What are you doing right now other than looking at this forum?

Waaaaaay too many things. I'm playing ACNL as well as watching YouTube, anime, and obviously, this forum.
Eating lunch now and going to get some daily chores done since I finished playing ACNL and Pokemon UM for now.
Listening to music and being happy knowing my package is FINALLY being sent out!:D
laying in bed feeling like crap

Playing my damaged 3DS that has fallen 2 times yet still works without the right hinge.

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avoiding sleep and listening to music

Procrastinating :) :) :)

Procrastinating. I need to vacuum my mattress, but our hand-held vacuum sucks. Like, in a bad way.

Best pun of the day 7-18-18

I'm not sleeping, the opposite of what I should be doing right about now :^^^^) sleeping is fer noobs

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Also procrastination is life
Greetings brethrens.
My friend and I have constantly been helping each other build our pokedexes for the last week or so, so that's what I'm doing right now. He's using Y version and I'm using Omega Ruby, so together we can give each other version exclusives and basically every pokemon we need to complete the national dex (he's also working on a living dex on Y version so I've been helping with that).

We're getting closer every day!! ^o^
Drinking coffee and contemplating what I’m going to eat for breakfast since there’s no breakfast here left. Lmao
Searching for new albums to buy, I just bought the soundtrack to Coco but in Spanish.
Lurking the CCC Discord Chat, while one of our server members is in my town hunting bugs. The Fireworks Festival is also going on too. :p

And trying not to be too excited about shark week tomorrow. (Both on our server and on discovery channel. Lololol.)
Lurking the CCC Discord Chat, while one of our server members is in my town hunting bugs. The Fireworks Festival is also going on too. :p

And trying not to be too excited about shark week tomorrow. (Both on our server and on discovery channel. Lololol.)