What are you doing right now other than looking at this forum?

Writing in some word documents I made a while back. I have one for cool dreams I've had, favorite TBT quotes, musings, and even one to save the codes for all my TBT signatures ^o^

Last night I had a crazy dream that I was in a hoarde battle with like 7 shiny pokemon and 3 of them were the legendary beasts!! Now I really want a shiny Suicune but I already caught him sooo ;-;
Listening to music and struggling to remember.
Listening to music. Watching YouTube. The usual.
Just woke up so I’m going to eat something, and get ready to go to the movies with my best friend. :D
Chain fishing for a shiny Magikarp. It started out as simply going to Sootopolis so I could find a Gyarados to add to my dex, but I figured while I'm here I might as well shiny hunt :p
Made it all the way to Tapu Village in Ultra Moon and filled out my team (Gardevoir, Zoroark, Noibat, Vaporeon, Manectric, and Alolan Sandshrew), so now I’m checking on my town in ACNL and doing the daily PWP and house upgrade. :)
I was doing battles at the Battle Maison (where I KO'ed quite a few trainers with just my Scolipede and Noivern), but now I'm hatching some eggs to add more pokes to my dex.
Watching the MLB All Star game.

(I beat the Maison and Wally before deleting my OR file, but I cannot beat The Battle Tree in US. :/)
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