Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

Sendo Senkusha ~

"I don't believe it's entirely necessary that we be 'having fun' right now." Sendo replied, raising an eyebrow at the unsettling behavior of the maid. Even he thought that Teela was a couple cans short at this point, no doubt she would be trying something funny if she led the way--surely these investigators could see that. She was muttering to herself and everything; she showed several clear signs of insanity and it would simply be dangerous to take anything she said in a serious manner.
"Try not to be so serious! It's not good for your health." I smiled, patting his arm before turning to glare at Saonji. "We are talking to the maid so she'll help by not exploding. The maid just so happens to have sodium powder sewn into her clothes, so she can be stated as a walking time bomb. And the maid has a name too, you know." I snapped at the blonde, flicking my finger on her forehead.

.: Charles :.

It didn't take a genius to know that Jasper was experiencing some kind of mental breakdown, and although Charles didn't want to hurt the boy, Jasper left him no choice.

Charles sighed, closing his eyes for a moment, he pinched the bridge of his nose, disappointed with the outcome, with this hideous result that Jasper was displaying.
The old man knew with no doubt that Z planted such rebellious thoughts into his boy's head, there was nothing else that could of triggered Jasper's actions right now, Charles had raised him right, formed him into what he was, there was no reason for this.

"Forgive me... but I'm not done yet, my show hasn't even begun, you'll have to wait to surpass me." Charles muttered under his breath, and before one could even react, Charles acted upon instinct and the skill that he had acquired of the many years he was living as a killer, after all, Charles had years up on anyone else in this mansion, there was no one else that could possibly even sum up to the knowledge he had of this killing game, after all, he stared it.

So taking the lead sprinkler in his hand, Charles swung his arm back, and then furiously pounded the thing against the side of Jasper's skull, knowing fully well that the area he struck would cause the servant to pass out without much effort on his part, yet that didn't stop Charles from smashing the thing upside Jasper's face right before he passed out, Charles wasn't going to tolerate ignorance, betrayal, all of these things were below him, and if he had to beat it into the other, he felt no remorse for it.

Watching Jasper hit the floor was rather satisfying in a way, yet it wasn't the only thing he had to attend to and Charles knew he had to act fast, the Albino was surely going to die if no one treated that wound, and Charles quickly came over to the long table at the far side of the room, snatching up a cloth, Charles then came over to the stitched boy that was currently struggling to pull himself up from the table, and even if it was tempting to just crush the albino's dreams and push him down, Charles grabbed the boy up by the arm, and started to wrap the cloth around his injury, tightening it so no more blood would leak out. as the Albino gave him a confused expression, Charles merely smirked.

"We can't have you dying just yet.. I have plans for both of you." The old man sneered, before he pulled Suzuya off the table, and started to drag him over towards the well that sat on the north side of the room, it was pouring water that was fresh from the pipes as Charles came to it, bending down and slumping Suzuya against the well, Charles delivered a rough kick to the boy's stomach, watching as he suddenly wheezed and gasped and fell onto his side, Suzuya cried and clawed at his stomach, wanting the pain to cease, yet all Charles did was grin and watch the boy struggle. "Don't die yet.. you know better than that, don't you?" he teased, watching the red liquid slowly trickle from the wrapped wound on his chest from the impact.

"Now then! we have to be quick, so I'm sorry I can't treat you to anything extravagant, It's only me after all." Charles turned to Koizumi now, and started over towards her with that very same eerie grin upon his features. the old man was lightly holding the lead sprinkler in his left hand, once close enough, he pushed Koizumi back into the chair behind her, wasting no time, he didn't even strap her in, instead. he opened the sprinkler with a click, and raised her above her, and watched as the hot liquid started to drip out at a fast speed, the boiling hot water fell onto the girl's skin much quicker than he anticipated, but Charles didn't mind, the torture could be slow or quick for all he cared, as long as the despair would settle in.

.: Suzuya :.

He was panting heavily as the man pulled him up, and had to resist the urge to vomit again as a cloth was wrapped tightly around his torso, his vision going from blurred to semi good vision as he struggled to make out Charles form, his face and features, it wasn't something Suzuya really wanted to focus on, but he wanted to somehow gain his composure and senses back.

Opening his mouth yet no words came out as he was dragged and slumped against the well, Suzuya wanted to ask Charles what exactly he was doing, and if he was done with being hurt for now, if he endured enough to make Komaeda happy, yet instead of a question a cracked scream suddenly came out as the Albino was suddenly kicked in the stomach.

"A-ahhh!.." Suzuya gasped as he fell onto his side and met the cold floor, winching and starting to claw at his stomach to try to get rid of the pain, tears welling up in the Albino's eyes as he whimpered out "K-Komaeda-san.. I-It hurts...."
The Albino whispered through grinding his teeth, Suzuya knew it was wrong to wish for this pain to stop, that he deserved it, although to the same point, he wanted the other to tell him it was okay to stop and that he endured enough already.

.: Shinohara :.

Offering a partial smile to Sendo, Shinohara wasn't exactly going to trust either of them yet, but he would give the man the benefit of the doubt, Sendo was being a lot more civil than Teela, and seemed to not be losing his mid at the moment, and Shinohara always figured that was a good sign.

Clearing his throat, Shinohara decided to go ahead and make the decision on his own since if someone was actually being tortured right now, every second would count, and as much as he would like to make every decision with the group, the clock was ticking and he didn't want to see another innocent lost due to them being late to the scene.

"We'll follow Sendo, normally I don't listen to murderers opinions, but he's right, Teela isn't acting trust worthy and she doesn't seem to be all there in the head.
I don't want to be rash with trusting anyone, but I just feel like he would make the better choice to follow to the security room."
He spoke his mind, before turning to his Sendo and giving him a stern expression.

"If this is just a trap and you do happen to trick us.. I'll make sure I hang on by the grips of hell before I go down, that I'm the one to end your life, I don't want any of these innocents.." Looking over at Yuki and his comrades, then back to Sendo before he continued.
"To be injured by me making this foolish choice to follow you.. If you've ever had family, then I'm sure you'll understand how much I care for all of the victims here, and my comrades, mister Sendo." Shinohara spoke every word to let the other know the severity of betraying them, before he gestured for the other to go ahead, they would need to hurry if they would like to get to the security room quickly.

"H-hey! I am completely all in my head! You're the one who is going insane!" I snapped, pushing a finger into his chest as I glared at Shinohara. "I'm probably more trust worthy than Sendo. I can't lie, so I don't even bother to risk being dishonest." I continued, making a failed attempt to cross my arms over my chest due to the handcuffs. "Stupid bonds... Can't even properly defend myself..." I muttered, a defeated look showing as I turned away from him. "At first, you said if I could bring you guys to the security room safely, then you might trust me. So I plan to keep my word on that deal." I grumbled as I started to move down the hallway towards the security room.
Koizumi Mahiru

The moment Koizumi dreaded all this time has finally arrived: for her to begin her torture. She didn't enjoy watching Suzuya's torture and she felt like that was torture enough and she should just go home traumatized. That certainly didn't seem to be enough for Charles though, as he threw Suzuya against the well and kicked him. Even if he did patch up his wound, it hardly would've done anything because of his kick which could've killed him if it weren't for sheer luck. The look of terror on her face was apparent when the old man pushed her back into the seat, holding up the very sprinkler that he'd just smashed against Jasper's head above her.

This caused her to start thinking.. why? Why was she here, why was she sent here and why did she have to be here? She believed there was a reason for everything to happen.. and she wondered why did this happen to happen to her? Was this how she was supposed to die, a brutal and terrible death from a terrible, miserly old man who found pleasure in torturing others? Why did bad things happen to good people - and what were her friends doing right now? Have they found themselves a lover, are they aspiring to make their dreams cone true? While she was here, left to waste away and face the horrifying pain of being alone with nobody to help you, and she was defenseless. She could have been doing what they were doing, living a happy life and not having to fear for her life every second. Not having to fear for another's life every second. Why..?

Just then the boiling water began to fall from the sprinkler, and she wanted so, so badly to run away and pursue her dream. But she can't do that now. It was as if time slowed down, her staring blankly out into space and wondering why she deserved this. Suzuya sure didn't deserve this.. nobody did. Charles was truly a cruel man and she can't do a thing. Just then, not soon after the droplets finally touched her skin, making her let out a strangled cry.

She started breathing hard, her heartbeat quickening as she looked down to find her skin being singed and red, the pain too much for her to handle and leading her to let out continuous screams. Her eyes formed tears, which only seeped into her burns and made it worse. The boiling water reached her nails, nearly making them fall off because of the worn and burned skin underneath it. The water found her mouth, one, two, three drops flying in and burning the roof and walls of her mouth, making her want to scream but it would only worsen. She couldn't let out any coherent words, wanting and begging for the old man to stop this torture. Blood began to bud at various parts on her body due to the burns, staining her clothes and dripping onto the chair and ground.

"P-please.. stop.." she weakly reached her arm out only a couple of milimeters in an attempt to grab his arm and stop him, but it fell again from the intense pain emitted from the small droplets. She couldn't do anything - all she could do was shudder and cry and pray for the pain to stop.
Jasper scowled in the man's direction. Why did it seem like the two were growing even further apart? And this was meant to be their chance to bond too. His eyes widened when he realized what the other man was planning to do. His mouth wouldn't open to offer an apology so he just stood there stupidly while the other bashed him with the lead sprinkler. Blood dripped down his forehead while he fell to the ground with a loud thud. The world quickly became a blur and he had passed out.

Evan spoke up, "I'd hate to rush things but could we go a little bit faster? I'd think that those trained killers might know that we intend to stop them and they might be done by now." He was a bit nervous about how the victims were. He didn't want to walk into the scene to find dead bodies awaiting them. Besides, they were spending way too much time talking. They needed to take more action.

Z looked up at Shinohara and then at Evan. She remained silent before she scowled slightly and spoke up, her voice soft as she didn't want to help them, but she knew what she had to do.
"It appears the only valuable people missing right now are that Komaeda, Jasper, Charles, Suzuya, and a female named Mahiru."
Perhaps that would speed up the process, if the father knew his son could be the one getting tortured. Jasper was probably down there too... that idiot. Sending her out to do his business and then leaving her behind. He must have been using her, he was probably soaking up paradise with Charles without her. She'd kill him.


The injured male had limped along to catch up with the others, holding his side before releasing a heavy sigh once he had heard their plans. "Ah.. I should probably stay behind. Make sure nobody comes after you." He didn't want to admit how weak he was feeling, but he was really weak compared to normal and that made him unhappy.​

.: Charles :.

Eerily satisfied with the results of the lead sprinkler, Charles tossed the thing aside and let it land with a loud clank against the cold stone floor, before the man reached out and grabbed Koizumi by her beautiful red locks. and started to drag her over to the well that Suzuya was currently lying against, even if he was squirming a bit in the process due to the pain in his chest and now stomach from the kick Charles gave him earlier.

Rather harshly, Charles threw Koizumi against the well to join the boy, and as Charles stared at them both in pure enjoyment of the results from their tortures, they were both consumed by despair and fear, and something about that made Charles grin wide in triumph, although the man wasn't done yet. and picked up the red head roughly again, Charles had to make haste before the investigators got here, and to do so was certainly not a pleasure of his, rushing things always made them a little less delicate in his book.

"You know what..? lets teach you some manners, shall we!" Charles beamed in delight, and even as rushing wasn't his forte', that didn't stop the old man from thrusting Koizumi head first into the well, starting to almost drown her as he began the first of two sessions of water torture he had planned for both the red head and the Albino in the room, Charles began a series of thrusting Koizumi in and out of the water, telling her lies as he began her second and perhaps most scarring torture.

.: Suzuya :.

The Albino continued to weakly claw at his stomach until the pain started to go numb, and he felt a little better as he gave into the light headed effect that came from his wound on his chest, although wrapped tightly, it felt a lot better than when it was exposed to the cold air in this chamber.

However soon Suzuya gasped when Koizumi was thrust beside him, and after a minute of trying to regain his breath as his panting slowly ceased just a bit, the Albino was just about to reach out to her to see if she was still alive, when she was ripped off the floor and a splash of water spat upon his face as the girl was suddenly being dunked head first into the well above them, Suzuya whimpered as he felt too weak to even try to save the girl or himself from whatever would come next.

.: Shinohara :.

Shinohara was trying to be as fast as he could, but he knew better than to just rush down the hallway when there were possibly deadly traps behind every corner, that was actually why he was so cautious, and when Teela decided to take the lead, he sighed and replied to Kenai to try to let the boy know there was nothing wrong with being wounded.

"It's fine.. stay behind and lock the door, you need your rest and to make sure you don't stress your injury, as much as I would like less murderers to be released from that ceil as possible, Z, you're going to be following, I don't trust leaving you here with Kenai" As Shinohara finished, He gave the boy a reassuring smile, hoping that Kenai wouldn't mind staying behind, but knowing since he offered that he would probably have no problem with it.

After giving his speech, Shinohara quickly turned and followed after the maid, taking his gun and clutching it tightly in his hands in case anything might happen on this little trip to the security room, although the man would of liked to have followed Sendo instead, matters were being taken out of his hands as everything was being sped up, and the mentioning of his son really didn't help things.. Shinohara really just hoped that wherever Komaeda had taken him, he was safe and sound and nowhere near the torture commencing, that is to assume if it was really happening of course.

Making his way down the hallways and looking around, Shinohara had to admit that Charles at least had some good paintings on the walls.

Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi's breaths came out in rasps, sounding like she had trouble breathing, breathing deeply as if savoring the little air she had left while sitting on the chair, suddenly thrust onto the ground beside Suzuya. The redhead offered a smile to the albino, as if telling him she was okay despite the singed flesh all over her body and dried blood on her arms and redness of her burns. The sound of the lead sprinkler clanging on the ground made her cringe - it hurt her good ear to listen to it. She was fearful of what Charles was going to do next - what did he intend by having a well? Was that the end of their tortures? Surely he wouldn't have them endure yet another torture session.. it would kill them for certain. Especially Suzuya, in his sorry state - poor him, Charles had to bandage him up.. doesn't that mean that he would..?

When she heard the old man cry out towards her, she jerked her head up to figure out what he was doing when she was suddenly hurled into the well, thrust into water as her head grew dizzying due to the pressure in the water, held there for about 10 seconds, and was yanked back up to the surface, giving her temporary relief and letting her to breathe, but then she heard him say something about her being Charles' servant. She mumbled her denial and then was thrust back into the water, held for another 10 seconds and pulled her back up, leaving her breathing harder than before. He repeated it, saying she belonged to him, that she was a servant, and she shook her head abruptly and was plunged back into the water, this time not being able to breathe since she didn't have time to gather enough air to last in the water, water finally entering her wounds and the dried blood drifting into the water, staining the water a deep red, complimenting her hair. The headache grew worse, her stomach clenched, and she was pulled back up to the surface and this process was repeated over and over until she began to lose bits and pieces of her memory and her sanity. She began to agree with what Charles had said, believing that she was his servant, that she belonged to him, she was property and she did his bidding.

The water began to freeze her up, migraines growing worse as she repeated being forced into the water, now with Charles saying something about how everyone at the mansion was her enemy and that she should kill them all. She grew hesitant again and refused, the being forced into the water getting more firm and demanding, making her emit a scream but nothing came out - water was welcomed into her mouth and she began to choke out blood from the water and from her mouth, breathing heavily and denying Charles' claims more and more until she submitted to his claims once more, her body growing limp as she knew she was gonna redo the process again, crying and breathing heavily - wondering why her master would do such a thing, but perhaps it was for the best - she was but a lowly servant after all sworn to do her duty.

Now the master had said that a man named Sendo.. where did she hear that name? That man had tortured her before with a lead sprinkler and did the same to both her parents as he did his out of rage for losing his mother - and the master took her in when she was alone. This time there was less resistance for she knew if she were to disobey, she would just be plunged into the water again and forced to endure the agony of the migraines it's caused and the bloody water again and she just accepted it as the truth - the master would never lie to her, she was his loyal servant, after all.

The master then gave her a towel and the repetitive torture stopped to her relief, leaving her shuddering and stammering. He then asked the same questions again towards her, asking who did she belong to and who was it that killed her parents. She flinched at first, thinking she would be pushed back into the water. When she realized he wasn't going to do so, she told him the answers - the answers were firm, her fists clenching in anger at figuring out it was that Sendo who drove her parents away from her. She decided not to say anything after that - she didn't want to insult him and waited as he was about to help the next person, a white-haired stitched boy who looked noticeably beaten up. She let out a huff at the sight and looked away in disgust.

Saionji Hiyoko

"Hey, hey Mr. Shinohara - we should go play! Everyone here is crazy, we shouldn't trust them!"
Saionji frowned, running after Mr. Shinohara when she was left behind, looking at her gun as if it were something she'd never seen before. "Why do we need to go to the security room? That's no fun! I didn't wake up to go to a security room to watch people! Their lives are boring!" the girl whined, skipping along with the taller man despite her claims. She noticed they neared the security room, not wanting to point it out so they wouldn't go there.
I glanced back at the investigators, my eyes trailing over their guns. "I would have brought a tranquilizer gun instead..." I murmured. "Would it be possible for you to take off my handcuffs? Seeing how I haven't made any moves to injure anyone since I became your hostage." I stopped at the door to the security room, sticking out my tongue at Saonji as I saw her eyes jump away from the door. "I'm quite surprised we ran into no traps, seeing how bad my luck has been lately. But anyways, I kept my part of the deal that involved getting you and your group here safely, mister Shinohara. Hopefully you plan to keep your word."

.: Charles :.

As soon as Charles finished Koizumi's session, he couldn't help but feel very pleased with the outcome, the girl believed Sendo to be her enemy, and also now had false memories that she was and always would be Charles precious servant.

Charles was having a hard time keeping those around the mansion nowadays, so it was nice to know that torture could help him acquire more servants rather easily, The old man had never really used this method except once before in his life, yet he was pondering if he should use it once again when he survived the game and moved to yet another mansion,
After all, no one had ever won this game, and he didn't except some rookies, investigators, and perhaps even some of his own to be able to take him down, although if it somehow came to it, Charles wouldn't mind dying either, the thrill of the game was all that mattered to him, and if they would excite to the point that he didn't mind to die, then he would accept his death.

"Now this might look a bit harsh.. but I'm just getting his memories back, as I have done for you, Koizumi.." Charles tone took a sorrowful turn as he looked at the girl with softened features, trying to sympathize with her and also improve the false memories he had implanted into her mind, he would make her believe that he was actually just getting their memories back by using this method, and that it hurt him deeply to be so harsh towards his servants.

"You may advert your eyes if you must though! as this is very heartbreaking.. it seems they have brainwashed you both to believe that they were your allies, it's sickening to know what they've done to you.. but we must survive, we must kill them all, my dear!" As Charles exclaimed this as a hero might, trying to look like their savior, he turned to Suzuya and hid his growing smirk from Koizumi, staring down at the Albino almost as if he were Satan himself.

.: Suzuya :.

The Albino wanted to do something to try to help Koizumi, yet he couldn't move a muscle aside from panting and heaving as he struggled to keep consciousness, it hurt to move, so Suzuya just lay there against the well, trying not to hear the other getting tortured like that.

However, Suzuya found it quite easy to tune everything out as he kept going in and out of consciousness, his head bobbling slightly.

Yet after the Albino grew conscious for the fifth time he noticed that the torture was over, and that Koizumi was talking to Charles as if she knew him, as if she agreed with him and was his servant of all things, due to this reaction, Suzuya couldn't help but stare wide eyed at Koizumi, she was acting so weird and the Albino couldn't help but wonder exactly what happened.

The poor thing didn't expect the same exact thing to happen to him within minutes, after Charles peculiar speech that Suzuya couldn't even grasp as to why he was talking to Koizumi like that, Charles grabbed Suzuya by the ruff of his shirt and thrust him into the water to repeat the process, the Albino suddenly inhaled and when he was pulled up again, Suzuya couldn't help but choke on the water he ingested, struggling to breath as his vision cleared.

Charles started saying all this stuff about how Suzuya was his precious servant, and that Komaeda was his enemy, and it all sounded very familiar to what the old man had been telling Koizumi, and this frightened the Albino to a point, Charles started to explain that he should forget Komaeda for what he was, and that he had to accept that Komaeda was the one who wanted him to be tortured, that Komaeda was actually the one who performed everything to him, and that Suzuya just had to remember that.

The Albino was too weak to protest, but that didn't stop him from shaking his head left to right to let Charles know he wasn't going to accept that kind of reality, yet the moment was short lived as the Albino gasped and was once again thrust back into the water, winching each and every time the old man would pull him back, repeat these sentences and if Suzuya rejected them as he always did, he was only thrust back into the water as the liquid swirled in his ears and brought a rather terrible headache from the relentless sounds of gushing water that entered his system again and again.

This time when he came up, Suzuya took in a deep breath, not even caring about what Charles would do to him as he suddenly shrieked out right before he went back under, shrieking out with the last of the energy he had for the one person that he didn't want to forget above all others, the one person that he knew would save him if he somehow found him in time.

"K-Komaeda-san!...K-Komaeda-san!!-" Suzuya shrieked out as loud as he could even as his voice cracked and his head was once again thrust underneath the running water in the well, choking him as he engulfed too much and Charles continued his punishment.

It took nearly twenty minutes to finally get the Albino to start breaking down, and another five for him to start trembling and shuttering more than he could take, the water in his ears hurt, and his vision was blurry before he started sobbing and accepting Charles theories, even though Suzuya didn't want to, his memory was growing muddy, and more hazed until Charles words started to blend into truth, until they started to sound right and the Albino began to believe him, and only then was he released, hunching over as he coughed up water, tears staining his already wet shirt as he held his throbbing chest.

It was Komaeda that did this, he hurt him, and Charles had saved his and Koizumi's life, what wretched people there were in this mansion, he would make sure that they were all taken to the slaughter, all of them would be murdered for master Charles.

.: Shinohara :.

"Well after we check the feeds.. we'll see if these guys are lying or not, after that, we can have some candy! hah, does that sound good?" Shinohara snapped back into his fatherly side as he smiled down and patted Saionji's head as he said this, although soon after he began to proceed down the hallway.

It didn't take long until the group arrived in front of the door to the security room without any problems, which one had to admit was very uncomfortable, it was really awkward as well that they hadn't encountered any traps, or even ambushes, and somehow Shinohara just knew something wasn't right, but that didn't stop the man from entering the room right away to make sure it was safe for the group. and starting to look around, there were monitors on each side of the room, and huge control panels one could imagine a surveillance room like this to have.

As Shinohara found the coast to be clear, he signaled for the rest to come on in, and only then did he address Teela.
"Well miss.. you also disobeyed and brought the group here when I already choose someone to entrust with the task of getting us here safely.
so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for getting us here safely, but I won't be removing your handcuffs just yet."
Shinohara really didn't want to just let the girl off that easily, killers were hard to be trusted, and it was unnerving enough that Sendo was running around without any shackles when the group didn't even know the man.
However so far Sendo acted quite the gentlemen and less crazy than Teela, so that earned a little bit of respect from the S.W.A.T member.

"Now this might be the question of the day but.. hah, Who knows how to work this contraption?" Shinohara made an attempt to clear up the tension and gestured to the monitors, yet at the same time the man couldn't help but scratch his head, computers weren't his thing, running in and taking down an criminal or doing some of the office's paperwork would be more up his alley, technology not so much.
Evan followed the others into the small surveillance room. He commented, "It seems like blood in here. I wonder who was in here last." He looked up at the computer screens throughout the room. "Oh, this technology is not too new. I think I can try to work it out." He sat down in one of the chairs and pulled himself to the counter, pressing a few buttons before the feed from the cellar filled all of the screens. His jaw dropped. "Oh, my. I think I found where they all are."
Sendo Senkusha ~

"Of course I understand." Sendo answered Shinohara, before Teela ran ahead. He didn't appreciate the maid taking point anyway, but he went with it since it was getting the investigators moving. He followed the group to the security room, a knot growing in his stomach. He could feel it, Koizumi was not safe, she was enduring great pain at this moment. As he entered the room behind them, he looked up at the screens Evan had brought up. His heart sank farther than he had ever felt it since seeing his mother in a similar situation when his eyes met Mahiru on the monitor. But this was worse, his feelings for Koizumi built up an intense anxiety and rage--adrenaline coursing through him. Suzuya was enduring the same pain; not even the boy that sucked out Koizumi's eardrum deserved something this disgusting.

"You've seen it..." he said in a low voice to Shinohara as he tightened his fist, "will you help me now?" Sendo looked down, unable to watch the security feed any longer. He had half a mind to forget their help and go save her, but by now there was nothing he could do by himself before it was too late--he needed to hold on just a while longer and the investigators would finally head down there meaning business.
Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi watched Charles put the other in line by pushing him lightly into the water and pulling him back up, hearing him tell the truth to the albino but he simply wouldn't listen, even yelling out his torturer's name. Why wouldn't he understand? After all that man and.. Sendo put them through, he still wants to gain his respect even now, even that was the same reason he was tortured in the first place - Komaeda was a cruel person who put her fellow servant in danger by torturing him with rats. She remained silent and uninterrupting of Charles during the torture, shutting all these thoughts in her head and will only talk about it unless spoken to. She stared down at her own scars - that were still very visible, all red and flushed, new blood budding at her arms, not paying much mind to it and just watching blankly as Suzuya was repeatedly dunked into the water, knowing it was necessary to learn the truth even if they didn't believe it.

She could still taste blood in her mouth from the burning away of flesh when Sendo has tortured her, and the pain from the torture still surged throughout her body. It served as a painful reminder of what Sendo has done to her and that she should end him and all the others for it and not helping her in her time of need. Charles saved her when she needed saving, which was why she would stay by his side whenever he needed it. "...Master, pardon me for speaking out of turn, but is there anything you would like me to assist with? I am your servant, after all."

Saionji Hiyoko

Hiyoko's eyes lit up in excitement at Mr. Shinohara's words, eagerly agreeing and nodding and decided to speed this along as fast as she can by pretending to look interested in the video screens, nodding her head until she looked at the cellar video screen, which that crazy guy and Evan were staring at, and peeked in on what all the fuss was about. She spotted a familiar redhead and that weird girl who tackled her earlier, squinting closely at the redhead and noticing just who it was. "Mr. Shinohara! Hey, hey look, that's Big Sister! Why is she there, though..? It looks boring in the cellar," she frowned, poking the screen gingerly as if the photographer can hear her. "Hey, when she comes out, let's all play together! Big Sis Koizumi is really nice to me! She taught me how to tie my obi, see?" she said proudly, pointing at the bow on her kimono.
"Why don't you try putting these cuffs on yourself for once? See how crazy the sounds from the chains makes you..." I hissed to Shinohara before looking up at the screens. "What's he doing to them...?" I murmured to myself as I watched the scene play out. "Charles is using midevil torture on them, but water torture is just going too far. Poor things..." I whimpered, turning back to Shinohara. "Pick one: Decent into Madness, Insanity, or Death. Which one sounds most appealing to you? I need to play one to get the bomb that will destroy the door. It's hidden in a compartment in the piano in the music room, but the only way for me to get it is to be able to use both hands to play."

.: Shinohara :.

Impressed with Evan getting the thing to work, Shinohara was just about to comment on what good work he did to turn the monitors on when the screens showed a red head girl getting dunked aggressively underwater and told such lies by Charles until she finally accepted those lies as reality.

Shionhara's jaw dropped open as he witnessed the torture, he felt himself become frozen still, not even responding to Saionji, and not long after the girl was thrown aside, and the S.W.A.T Member witnessed his own son screaming and crying as the very same thing was done to him until Shionhara couldn't bear to look at the screen, and barked out his next and possibly most important order.

"Everyone to the cellar! we need to rescue the captives above all else, do nothing to risk their safety! our mission is to take out Charles and end this series of horrible events, we've seen what kind of grotesque things he can do first hand, so no more idle chit chat, we move, NOW!" Shinohara let his voice ring throughout the room, his expression full of anger as he looked over his men and started towards the door, making sure his gun was loaded and ready.

"We'll head to the music room to get your bomb, but we should also secure all exits and hallways to the cellar, we will split up once we leave and make sure that Charles has no way to escape, am I clear?!" he called over to the group sternly as he headed for the door, not wanting to waste a second just standing there anymore.

Yet before Shinohara could even react, the metal door to the security room swung close, separating the group from the one's that were left outside, and keeping nearly everyone inside of the room filled with monitors, Shinohara rushed over and started forcefully trying to rip the door open, yet it was all to no avail as the thing was stubborn and had no intentions of opening.

"What's even... what's going on?.." He asked cautiously, looking around as the man suspected they might be getting gassed in a few minutes if they didn't take action, although perhaps something worse happened, the monitors flicked off, and the image displayed on them wasn't any surveillance feed, instead, it seemed to be a boy yet his face was blurred out, and his voice sounded a little distorted, however one could tell that he was grinning ear to ear as he sat in a leather recliner chair, his fingers neatly intertwined as he stared into the camera that displayed him.

"Oh.. hi hi!~ is this thing on? oh my, it looks like it is!" The boy in the monitor grinned, waving like a child might although he looked to be somewhere in his twenties.

"I'm so sorry to cut your adventure short, I know you must be dying to save your friends.. but I'm lonely, and wanted to have a little chit chat first!" The mystery hacker grinned as he spoke, his tone was anything except kind and sounded condescending as if he was talking down to the investigators, knowing that they couldn't do anything in their current positions.

Then leaning back in his chair, the boy waited a second before he added. "I'm a long distance friend of Charles, and he asked me to keep you guys entertained until he was done with his little servant project..
Got any questions for me, or are you all so mesmerized by my good looks that I've left you speechless?" The boy closed his eyes as he said this, and something brown and blurred jumped onto his lap, emitting a squeak as a piglet might, although his attitude was coming off as snarky as he waited for the responses he would receive for hacking into this network and even taking it upon himself to lock the door like that, that didn't stop the blurred image of the boy from petting whatever jumped into his lap.

.: Charles :.

Charles had to hide his devilish grin that he flashed the camera in the corner of the room as he released Suzuya, not wanting to foil his plans so early on in the game, so he bit his lip before he turned to his newly acquired servants so his expression would look genuinely sorrowful. and he kneeled down so his hands were placed on his knees as he looked from Koizumi and Suzuya like a concerned father might for his own children.

"Are you all back in your heads..? I hate.. I hate-" grinding his teeth midsentence, Charles turned his head so he wasn't looking in their general direction as he uttered
"I absolutely despise what they have done to you.. my precious servants. you didn't deserve any of this, and yet you're wounded like this..
I need to treat it, but we need to make haste, they'll be here before we know it.. please, the only order I want to give you is to follow me, and please lend me your trust once again, I'll make sure we all survive and get through this, together!"
Charles exclaimed, sounding rather angry yet heartbroken, the old man had done this kind of acting before, so it wasn't hard to make it believable.

Placing a hand on both Koizumi's and Suzuya's shoulders, he closed his eyes and opened them to show a softer expression, as if apologizing for raising his voice like that in the face of these injured servants.

"I know it hurts.. but I will treat it, I will make sure you both recover, and we will get our revenge for what they've done to you.." Charles sounded eerily concerned for the two, and just as he said this, he removed his hands and held them out for the two, expecting them to take his offer and to follow him some place out of this hideous torture chamber that was bathed in blood and rats.

.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya flinched a little when Charles placed a hand on his shoulder, yet the boy instantly calmed himself when he figured out it was only Charles, his trusted master and employer, Charles was the one that saved both him and Koizumi, and now was even offering to free them from this horrible room that Sendo and Komaeda had put them in.

Suzuya felt a lingering fear in his lower stomach about how they could return at any minute just as the old man said, which caused him to eagerly nod. afraid of Komaeda coming back to torture him more and perhaps even kill him to finish the job, Suzuya was breathing slowly as he was finally catching his breath, but that didn't stop the pain within his chest and stomach, the Albino vaguely recalled that Komaeda didn't have enough with just letting Rats burrow into his skin, and that the taller boy had sneered down at him and delivered a rough kick to the Albino's stomach.

thinking back on it, Suzuya's eyes trailed to his stomach, staring idly at stitches that remained, he could somewhat remember that Komaeda put them there, and wondered why the other boy would go to such lengths to heal him, just to torture him more, perhaps Komaeda had been trying to develop Stockholm syndrome in the Albino before Charles saved him from that horrid future.

Suzuya shook his head, not wanting to think about it, and took Charles hand eagerly, wanting nothing more than to leave this chamber behind and have time to recover, that way he could seek his revenge, and repay the old man for saving their lives by presenting the deaths of those who harmed them as gifts to his master.

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Koizumi Mahiru

"...Thank you, Charles, this really means a lot.. I'm really grateful that you're our master,"
Koizumi bowed, taking his hand to be led away from this infernal place - the very place she was burned and tortured by Sendo. Her fists clenched, but in her overwritten mind she looked up at the old man and smiled to assure him that his servant was doing good. How come they all watched while she was being tortured? How could they let a fellow victim be injured.. how couls they just watch? Sendo was obviously a killer and he nearly ended her life until Charles had saved her and Suzuya both. She looked at the albino next to her, smiling at him as well when he looked rather worried to ease the mood somehow, trying to push away the fear creeping up inside her herself about how Sendo or Komaeda could burst through that door and hurt them again, maybe even suceeding in killing them this time. "We owe you our lives, Charles and we don't intend on betraying you - thank you for saving us," she smiled kindly again. She wanted badly to end Sendo's life, but she would only do it under Charles' orders. She had to stay in line and not disrespect the man who rescued her, but would gladly do whatever he wanted her to do, no matter what it was.

Saionji Hiyoko

The short girl stared at the screen for a while, then finally realized what'd happened - big sister Koizumi was being tortured. "W.. we need to do something!! Big Sis is being tortured and I don't want her to get hurt! Yeah, we should go right now and shoot that creepy Charles guy down!" Saionji shouted, scrambling for the door but it was slammed shut, resulting in her kicking it really hard, crying out. A face appeared on the screens behind her, her glaring at the face. "Hey, hey you wimp, open the door right now! Nobody wants to play with you, you're a creep and an idiot for locking us in here!" the girl frowned, sticking out her tongue and frowning at him. She was trying to hide how devestated she was for Koizumi with her antagonizing words, pointing at the screen and wanting to get out of here as fast as she can to help one of the only friends she had.

Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda stirred from his spot on the bed, slowly waking up. He turned to the other side of the bed wih his eyes closed, rubbing them with a finger as he mumbled, "Good morning, Suzuya.." He was a little surprised to not hear any response - no light breathing from the other and he didn't toss and turn as much as he usually does in his sleep. Komaeda soon realized he wasn't there, and the bed was still as neatly made as it was when he got into the bed last night. Suzuya must've wanted to surprise him by making the bed in the morning. The tall boy sat up and stretched, straightening his jacket and getting up to find the albino. "Suzuya, stop hiding, you know I'll find you," Komaeda called out, checking under the bed and in the closet. Looks like the stitched boy was a better hider than he would've guessed.

"Suzuya, really, you could stop now. You're getting me worried," the white-haired boy said firmly, checking nearly everywhere - the dresser, behind the door and even the ceiling. The albino never left him in the mornings.. what was so different about this one? After making the bed again, he opened the door leading into his bedroom and frantically started to look for the boy.
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"A pig...?" I muttered as I watched the screens as the man appeared. "Oh oh! I have some questions! Why are you all blurry on the screen? What's that thing on your lap? Do you use lethal weaponry? What's C6H12O6? How do you make a flash grenade? Who are you?" I blurted out, an excited smile showing on my face as I bounced up and down a bit, my chains rattling. I was almost acting like this was a game of 20 questions.
Evan scowled when the video feeds cut out and a new man appeared before them. He shouted in response, "What do you think you're doing? This isn't funny. We need to get going. We can't just have some punk coming in and distracting us now." This man was aggravating (eggravating) him. Who did he think he was? Coming on like that and asking for a chitchat? Was he mad? Mentally insane? This was just bad timing for them. Now, they're never be able to save the victims on time unless this man let them.

Z watched as the door shut in front of her. She had been separated from the pigs, Sendo, and that Teela girl. Staring in silence, she turned, hurrying towards the kitchen. Z needed to get to her bear, she had a bobby pin hidden amongst the weapons and she could easily pick the handcuffs free. Once she saw her bear, she turned her back to face it and sat down, digging within it to find the hair clip, cutting her hands a few times before she could grab it in her hand. She moved her hands, grimacing as the tightened cuffs cut her wrists once more, but she managed to unlock the cuffs and let out a satisfied sigh as the metal hit the floor. If the pigs wouldn't go down and stop Charles, she would.
Z picked up her bear, slipping the cuffs into it, and skipped along through the hallways to find this torture room Charles had created. Jasper would be down there, and she couldn't wait to get her hands around his throat.​