What are you doing with your grassy outcropping?

Honestly, I have no clue. Really depends how much room it has available.
I'll have to see what it looks like, in-game, but possibly a few palm trees, a picnic table, and some kind of campfire/grill.
I'll probably put my lighthouse there like everyone else seems to be planning on doing lol, and a little hangout/barbecue spot maybe?

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honestly i'm not really a big fan of the land nugget™ so I'll probably try not to draw much attention to it
or if it's too tricky to try and hide it, maybe a lighthouse or little seating area?

iirc there's some maps without it
iirc there's some maps without it

yeah I remember seeing some from earlier gameplay footage, but it seems like in all the latest builds we've been shown they all have that grass extension :( hopefully there'll still be some maps without it!
is it like, on the actual BEACH or like an extended cliff? bc im not sure LOL but if it's an extended grass cliff or something which seems weird?? i'd put a lighthouse since they're meant to be on high areas/nearby cliffs, but otherwise i was intending to do a beachside picnic area/bonfire area <3
^ Check out the video link I added to the first post, it show a player fishing off of it at the beginning of the video.
i'm definitely going to hop on the lighthouse bandwagon here! i also wonder if we can change and/or choose the colours of our lighthouses :')