little bit, it wouldn't matter soon anyway, pretty soon the girl wouldn't be able to speak or even scream whence the torture would commence, he had such lovely ideas for the girl to endure, Charles felt excitement like he hadn't felt in weeks, their session would be quite amazing, and not only that, he would be able to finally spend much needed time with Jasper.

With this new found opportunity, they could catch up and speak of only the finest things and good delicacies, oh and perhaps even discuss work.

Coming around to the cellar, Charles started down the next set of steps making his way down, upon coming to the door, he dug out a rustic key from his pockets, and unlocked the door easily, swinging it open and waltzing right on inside the newly revamped torture chamber, inside this chamber was only the best equipment.

This room was adorned with a lush red carpet so even if it stained, one would not be able to tell, then sat in the corner was a brand new iron maiden just begging to be used, along with the trusted old guillotine, and even some torturous tools hung upon the walls, yet if that wasn't enough, even weapons of nearly every kind in crates lined the walls, oh and let's not forget the iron bull that sat in the middle of the room, then not to mention the various other torture equipment that didn't catch Charles eye.

Charles smirked so wide one would of mistaken him for Lucifer himself.
"Oh my, I really am excited... are you, my love?" He questioned the girl, his voiced laced with both excitement and malice for the events that would soon play out.

.: Suzuya :.

Growing irritated as the other wouldn't let go and just kept dragging him, Suzuya continued to squirm and protest, eventually shrieking out "Go die! where are you taking me?!" towards the man, wanting nothing less than an explanation.

Suzuya had thought Jasper to be just another person, not good, nor evil, the Albino actually didn't mind the man when he met him, but now his opinion was quickly changing. this guy was rude, pushy, and had some foul attitude.

The Albino attempted to dig his nails into Jasper's arm since the biting wasn't doing any good, continuing to growl as he was too weak to break out of the man's grasp, Suzuya would of been able to defend himself if he could just reach his knives, yet the boy lacked in upper body strength, he was slender, and in no way suited for unarmed combat. however, what he lacked in strength the boy made up for with agility and his animal like instincts, sadly they weren't working much for him in this position though.

.: Shinohara :.

Shionhara shot a quick smile back as Evan as he walked out, his lips whispering a thank you as you checked out and closed the door, going to one of the vacant guest rooms, the man laid down after the long day and slowly drifted to a deep sleep, as much as he would of loved to be a light sleeper, Shinohara wasn't.

Jasper grinned and teasingly answered, "I'm taking you to your punishment." Since he knew the art of manipulation, he put his skills to the test once again. "You seemed like you felt awfully guilty for what you did to that girl so I thought that taking you to the punishment chamber might help you feel better. Wouldn't you agree, Suzuya?"

Evan smiled back to Shinohara as he left the room. He sat down on a chair and watched the maid to make sure she wouldn't try killing herself again. He didn't really mind keeping guard. He had the energy to do so and it was the least he could do to help out the group.