Well, the beans suck

They look much better as furniture! When placed they look nice next to the champagne from new years. Like a fancy lil meal.
I do miss tossing beans in water and scaring fish though :<

Just an observation, the New Horizons beans do splash the water and I think also scare the fish. The beans also splash liquid floors inside of your house. They seem like pretty interactive items overall, and double as good looking snack furniture for a bar.
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Meh, its just a small part of the game so I don't mind all that much if they aren't as good as NL.

I still think they are cute to throw around when I have friends on my island 😊
There is a sound, it's just really quiet in comparison to NL's "throwing gravel onto concrete" sound effect (too quiet, though)

I wish the villagers would react to them, and I still have mixed feelings about getting minor event items from Nook Shopping, but otherwise I'm happy to have them (but the true winner for the new handheld items introduced in this update is the Big Game Megaphones. Gotta love how intense your player gets when you use one)
I just ordered mine today, do they bounce off of objects correctly like in NL? (I remember having fun at the empty campsite since there was so many different shapes for them to interact with)

Also reposting what I added to the update thread:
Random fun fact: Setsubun is actually on February 2nd this year! (although the games kept it as the 3rd) There's a most complete explanation here https://www.nippon.com/en/japan-data/h00926/ but in short the last time it wasn't on the 3rd was in 1984 when it was on the 4th, and the last time it was on the 2nd was 1897!
They still make the little bloop noises when they hit the water and that’s enough for me. Everyone is being so negative about this game. Take a break maybe?

I ain't takin no break till them beans manifest ma BrEwSTeR
They still shake the flowers if you toss them just right and make the little flip sound when being tossed, but I wish they still had that sprinkle sound when they hit the ground. I don't know, there was something satisfying about hearing the pitter-patter lol.
Well, just ordered mine, and from reading posts up until now, sounds to me like they ruined beans completely :( which is not at all nice because I'm going to miss the little things that made them so much fun, such as the wide splatter effect, the crunchy SFX they made, and villagers' surprised, wide eyes as you tossed beans at them, which was a lot of fun! Being able to feed the birdies at the campgrounds will be missed, too. It was cute and relaxing to just hang with nature, listening to the chirping of the canaries as they gathered around you.

At least we can say Nintendo didn't forget beans were a thing and brought them back. Sounds to me that they serve better as a placed furniture piece, but handheld accessories are always nice to have. We really just need more variety at this point. Maracas are fun, so there's that.
The beans were among the most disappointing parts of the update. There were plenty of negative things about NL, but for me the beans were so much better in that game. NH should feel like a progression, but for some reason it feels like the devs aren't putting in enough effort. I'll reserve judgment though for the March update. Nintendo loves anniversary events.
I was really disappointed with the beans. in New Leaf they were super noisy and bounced all over the place, ricocheting off of everything. in New Horizons they just kinda... gently toss and that's it. they only affect one flower in front of you and theyre not nearly as satisfying as they were in NL.

I didn't even check to see that they interacted with the water because I boxed them so quickly lol. never took them back out and prob never will.
They still make the little bloop noises when they hit the water and that’s enough for me. Everyone is being so negative about this game. Take a break maybe?

:D So agree with you! There are always things in the next versions of games which are left out for various reason, but the game is to be fun!!
I'm happy to have the beans rather than not have them because they are fun to throw. But I was disappointed at the lack of bouncing and no expressions when I toss them at my villagers. I used to think the faces they made were hilarious!

I don't understand why they removed the noise and bounce :c
At least they bloop when you throw them into water still
If you’re too annoyed about the game, take a break. And there’s is also a Rant thread already, btw.
Exactly, if you want your precious beans back from New Leaf take a break from New Horizons and play New Leaf again. The amount of hate for small, trivial things like this in New Horizons is just becoming annoying and nitpicky. 😒
Folks, it’s just beans.

Do you know that meme that’s like “when you hate someone so much, that everything they do is annoying”. This feels like that.

If you’re too annoyed about the game, take a break. And there’s is also a Rant thread already, btw.
Exactly, if you want your precious beans back from New Leaf take a break from New Horizons and play New Leaf again. The amount of hate for small, trivial things like this in New Horizons is just becoming annoying and nitpicky. 😒
The user-made rant thread is unofficial and not endorsed by staff. Users are free to make new threads to complain about specific things if they wish. If you dislike the content of a thread it is better to not engage with it.
The user-made rant thread is unofficial and not endorsed by staff. Users are free to make new threads to complain about specific things if they wish. If you dislike the content of a thread it is better to not engage with it.
I get that, it’s just hard to see so much hate on here sometimes. 🤷‍♂️ I’ll refrain from engaging in similar threads in the future. 👍
So they dont attract birds and villagers dont react to them anymore? that is too bad but i barely used them in new leaf anyway.
Yeah, I was also hoping we'd be able to use the megaphones to call our villagers and find out where they are like in NL but nope :/