Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

"Why do you care so much for Alice, Evan?" I asked him as I stared back at him with blue eyes. "Why are you guys even here? Why didn't you let Yuki go when yoy first came here? There was no doubt she was innocent..." I murmured.
Yuki Shiro ~

Everything that was going on made Yuki's brain hurt as she followed Mr. Shinohara, not quite paying attention to all that was happening. She didn't really want to leave the man's side, but it seemed that everyone was going to sleep already and Shinohara had left to sleep in another room. She noted that Teela was looking pretty bad, but she didn't know just what to say to her after the maid had tried to choke herself.

Yuki wasn't tired in the slightest though, so she just listened to Teela talking to Evan. She heard the maid's comment about the investigators' decision to keep the guests with them, but she personally thought that it made sense. After all, how could they ensure a safe journey home for the victims if they themselves still had business in the mansion? Besides, Yuki would have pleaded that they let her help, anyway. Not that she was really the best at lending a hand in situations like this one, but it was in her nature to try despite whether she could actually be of assistance.

Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo was glad that Koizumi cared enough to make an attempt to cheer him up, but he had a hard time keeping his mind from remembering the past. "Yes, yes." he said vacantly when Mahiru excused herself, too deep in thought to realize that she was leaving. When the television flicked on to show the videos of the investigators, Sendo flew up as he snapped back to reality. "Koizumi!" he called, seeing she was gone--not to mention alone in the mansion. He didn't have to check the bathroom first, he knew Charles already made his move by now, after all, Charles and Jasper had been waiting for this moment in anticipation.

Practically flying down the hall in fury, he headed for the cellar, for Sendo knew that was exactly where they would bring Koizumi to be tortured. It didn't take a genius to know that Charles would want to punish him by doing something to the girl that unintentionally brought him to betray the man. Charles thought he was so slick, but he didn't know just the severity of the mistake he was making.

Sendo was not one to take crap from anyone, let alone someone like Charles. And for something like this? He was going to pay.

.: Suzuya :.

The Albino listened carefully to the words that he was told, letting them roll around in his head as he tried to understand the sentence in general, and the more he processed those words, the less the Albino struggled, until finally, Suzuya went rather limb and his expression vacant as he started to accept the offer, recalling days long before Shinohara, days of which the Albino was tortured regularly each and every night, just to make sure he was loyal to a certain murderer that took out his parents.

He would be punished a lot less severely when he was a good boy, and the torture lasted much longer when he wasn't, in fact, sometimes Suzuya thought he deserved the punishment, and once Jasper mentioned that it would make him feel better, Suzuya slowly nodded, this was one of those times that Suzuya felt he deserved the torture.

"Ah.." Suzuya slowly let out, continuing with "I agree.. I haven't been a good boy.." The albino let out, sounding rather defeated and perhaps lost in thought.

Then, it wasn't long before the Albino took a glance up at Jasper, the Albino's eyes shown fear yet acceptence as he asked a question that could probably break him if answered correctly.
"Will.. this make Komaeda happy?"

Koizumi Mahiru

"You.. you're really a.. terrible person.."
Koizumi panted, finally managing to release herself from Charles' grip. "What're you doing to me? Why're you torturing me?" she asked, wearing a pained look on her face. Though she felt a slight relief inside of her - at least they might not torture Sendo as well - he already bore painful enough scars, emotional and physical. But she had hardly a clue of what Charles was planning so she didn't even get to have the luxury of knowing he wouldn't try anything. She tried hard not to make eye contact with the man, staring off towards the walls to get her mind off things, but seeing the guillotine and the rather threatening decor didn't comfort her. She tried to savor the moments she had before she was hurt- and quietly reminiscenced happier memories - of her parents and her friends and took deep breaths to calm herself down.
Evan took a deep breath before answering the maid, "I care so much because I don't want anyone else to suffer. I don't want anyone else to get hurt or to die. I want to be the one to save them. I want to help. You're just a killer; you wouldn't understand."

Jasper gives Suzuya a reassuring smile. "Yes, of course, it will make him happy. He's too upset to actually tell you himself and he'd hate to be the one to do the punishing but he has told me to do this." He clears his throat. "Now then, shall we be on our way? We don't want to be late."
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.: Charles :.

"To cause Despair, I think my reasoning is quite simple.." Charles replied rather coldly, soon a rather eerie smirk gracing his features as he calmly stepped forward towards the girl, trying to intimidate her, or perhaps the man was going to snatch her up once more, although Charles felt he was too kind and patient, the old man had already made the decision he would wait for Jasper to arrive before he began.

"This world is cruel.. so can you blame that I turned out the way I have? I see no problem with being a terrible person, as long as I'm a terrible person that achieves what he wants most in life." Charles explained to the girl, slowly taking a scalpel off the table, the old man brought it close as he examined the thing, pressing the tip of his finger against the sharp point.

"Now tell me, Is there anything you regret, Koizumi? This might be the last chance you get to think about it... so tell me, is there anything that causes you to despair?" Charles was hinting at something, after all, the old man didn't say anything unless he had planned out the result, he was frightening in the ways he worked, yet that was exactly how he liked it.

.: Suzuya :.

There it was, the answer had cleared any doubt in Suzuya's mind as he once more nodded slowly, his eyes trailing to the floor as he felt like his heart had been pierced by a sharp needle. "Ah.. This will make Komaeda happy.." Suzuya repeated to himself, trying to reassure that this was the right decision.

"Then.. I'll make him proud, I'll be a good boy." The Albino said softly, Suzuya knew what had to happen to ease the feeling of guilt within his chest, and he also knew that he deserved the torture that would come, if he could just withstand it, then Komaeda would be proud of him, he would forgive the stitched boy and praise him for enduring it, just as that person did many years ago.

Slowly looking up to meet Jasper's gaze again, Suzuya gave yet another reluctant nod, ready to follow the other without any resistance whatsoever, the Albino had made up his mind, he was going to repent in his actions, Suzuya would endure whatever punishment awaited him, simply for Komaeda.

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Koizumi Mahiru

"Even if there was something I regret, I wouldn't tell you. Besides, you're going to torture me anyway and you're just going to hang that story over my head."
Koizumi frowned, straying away from the old man and away from the "decorations." She wondered why this old man was so obsessed with spreading despair to others. She wondered what he was waiting for - why he was delaying the pain but at the same time wanted this period of just standing and not feeling any last forever. There in fact was a memory that caused her to despair which was just shown on the videos the other day, but she wasn't even too sure if it was Charles who was behind it and he just wanted to know if she'd lie. She backed away a couple more feet when she noticed him grabbing a scalpel off the table and piercing his finger with it, which she was surprised to see him not even flinching.

"Wh-what're you doing with that thing?" she asked, gesturing towards the small yet painful-looking knife.
"I do understand. I wanted to save Philip, even when I was a killer. But Charles replaced that title with 'cattle'. I didn't even know about his games until just a few days ago. Even then, I had to play along. I hate the idea of murder, but I ended up killing someone..." By now, my tears had run dry as I walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I'm not evil. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I care for other people. Even deceased."
Jasper patted Suzuya's head. "Good boy. Now then, let's go." He pulled the boy along to the cellar. This time, his grip was not as tightly as it was before.

Evan sighed. "You're a killer though. Why did you kill if you feel so strongly? I- I don't understand." He wanted to listen to Shinohara but his heart was telling him to trust this girl, no matter how crazy she seemed. Why was he so conflicted all of a sudden? Why couldn't he make up his mind?

.: Charles :.

Idly toying with the scalpel in his hand, Charles didn't flinch nor mind whence the red liquid started to trickle from his finger, knowing fully well that the red liquid would be coating the floors soon enough, the torture the old man had planned would be delicious, and as such would cause quite the mess.

"That's fine if you don't want to tell me, But I fear I already know what it is that you regret... you murdered someone before, and you dwell on it even now." Charles commented as he advanced towards the girl, humouring her as he took a step forward for each she took back.

Charles debated if he should scare the girl any further, he didn't want her to faint before the activates even started, yet the terror shown on her face was absolutely irresistible and tempted him to lower the scalpel from his finger, extending a hand out towards the girl as if to grab her, yet he stopped short, hearing footsteps made the old man look up towards the steps leading down into the cellar, and at seeing Jasper with the last cattle needed for their most fun activity, Charles couldn't help smirking in satisfaction.

Although the man soon quirked an eyebrow at the sight, Suzuya was simply following Jasper without any hesitation, the boy looked depressed and seemed willing to follow the other, and Charles found it quite peculiar how the Albino was acting like that and not protesting at all, Charles shot Jasper a suspicious look as if to ask him about it, and then exclaimed.
"You've arrived quite early! splendid, I'd expect no less from my most skilled servant.

"Though please, lock the chamber door behind you... I have an eerie feeling someone might try to rescue these two, or at least one of them." Charles mused, waiting for the other to follow the order and come down to greet him.

.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya carefully followed after Jasper, making no attempt to escape or run as he kept his eyes focused on the ground, watching his slippers as they patted against the cold steps down to the cellar, and once he heard Charles speak, Suzuya took a slow glance into the room, noticing Koizumi was also there however, caught Suzuya by surprise, and he wondered what exactly the girl had done that made him require punishment.

The Albino stayed quiet as he observed the room, noticing the unsettling equipment along with the tools hanging upon the walls, Suzuya gulped slightly, his eyes showing just a tad bit of hesitation, although he knew that he wouldn't allow himself to run, the stitched boy firmly believed that he deserved this, and he wanted to make sure that Komaeda was proud of him afterwards, if he could just endure this, then Komaeda would accept him once more and even praise him.
Jasper laughed. "Don't worry, Charles. He wanted to come. I just reminded him why." Jasper locked the door behind him as he walked down the stairs to join the others. Once he reached the bottom of the stairs, he took a moment to appreciate all the weaponry around him. It was truly an amazing sight and he was excited to began. "Oh, my... this is such the collection you have."
"I didn't want to kill someone. It all just happened so fast. The girl, Mary Onette, she attacked me. I was trying to act as a killer in hopes for the others to leave her to me. But then she just came at me and she was going to kill me. I only wanted to make her pass out, but I ended up killing her instead..." I murmur, removing my hand from his shoulder as a saddened look shone on my face.
Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi's face grew written in guilt at figuring out that Charles knew what it was she "despaired" over. She backed away slightly from Charles' scalpel when he began to point it towards her, bringing up her hands to form a temporary wall in between her and the old man. "I.. I didn't.. I'm not a killer.." she began to mutter to herself, bringing a hand up to her face until she realized that some people have arrived. She noticed Suzuya and that other guy - Jasper - were here.

Without realizing it, she had walked over to the albino, maybe to distract herself from the influence of Charles for even just a moment and out of concern for how blank his face looked.. also, because of the absence of Komaeda behind him. Something must've happened between them, and he seemed oddly accepting of his torture. She brought her hands toward the albino's arm and held it lightly, not in a romantic way but more like how a mother would hold a child'd arm when they were scared. The girl then slowly and delicately asked the white-haired boy, "Are you okay?" For some reason, when she said that, it was as if all the events that had happened in the past between them never happened and she genuinely cared for what Suzuya felt.

.: Charles :.

"He came willingly? that's different.." Charles commented idly on the situation, not wanting to pry too much in case there was something Jasper couldn't say in front of the Albino.

As the red head hurried out of the corner she was in, Charles paid it no mind and allowed Koizumi to scatter over to Suzuya, they were both locked in and there was no way they would be escaping anyway, not to mention the old man wanted to catch up with Jasper before the torture truly began, and as such he started towards the other as he gestured with his hands and showed off his collection.

"Why, I thought you might approve.." Charles let out with a chuckle, coming over to Jasper and handing him over the scalpel for no other reason then to allow the other to examine it, perhaps to get some ideas.
"Before he was diseased, I had Daniel revamp this very cellar so it would be suited for a time like this, Is it to your liking, my boy?" Charles questioned, his eyes falling upon the iron maiden, the torture device looked tempting to use for the first time, the master of the mansion imagined the nice screams that would emit from such a torture, and how nicely the red liquid would seep out from the bottom of the mechanism.

It truly was a divine torture method, although there were so many options in this one room, the old man knew that he would have a tough time just picking one torture method, and he would more than likely choose many.
"Anything in particular catching your eye?" Charles decided to pose yet another question, looking over at Jasper expectantly.

.: Suzuya :.

Listening to the two men talk wasn't very interesting, and so Suzuya settled for examining the room some more, his eyes scanning over all of the various tools and equipment, as he wondered what exactly might be used on him, the thought sent a rather uncomfortable feeling down his spine as he imagined what terrible things could happen to him, although he deserved it, the stitched boy couldn't help but feel somewhat afraid.

Although, Suzuya flinched at Koizumi's sudden touch, not expecting anyone to be asking him if he was okay, much less showing concern in shape way or form. "Ah.. I'm not exactly sure if I am or If I'm not.." Suzuya whispered, his voice hesitant as he spoke. the Albino slowly looked up at the girl with a vacant expression, his eyes looked fearful, yet also held a certain sorrow.

"I'm going to make Komaeda-san proud, he's upset with me.. because I did that again." Suzuya spoke as if the girl would just get it as he told her, because that referred to exactly what the Albino did to her before, it was the action of injuring another.

Which honestly didn't phase Suzuya, he didn't care if he hurt someone, or even killed them, what the Albino cared about was how Komaeda reacted to it, Suzuya was disappointed that he made the other so angry again, so angry that Komaeda would send him for punishment without even telling him first, the Albino would of gladly volunteered if the ultimate luckster even as much as told him to go.
Yet it appeared that the disappointment was so great, Komaeda had to ask Jasper of all people to take Suzuya down here..

And something about that just broke the boy up inside, his heart was aching and he just knew that he had to get this punishment to make Komaeda proud, that way, Komaeda would forgive him for this whole upset.

Sendo Senkusha ~

After a short while, Sendo reached the cellar, still enraged at the thought of Charles torturing Mahiru. He saw the door closing as he arrived on the scene however, a loud clanking noise sounding as Jasper locked it behind him. "No!" he said, slamming his fists against the heavy metal door. If only he'd been a few seconds sooner, he could have slipped inside.

"Charles, you won't get away with this! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" he yelled in anger, smashing his fists against the obstacle louder and more violently than before. He turned and looked around the area, adjusting his hat as he tried to think of how he could get inside. This was the only door to the cellar and it was nearly indestructible... but what in this mansion would even dent the thing?

Then he remembered a person in this mansion that would know how to completely decimate that door, both quickly and efficiently. "Teela." he said, before heading off as fast as possible to find the maid. He didn't have much time, so he would need to be fast and take the risk of running into the investigators.
Jasper answered, "Yes, yes it is." He winked, signaling that he'd tell the other man later. Jasper grabbed the scalpel and turned it over in his hand, admiring the shape and the sharpness of the tool. It was the type of thing he'd enjoy using and treasure forever. "Oh, yes, yes, it is marvelous. I just love how much pain this little cellar will be able to bring to those who are tortured in here." He looked up and around the room, observing each and every weapon carefully. Finally, one caught his eye. It was a small box set up with rodents and a heating source, the perfect instrument to perform the method known as 'rat torture'. He had only read about this in books but it was a method that he was dying to try. He pointed at the tools. "That one, sir."

Evan bit his lip. "I really don't know what to say. Can you please stop talking to me?" Talking to the maid made him even more confused than before. Why was she so sad about this? She was a killer but she was acting like a victim. He didn't understand why though.
Koizumi Mahiru

"Look, I don't know what goes on in Komaeda's twisted mind, but whatever you did I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't want you to be tortured in order to please him!"
Koizumi frowned. "It's obvious to me that he loves you and he just doesn't know it, but don't think that. Okay? I swear that he wouldn't want to see you hurt." She offered a smile to the damaged boy. "I know my opinion probably doesn't matter much in this situation but we'll get through this somehow. Maybe."

The girl tried to talk some sense into Suzuya so at least while the torture he wouldn't be thinking it would be to make that maniac proud. She then heard loud pounding from the door, probably someone who wanted to get in really badly - she didn't think much on it.
"I-I'm sorry... I really shouldn't pester you with past events like that. Just forget I ever said anything..." I muttered, my eyes downcast as I stepped away from him. Moving back towards the bed, I sat cross-legged on the ground, leaning against it. Closing my eyes, I started to tap my fingers on my lap, almost as if I was playing a piano, the chains rattling at every twitch of my wrist.

.: Charles :.

Charles didn't have to fake the grimace at Jasper's wink, not liking the other winking at him like that, it left an unsettling feeling in his stomach, nevertheless Charles chuckled at it, knowing fully well that Jasper would tell him whatever it was that kept the Albino so willing would be helpful in the long run.

"Hmm..? you have rather grotesque taste, Jasper my boy." Charles wasn't really a fan of that contraption, and honest to goodness might have to just take it away from Jasper if it got too brutal, it was a little too... foul, for his tastes, and an uncivilized way of torture.

"I'm not really a fan of that one.. but you can try it if you like, I'm more for the lead sprinkler." and as the man said this, he began to leisurely stroll over to the tools, taking the lead sprinkler off as he examined the thing, it was a very fine torture device, and would work wonders for making this activity interesting for him.

"Just don't get too carried away, You must remember that.." cutting off his sentence, Charles couldn't help but grin even wider as he ruckus coming from the door, giving Jasper an expression that told him not to open it, then the man came over to the servant, and whispered into his ear.

"We mustn't kill them, I'll be using that water method after we've had our fun, you know... the one that we've used on plenty servants before.. on the other hand, your boy seems to be losing his conviction, you might want to assure him. " Charles hinted devilishly, before the old man pulled back, and looked over at the two cattle in the room.
Then gesturing for Koizumi to come near although the old man knew she more than likely wouldn't.
"Now dear! will you like this to be the easy way and come here like a good girl, or would you like to resist and have it the hard way?"

.: Suzuya :.

Those words hit something in Suzuya, just thinking that Komaeda could love him back made the Albino feel a little more pleasant inside, and it helped ease some of the guilt he was feeling. yet this made the Albino grow quite confused, as Jasper did say that Komaeda wanted him here, yet Koizumi was saying that Komaeda would never want him here.

Suzuya felt a slight headache coming on as he tried to figure out exactly which of the two were telling the truth, mulling it over in his head, although thinking in general was rough for the stitched boy, as he felt so drained, and yet nostalgic being in this kind of place, a part of the boy still said he deserved it, and another was curious, if perhaps Komaeda would truly not want him here.. although that logic didn't make sense to him, the Albino was used to getting punishment, because punishment would always make that person forgive him and treat him well.

"Ah.. I Thought Komaeda brought me here... ?" The albino softly asked, his conviction somewhat wavering as he thought about it, yet at the same time, losing that conviction was hard, as it was instilled into him long ago that when he was a bad boy, he would receive punishment.

"This will make him happy, Ah.. if I endure it, If I endure it then..." Suzuya started to explain to Koizumi, in case she was confused on the subject just as the Albino was, yet his eyes looked so fearful, the boy looked so confused and honestly it was little heart wrenching as he stared towards the other trying to prove that some of this was right, that he deserved it in some way, shape or form.

"If I can just do this for him, then Komaeda-san will praise me!" the stitched boy beamed, yet his voice was shaky and hesitant, it was as if his mind was making him say these things, a past traumatization was lingering on the brink of his mind, his body knew better, yet the boy's mind was damaged, and yearned for this kind of punishment.

Jasper laughed. "You're the one who owns it so that means you're the one with the grotesque taste, not me." He grinned. "Of course, I'll be using it. I'll try to control myself. Note how I said try." This brought on another round of chuckles. He nodded at the whispered suggestions and walked over to Suzuya.

He took on a caring tone as he asked, "Are you scared? Once this is over, you'll be set free and Komaeda will be happy. I'll try to be fast, I promise." He gave the boy a reassuring smile, hoping that this would help set the boy's fears at ease.