What are personality traits that really make you dislike a person?

Those people who are purposely negative and bitter about everything because they think it makes them look cool or whatever.

Like those people who boast about "not liking small talk" when you try to be nice to them and engage in a little conversation, I just nope the hell out of there. Get that pseudo-intellectual John Green nonsense away from me.
I really am not fond of insensitive people, anyone who has any twisted or little to no sense of integrity or morals. And those same people who are offensive tend to try to spite other people into any *insert controversial topic* argument. And think that that same topic is alright for their little "its just a joke, your just easily offended" excuses when the punchline of the joke isn't at their expense. Thing is, its not that I don't find your joke funny, its that your joke isn't a insult pretending to be a joke.
I don't like people who think highly of themselves. For example people who assume that they are better than everyone and that everybody looks up to them. I know a few people like that and I drives me nuts how they think that everybody just automatically thinks that they are superior to other people.
Being transphobic / homophobic, believe that women are all powerful and can do nothing wrong, ignores texts, unfaithful, lies a lot
Without going into some of the more obvious ones (like "racist" or "sexist"), I really can't stand it when people don't have any manners. It's seriously not that hard to say "please" and "thank you." -_-
I try to find the good in everyone, but something that I can't look past is someone who is rude to wait staff, fast food workers, retail employees, etc. I think a person is as good as they treat those that serve them, and if the person in question is rude to those "below" them, I just can't see them as a nice person. I get that everyone has a bad day, but there are different outlets for frustration than taking it out on others.
I really dislike those who are arrogant and think they are right and are so stubborn to open their mind to different possibilities. I also dislike those who enjoy and compulsively lie. There's a lot actually but eh, too tiring to come up with a list lol
people who never have an opinion
^ it doesn't make me hate them, but i find it really annoying
People who brag about "telling it how it is" or being "brutally honest" when really it's just their excuse to be mean and put people down constantly. I've never met someone who boasts about these things while still being a nice person.