Well, the beans suck

I get that, it’s just hard to see so much hate on here sometimes. 🤷‍♂️ I’ll refrain from engaging in similar threads in the future. 👍

Yeah, well you're focusing on the wrong guy. I have never complained about New Horizons. I just don't like the beans. And the beans were my favorite thing from NL.
I haven’t played the new update to be honest so I had no idea we got beans. I’m curious now though I might have to start playing again.
Yeah, I was also hoping we'd be able to use the megaphones to call our villagers and find out where they are like in NL but nope :/

Switch doesn’t have a built in microphone so that feature is not even possible.
I loved the beans in New Leaf. The way they hit the ground, the water, and the animal was a lot of fun. Here, they just kind of fly out a few inches and nothing. I was bored with them after my second toss.

Same here! I was really excited when I saw the beans, but throwing them feels disappointing. The ripple effect is nice, but throwing them on the ground is a huge step backwards.

"New Leaf did this, New Leaf did that." Yeah, but New Horizons is not going to be New Leaf 2.0 and people need to realize that. I'm glad they do different things even for items that were in previous games. Change is good, not everything needs to be a carbon copy of New Leaf.

I get that, but why make things worse than they were before? It's just another thing that they cut out/changed without good reason - and I think that's why some people (myself included) are disappointed. It feels a little lazy on their part.

Switch doesn’t have a built in microphone so that feature is not even possible.

A "villager wheel" just like for tools or wands could rectify that.

Are bouncing beans and birds really that gamebreaking?

Animal crossing is all about those little things. You can't win the game, there is no ultimate goal - it's pure immersion. So I completely understand why people obsess about an item like the beans.
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We have a cellphone. Just let us pick someone to "call" and have a speech bubble appear ingame in their direction so we can find them ... honestly its not hard.

I thought we were talking about and comparing specifically against the NL megaphone here. If we are talking about wishlists, then why stop there tbh. Just put all npcs and villagers on the map at all times without the need to use any app. Anyway, that’s a discussion for the ACNH wishlist thread. This thread is to critique beans.

On topic about the beans, I prefer NL‘s sound effects, but even there I only used them a couple times before putting it back in the storage. Maybe it was an honest mistake and Nintendo didn’t know the beans were so important to people. I didn’t know.
I mean I think they're good? I can understand being disappointed over a lack of furniture or poor dialogue, but I think the beans are cute 😅
I never did the beans in New Leaf so I suppose I don't miss the functionality at all, this just serves as another example of New Horizons being really polished and nice but lacking in the small things, which all add up to the character of the game being a little more bland than past games.
Are bouncing beans and birds really that gamebreaking?
The OP never said it broke the game for them. Just that they loved how they worked in NL and was disappointed in how they were introduced in NH. But Animal Crossing is also about the simple little things. Birds coming to eat the beans you tossed, seeing the beans bounce across the ground and rustling a cluster of flowers. It's just those little simple things that they enjoyed and I did as well.

I won't say the game is broken and I will never touch it because they made the beans less alluring in NH, but I am still disappointed that they didn't really add to it, took away from it, and also most of the content is from the old games. The only new content that they added were the pumpkins. Everything else was around since PG-NL. So it's kind of a shame that they cut the corners on the old content and also haven't added anything actually new.
Exactly, if you want your precious beans back from New Leaf take a break from New Horizons and play New Leaf again. The amount of hate for small, trivial things like this in New Horizons is just becoming annoying and nitpicky. 😒
I think the problem is that each preceding Animal Crossing game had set a standard for the next one, and it seems as if New Horizons is failing to meet the high standard that New Leaf had set. each game should strive to do so much better than the previous game did, and while New Horizons has introduced some new things like small QoL updates (such as not having to worry about running over and destroying flowers anymore) it missed the mark in many places. that's why people keep comparing the two games.

i really am about to just go back to NL to be honest.
i felt the same because they dont seem as "dramatic" now, but i still love throwing them at my boyfriend whenever he visits my island hehe
I think the problem is that each preceding Animal Crossing game had set a standard for the next one, and it seems as if New Horizons is failing to meet the high standard that New Leaf had set. each game should strive to do so much better than the previous game did, and while New Horizons has introduced some new things like small QoL updates (such as not having to worry about running over and destroying flowers anymore) it missed the mark in many places. that's why people keep comparing the two games.

i really am about to just go back to NL to be honest.
I agree, I would spent time in New Leaf again if my 3DS hadn't died :(

But really yeah the beans mean almost nothing and aren't significant to the gameplay at all, but they're not in isolation and act really as a symbol of the fact that New Horizons doesn't have the same level of care in details and personality as past games, or at least New leaf.
The crafting mechanic and growing pumpkins have totally been in since the Gamecube Animal Crossing. Totally. :ROFLMAO:
I stated that the content they've added in the updates hasn't been mostly new stuff, besides the pumpkins. Crafting is new, but I think it's from Pocket Camp. I could be wrong, as I never played the game. But I never said that crafting, terraforming, and placing furniture outside were not new features. I was referring to the new updates. Way to gloss over my post.
I stated that the content they've added in the updates hasn't been mostly new stuff, besides the pumpkins. Crafting is new, but I think it's from Pocket Camp. I could be wrong, as I never played the game. But I never said that crafting, terraforming, and placing furniture outside were not new features. I was referring to the new updates. Way to gloss over my post.

crafting is a core "mechanic" in PC, yes. it's definitely different (you don't craft tools, cyrus does it for you, and it's not instant) but a lot of those differences are down to PC being a mobile game and not following the same game-play as a mainline game. regardless, it's not exclusive to NH and PC is very likely where they got the idea from.
I stated that the content they've added in the updates hasn't been mostly new stuff, besides the pumpkins. Crafting is new, but I think it's from Pocket Camp. I could be wrong, as I never played the game. But I never said that crafting, terraforming, and placing furniture outside were not new features. I was referring to the new updates. Way to gloss over my post.

I didn't gloss over your post. I read it several times before deciding to respond. I even reread it just now. I will admit to still being a bit sleepy from a nap, so it is totally possible that I missed that one line several times. (Because I just reread it again and saw it :rolleyes:. I'm only human. Sometimes I wish I was Ribbot.)

I would also like to point out that all of the holiday items have technically been redesigned. So technically, they are new. And customizable! The way you get the pirate items is also new in this game and the way you get the mermaid items in this game are new. They even put in the mermaid fence which is brand new. (I think? Was there a mermaid fence for your house in NL? I honestly forget) There are variations of megaphones 📣 now where there was only one before. We have got new reactions and new hairstyles that weren't in any AC game before. This is the first game where we can all get regional items easily (even if they are just something to be ordered from the catalog).

They just might not be totally revamping how each holiday works or making something new in that respect. But to say that they haven't been adding new things in the updates is untrue.
Folks, it’s just beans.

Do you know that meme that’s like “when you hate someone so much, that everything they do is annoying”. This feels like that.

No, this is terrible. I paid $59.99 + tax to receive free beans that, when hitting the floor, do not make a sound matching the note of F#, prompting a triple rainbow, doves to fly across my island, jump right out of my television, and swiftly zoom around my room as angels resembling Timmy and Tommy Nook sing a holy tune in acapella.

Currently figuring out how I'm going to refund a game that's a year old, that I've put 1,000+ hours into, and still play daily but with an angry face on. So frustrating. :mad:
No, this is terrible. I paid $59.99 + tax to receive free beans that, when hitting the floor, do not make a sound matching the note of F#, prompting a triple rainbow, doves to fly across my island, jump right out of my television, and swiftly zoom around my room as angels resembling Timmy and Tommy Nook sing a holy tune in acapella.
I'm deceased 💀