Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo walked swiftly through the halls once again, avoiding traps and listening for any signs of life. Finally he heard low talking in one of the rooms that sounded like the maid and someone unfamiliar. He opened the door quietly, throwing caution aside to save time and jumping straight into an explanation in hopes that the investigators would allow him to take Teela when he saw her situation. "Charles is torturing a victim in the cellar, perhaps even more than one!" he blurted, realizing they probably wouldn't trust him. The investigators wouldn't know him, but his appearance didn't exactly scream trustworthiness.

"The only way in is a strong metal door--if Teela can set some explosives, we may be able to stop him before anything really bad happens...!" his voice was sincere, laced with worry for Koizumi--but would it be enough?
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Evan looked over at the new visitor in the room. He asked, "Who are you?" The man seemed to ramble on about Charles torturing someone. Who could it be? He wanted to help but he didn't want to move without Shinohara here and he certainly would not let Teela leave on her own. He cautiously asked, "What makes you think you can just take her like that? You have to ask first."
Koizumi Mahiru

"Komaeda would never bring you here, I promise you that. If he really likes you, he wouldn't make you go through something so horrid."
Koizumi smiled at Suzuya, but it was short-lived due to Charles caling her. She knew she should resist, but it was better than him close to strangling her again. She flashed the albino another small smile before glaring at Jasper for planting it in his mind that Komaeda would want him to be tortured. The redhead knew she couldn't do anything at this point since she's being taken in for torture,
"Evan, that's mister Sendo. He's a victim, so there's nothing to worry about. And I have the right to help him." I murmured, standing up to stare at the two. "Though there's not much I can do with these on." I indicated towards my handcuffs, giving the chain a little shake. "I'll need some copper wires, gunpowder, black power, things like that. I'll also need some string, alcohol, paper, and water. The door down there is either titanium or steel, but I'll have to make several bombs, and will need some shells." I listed. "Evan, I may be a hostage, but I am going to help him, permission or not."
(Sorry about the double posts, apparently posting from my mobile device does that sometimes? I'll fix it when I get to my computer!)

Sendo Senkusha ~

"I don't think I can just take her--that's why I haven't, you know." Sendo answered, matter-of-factly in an annoyed tone. "Anyway, we can't just stand around while someone is tortured by sick murderers...!" he added, uncomfortable with how long this was turning out to take. Faster, this needed to go faster. Koizumi's life was at stake, he couldn't afford to waste any more time.

He wasn't particularly pleased with being vouched for as a victim either, but he said nothing to confirm nor deny the claim that Teela made. He was technically not employed anymore, so he wasn't sure how to tackle that, really.
Evan pulled out his gun and pointed it at Teela. "I can't let you leave. You're in custody right now. You can't just leave whenever you please to." He yelled, hoping that he was loud enough for the others to hear, "Shinohara, code yellow! Get in here."

Evan nodded at the new man. "I understand your frustrations but we can't act just yet. Please wait for the others. I'm sure they'll know what to do."
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.: Charles :.

Charles simply scoffed as Japer's comment, little did the other know that Charles didn't specifically pick such a foul tool, it was just given to him when he got all of this torturous toys, nevertheless, he made his way over to Koizumi.

"Oh my, you're so cooperative... I'll have to commend you for having the decency to at least listen." Charles grinned as he said this, then gestured to a steel, uncomfortable looking chair, there were cuffs fastened on the side of the chair, and it looked like that was where Charles wanted the girl to go so he could restrain her.

The torture would probably be a lot less brutal if she would listen to him though, and in a way he did hope she would rebel and not sit down.

"Tick tock, Koizumi.." He teased the other, as if mocking her that the torture would be unavoidable at this point, and the choice was hers if she would like it easy or rough, he was playing with the sprinkler in his hands, yet was careful not to drop it, the instrument in general would be heated by the fire soon enough.

.: Suzuya :.

They were both contradicting each other, and As Suzuya looked between the two. The Albino felt conflicted as both of them were smiling so genuinely, so kindly. Suzuya opened his mouth to try to answer Koizumi, yet just as he wanted to, the other began to walk away, leaving him alone with Jasper.

Hesitantly, the Albino looked over at the other, and slowly nodded in agreement to let Jasper know he was ready.
Suzuya's mind was still somewhat cloudy from his conviction that he deserved what was to come, and he felt a little wavered from what Koizumi had offered, however as he processed Jasper's words, the stitched boy remembered exactly why he was down here in the first place, and that was to make Komaeda happy, so if he could just endure this, then he could leave and be praised by the other.

.: Shinohara :.

Hearing Evan's call caused the S.W.A.T member to awaken, then it was mere minutes before the man was already up and out of the guest room.

Slowly walking by and knocking on Saionji's door as he passed as a way to let her know it was time to move out as well, something felt like it wasn't right, and so his feet took him towards where the ruckus was coming from, the man was cautious as he approached the room Teela was in, and as he stayed in the hallway right outside of it, Shinohara cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention, all the while, rustling out his gun from his pocket.

"Care to explain what's going on here, and who exactly you are?" Shionhara was still tired, but he wasn't dumb, and was growing more alert by the secret as his face took on a wary expression, clicking the safety off of his gun as he nudged his head a little to let Evan that he had heard him, and to let him know to be cautious.
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"Oh no! A gun! I'm sooo scared!" I grinned sarcasticly as I strolled over to Evan, using my hand to lower his gun. "Please. I can tell you're not comfortable with using guns, and you probably won't harm me. The first time I shot a gun was when I was seven. I'm not scared of anything lethal. The key required for the cellar isn't the master key. Completely different thing. Charles probably has the key with him, so the only way to get in is with my bombs. If you don't like that, then too bad. I don't want another to die because I didn't do anything to help."
Evan breathed a sigh of relief when Shinohara joined them in the room. He turned to Teela and threatened, "I'm not afraid to shoot if you force me to. Just don't act on your own. You're still a killer and we can't trust you. How am I suppose to even believe that he's torturing someone right now? What if this is just a set-up to get you free?" He couldn't help the sinking feeling in his stomach that told him the man was telling the truth but he still needed solid proof and the permission of his team members before he could decide.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Jasper grabbed Suzuya's hand and led him to the table, strapping down the boy and making sure the straps were closed extra tightly. "That should do the trick." He attached the box to the boy's chest and the large, plumb rodents sat asleep, waiting for the torture to begin. The box slowly began to heat up and Jasper watched as the magic happened.
Yuki Shiro ~

"If another victim is really down there, we should help... shouldn't we?" Yuki asked with a concerned look, standing up. She wasn't too good at telling a person's intentions by their looks, but Koizumi had told her Sendo wasn't so bad--therefore Yuki thought so too. "If Sendo is worried, it must be Koizumi down there, right?" she questioned quietly.

Sendo Senkusha ~

"T-that's right...!" Sendo said with a look of surprise in reply to Yuki's guess. He wasn't sure how the girl knew, but to have a victim on his side could help.

"Look, all I'm asking is that we get down there and free whoever is being tortured. Teela isn't the only one who can do this, but she is the most efficient one I know of for the job." he explained, "I'm open to suggestions."
"I'm thinking an ammonium nitrate bomb would work best... A bit uncontrollable, but it's the strongest bomb I can make. Lucky for you, Sendo, I already have one made. Unfortunately, I have no detonator, and it'll have to be set manually. It only takes thirteen seconds before it explodes, so it could be deadly if I'm not fast enough..." I thought aloud, my face blank as I starred off into space. "Anyways, it's my last bomb, and it would take too long for me to make more explosives. Though stink bombs are fun, it won't work at all... Ohh! A smoke bomb might!" I chuckled. "Does anyone here have ping pong balls? Or a plastic sphere?" I questioned, a smile on my face as all hostility drained from me.

.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya gulped as Jasper suddenly took hold of him, yet the Albino didn't make a move to even struggle, instead he complied as was strapped down onto the table, watching curiously as Jasper took out the contraption, and wondering exactly what it might do, Although for a split second, Suzuya let his eyes trail over to Koizumi, wondering if she would be alright, and perhaps if she had already started her punishment, even if the Albino wasn't even sure why she was down here still, she never made it clear.

Flinching as the Albino felt the cold box placed upon his chest, Suzuya's attention was brought back to his own punishment, and the Albino's eyes shown fear as he felt the box begin to heat up, He wasn't sure exactly why it was getting so warm, yet he could hear something moving inside, and realized soon that whatever it was felt fuzzy against his chest.

However, as the temperature started to grow uncomfortably hot, the Albino couldn't help growing anxious and somewhat afraid as fearful squeaks started to emit from the box, rustling was heard before the Albino suddenly felt spikes of pain coming from his chest, little claws and teeth started to tear at his skin, and blood began to slowly but surely drip from his torso.

The albino was fidgeting yet trying to restrain himself, soon his eyes were dilated as he panted and tried his hardest not to scream, Yet as the pain grew thicker and the box grew hotter the rats began to burrow deeper into the skin, ripping off more and more of the soft tissue as they panicked and tried to escape from the heat by any means possible, and right now that was through the stitched boy underneath them.

They dug and dug until a good hunk was missing from Suzuya's right side of his chest, there was about a fist big gash that showed quite a bit of his bones as they picked away at it, trying to go deeper and further to find salvation as the soft tissue was clawed away and more blood began to pool at the boys side, coating his stomach and slithering down his chest to make a puddle on the table he laid upon.

It wasn't long until The Albino couldn't hold it back anymore, and he started to wince and squirm wildly as he started to shriek and grind his teeth, yet oddly enough the boy was still trying his hardest not to let himself, as if he wanted to endure this, for the pain to make him feel better in some way.
"I-I can do it...I-I can do it, for Komaeda-san..!" Suzuya whispered through gasps caused by the severe pain, although the whisper crackled and broke as it turned into more of a scream as he was suffering from the torture that was upon him. his body spasming as he trembled and shook with each and every claw that dug into his flesh.

However, a certain someone was growing disgusted from the shrieks of the mice, and started to march over to Jasper.

.: Charles :.

Giving Koizumi a look that told her if she moved from that very spot, she would endure much more torture than he had planned for her, Charles marched his way over to Jasper, before speaking in a scolding voice. "Enough! those rodents are going to drive me insane.. they sound disgusting, with their cries and little rodent pitter patter." Charles knew that Jasper wanted to test these out, yet as the same time, he was simply too disgusted to let him go through with it.

"Can you please try a different method? this is uncivil.." he scoffed, not enjoying the noises those foul beasts made in the least, a little known fact would be that Charles hated rodents, and this torture was actually his least favorite of methods.

.: Shinohara :.

"Why should we just assume you're not going to just lead us into a trap?.. I want to thank you for the fact you're being so civil, yet at the same time I have to agree with Evan, who is to say that Charles isn't down there just waiting for us to arrive, you could be placing us directly into his hands.." Shionhara frowned as he posed the question, loading his gun to make sure it was full, then aiming for Sendo so Evan could aim for Teela, that way, both would be covered.

"I hate to do this to you, but I need answers and proof, and I need them now before we can make any decisions.. I know for a fact that you're not innocent, just by your stance, and the way you carry yourself, I've been in this business long enough to know that, not to mention I'm not going to just believe the maid knowing she's in on this whole charade." Gesturing to Teela as he spoke, Shinohara kept his gaze fixated on Sendo, awaiting his response.
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Jasper watched Suzuya, a wide smirk growing on his face as the punishment went on. He was enjoying every single second of it. From the look of terror to the bloodshed. He had a sudden thought. What did blood taste like? No. He couldn't let himself get too crazy. After all, Charles may as well torture Jasper for the very thought of that. Suddenly, Charles stormed over. Jasper frowned. "What's wrong with this? Can't you see the results it's getting? I'm growing rather bored of other methods. Why don't we just continue this one?" For once in his life, he wanted to do things his way, not Charles's way, but Jasper's way. The brief idea of killing Charles passed through his mind before disappearing again.

Evan's confidence grew when Shinohara started to back him up as well. He gave the other man a small smile in gratitude before aiming his gun at Teela. "We're not going to let you take charge of this. We need to work things out as a group. It's better to be safe and sorry. I'd rather protect as many lives as I can than run blindly into an operation like that."
"Fine, I'm a killer. But keep in mind, only three people have died because of me; my parents and Mary Onette. I planned to make Charles my fourth. But the three were all accidental. I'm just never in the right place at the right time. If I truly was a killer, I would have killed all of you by now. But I didn't. I actually admire you investigators for risking your lives to try and end Charles' games of life. I'm currently containing bits of sodium stitched into my clothes, and all I need is a little water to blow me, and those surrounding me, sky-high. So I could be considered a walking time bomb. But if I killed myself, I would do it in a way that wouldn't inflict physical pain on others. And I can certainly assure you it isn't a trap. I'll even show you the security room so you can see what they're doing down in the cellar." I stated, my expression blank, but my eyes showed shame as I spoke.

.: Charles :.

"It IS very effective.. yet at the same time, this might kill the boy, and we're not aiming to kill them just yet, Jasper.." Charles sounded very disappointed in the other, although he wanted to reason with Jasper, the boy was never known to act so rebellious, and soon the thought of Z came to mind, Charles scrunched his nose, wondering if that hag had planted any thoughts into his favorite servant's mind.

Due to how Jasper was acting, the boy left Charles no choice, so he hastened his pace and cane forward to the table, reaching out and ripping the box from the stitched boy's chest, the rats scurried out and ran across the floor, struggling to find any exit they could as they shrieked from fear of the intense heat. Charles looked at them with disgust, then he quickly moved to where Jasper was, frowning at him as he looked upon the other.

"Jasper my boy... I don't like seeing you like this, you aren't even listening to me.. I just want to prolong their despair, isn't that what you want as well? to just let them die isn't very amusing, and that's all that contraption would of done had we let it sit any longer." Charles spoke with concern and disappointment laced in his voice, wondering exactly what had gotten into Jasper, Charles settled a bony hand onto his shoulder.

"I just want what's best for you, and what's best for us in general.. disobeying me, you know better, you were taught better, Jasper we've just been through so much together, and to see you bare your fangs at me... it hurts me somewhere deep down." Charles frowned, though the old man had a knack for lying, he wasn't lying about how hurt he felt that the other snapped at him like that.

"Come now, do you think I would deceive you? I want you to make your own decisions... In fact, one day I wish for you to surpass even me." Charles chuckled as he gave his opinion and the old man meant every word, he wanted to let Jasper be free, although that torture just now was just a little too risky for his tastes, not to mention how much the elder hated rodents. and if he wanted to keep the victims alive, that method certainly would not do.

.: Suzuya :.

As the box was suddenly ripped off of the boy, the carnage was suddenly revealed, a good size of the right side of his chest was ripped open, showing some bone as the boy weakly crawled his way to the side of the table, breathing heavily and panting untill he started to vomit up his stomach contents onto the floor with a splat sound.

The wound was slowly dripping blood onto the table and slithering down his stomach, the work the rats had done was horrifying and deadly, yet it also could be nothing too fatal if treated soon enough, even with that reassurance that didn't stop the severe pain the wound caused throughout the Albino's body, he felt weak, lightheaded, and as he vomited out and onto the floor, the boy imagined that he was puking up his insides, because that's how badly it hurt to let it out at this point.

"Ahhh.. ahh.." Suzuya panted as his vision was glossy, gulping as he slowly stopped vomiting, he shakily reached up to wipe his mouth, yet lost his balance and fell upon the table as he did so. "K-Komaeda-san..." He whispered through the pain that wrecked his body, grinding his teeth to try to ease it, after all, Suzuya believed that if he endured this, then everything would be alright.

.: Shinohara :.

Taking all of the new found information in, Shinohara suddenly got an idea, and decided to ask out loud
"The security room.. if you can take us there safely, we'll believe anything you want to tell us, the proof will be displayed on the screens, right?"

Awaiting Teela's answer, Shinohara shot a look at Evan, as if letting him know that it would be alright even if these criminals ended up turning on them, Shinohara was trained, and if need be, he would sacrifice his very life for his comrades, and this situation was no exception. "We'll go and see for ourselves.. that way, we can figure out if it's a trap or not, do you agree to our terms?" He now questioned Sendo, trying to be civil, yet also standing his ground in case anyone tried anything suspicious.

"Works with me." I grinnedas I walked over to the door. "If I can deliver you there safely, could you take off these bothersome handcuffs? I won't be able to stand the sound much longer. And I can't do much of anything with my hands bound." I chuckled, slipping past Shinohara to stand in the hallway. "Um... I have no clue where the traps are... I haven't even run into one yet. So I'd be careful. But if we're all ready, we should go."
Jasper watched in horror as Charles proceeded to removed the device even though he didn't want him to. His temper was rising even faster now and he was not happy about this. "Yes, I do, but right now, I want something a bit more... quicker. I'm in the mood for a fast and bloody death. I don't have the patience for a prolonged torture season." He frowned. "There is nothing wrong with me. Maybe my tastes are just changing." Jasper was too blinded by rage for the other man's words to even affect him too much. It seemed as if he was finally losing it, and in the most beautiful of ways too. He claimed confidently, "I will surpass you. I promise you that. Just you wait, I will make you so proud."

Evan nodded at Shinohara, catching the signal, and lowering his own gun but keeping it pointed in Teela's general direction still. "Well, then, shall we get a move on?" He was excited to actually do something. It seemed like they have done too much standing around and talking the past hour. They needed to do more saving. Time was running out.
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Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi, when she first heard Suzuya's screams she had to tear her eyes away from what she was witnessing. It was terrifying to listen and hear and smell the scent of blood wafting over towards her, and she couldn't even do anything if she cared for her life. She knew well that he was the one who caused her to be deaf in one ear, but no one, no one should be allowed to endure this kind of pain, thinking that it would somehow make Komaeda happy. If anyone were so twisted to want their lover to pay by enduring physical pain, they were a deranged maniac who has no soul. She stared at Suzuya with a frightened look, both for herself and for the albino, afraid to help him because of what Charles said to her about leaving, so she sat there, helpless, forced to watch the boy suffer from his torture and her wondering what it took for them to get out of here and why the world was so cruel.

Saionji Hiyoko

Saionji woke up when she heard knocks on her door, tossing and turning at first and crying out a, "No, go away!" in an effort to make the person go away, but then she heard what was going on outside which made her reluctantly get into her slippers and open the door slowly, wandering around slowly as she rubbed her eyes until she found Mr. Shinohara. She tugged the taller man's sleeve lightly, asking, "What's going on? Is someone dead?" in a rather tired manner, hoping that she got up for a good reason. "Why are we talking to the maid?"

Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda, in his slumber stirred from his spot from the bed. He has been having a dream about finally escaping this wretched place and everyone leaving has been rid of despair for good, happy and going about their lives like they always did, except for Suzuya. He looked like he was in trouble, his face written in fear. He naturally reached out for him in the dream. He heard a strangled-sounding cry from the other, reaching for him despite knowing he couldn't help him. On the bed, Komaeda tossed and turned and eventually stayed on one side, facing the other side of the bed. Unconsciously he reached out his arms as if to grasp something, to hug Suzuya to know and reassure himself that the albino was okay, but his arms met nothing and he shuddered, bringing his arms back towards himself and frowned in his sleep, unacquainted with the strange yet empty feeling of being alone.
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Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo sighed at Shinohara's argument. "Yes, I'm a killer. I may be a lot of other things too, but I am not a liar, I assure you." he admitted, realizing it would only hurt the situation to pretend he wasn't one of the murderers. "However, I understand that my telling you that won't help, so to the security room it is. May I suggest that I lead the way? I know what kind of traps we're looking out for and I don't quite trust Teela, myself. She seems very desperate to escape if she would make up lies about me to get your help. After all, I'm hardly innocent. But that doesn't change the fact that people who are innocent are in danger. So let's make this quick, if you would." he held the rim of his hat as he spoke, afraid of just what they would see on the screens in the security room. He had to give Shinohara credit though, he'd come up with a pretty good way to prove the statements were true.

His heart was beating hard, knowing every second he wasted here trying to convince the investigators was another second in hell for Koizumi. If he rushed things at this point though, they would only grow more suspicious than they already were. Sendo was also very frustrated with Teela, making up lie after lie in some kind of crazy defense mode that had flicked on in her desperate attempt to escape at the opportunity. He really couldn't understand what went on in that woman's head at all.
"Aww... You're no fun anymore! And if I truly did care about escaping these people, I could have." I pouted as I stared at Sendo. 'Fudge fudge fudge! God! Doesn't he know I'm trying to help him!? Whats he trying to do? What am I trying to do?' As I thought to myself, my pout soon turned into a frown, then giggles. 'At least I'm getting better at lying! But I can't let Sendo lead... They said that if I could bring them safely to the security room, they would believe everything I said. I need that atvantage...' Walking towards the door, I stopped in front of Sendo, my eyes narrowed as I stared at him. "Yes you do, Teela... Yes you do..." I uttered under my breath.