What Are You Happy About Today?

  • I took a walk to the library today and got a bunch of books. Some drawing books, some manga, a chess book, and a novel. Was nice to get out. Also someone complimented my Nightmare Before Christmas shirt on my walk home so that made me feel good
  • I talked to my friend over video chat today for awhile, was nice to catch up with him, got to see his two new kitties, they're adorable :)
Been having a bit of a rough time lately. But this is kind of a lot of different days since I've been so exhausted/burned out I haven't officially logged in much.

I really enjoyed the b-day event. It was a great distraction. Loved drawing for everyone. I'm currently doing a super belated b-day piece for everyone that drew for me. I really am touched they made art for me ❤️

It was really cool to win a event collectible. I usually don't win a lot of things, especially on here, but it was cool to have that happen! It's a really cute collectible.

I finally was able to order this cute custom xmas ornament. Every year I miss when they're open for ordering and have to wait for the following year. I just so happened to check on it and it was the last day. Talk about lucky lol! I'll share a pic when it comes in! I've been browsing all the different xmas ornaments. 😅

I found some really cool advent calendars. Yeah it's kind of early for that, but also they get out of stock super early. So I bought some for myself and my sisters 🥰

This mushroom event also looks like a lot of fun!

It's also been lovely chatting with all of my dear friends through the days ❤️
Today's been a fantastic end to the week! Work was easy as heck and I got paid today, and the sun is outside and the weather is gorgeous. Got home and going to have fun catching up on video games. I'm also really looking forward to tomorrow for the Wuthering Waves update, and looking forward to October in general since I suspect it'll be a good month for me. Hoping everyone has a great weekend! :blush:
I know the event is increasing forum activity. But I was so happy to see how many people stopped by to vote in my little poll.

Screenshot 2024-09-27 7.18.10 PM.png
- one of my previous students stopped by afterschool to say hi to me! he told me he’d gotten into the advanced class and i’m glad bc i kept pushing for it last year!

- finally caught up on all my grading and it feels soo nice to not feel like i have a bunch of work to get done

- my mom helped my finish putting together my new desk. it’s pink and L-shaped and its a big step up from my old tiny desk. my desk mat actually fits now

- my doggies are so cute. they make me so happy. i love them.

- it’s friday!
- I got two medical appointments done in one go instead of having to go twice (saved time!!)
- My friend made a silly drawing of another friend and I and I love it so, so much! I wish I could share it it's so silly
- I managed to get a little leg workout even if it wasn't a lot, it's more than nothing.
I think that when school starts I’ll surprisingly be posting here slightly more.

Went to the Big E today (it’s a big fair that happens every September for a few weeks in New England). It was for a band field trip, and there were a lot of things that made me happy today :blush:

- I’m going to start with the worst part which is the reason why we went in the first place. Every year they have some bands play for a parade in the evening. Our band comes every year but this is the first time I actually joined in. It sounds cool in theory, but in practice I (and everyone else playing drums) wanted to die after wearing a harness and walking for 25 minutes. And all the other marching bands that performed were actually good compared to ours. Also, a lot of the people watching were super drunk. Which would normally be kind of funny since they’d be cheering us on no matter how ass we sound, but it really wasn’t this time. Especially since a lot of them were (apparently, I didn’t actually hear any of it) super racist too (my school is way more diverse than the other schools there, which were pretty much all white). :/ Who the **** says things like that to teenagers? People suck more and more every day. All of that just ruined the rest of my day and made me hope we don’t ever have to do this again
- but everything that happened before the evening was really cool. The first thing I did when I went there was buy deep fried Oreos. I really regret not buying more food because they had so much delicious (and crazy, like deep fried candy bars) looking stuff there. I’ve never had deep fried Oreos before so I was just expecting it to taste like how diabetes would taste, but it was actually really good. I would definitely try that again
- they had some cool souvenirs there too. One of them were these keychains that cost $8 each and $15 you choose to buy two. They’re imprinted with those pictures where if you look at them from a different angle, the picture changes, and when you scratch them you want to die. Were they expensive as hell for keychains? Ofc they were. Do I care… at all? No lmao

The more I look at the Pokémon one the more I have to wonder if it was AI generated

With the Shadow one it can become Surge and then Sonic, and with the Pokémon one it changes to have the Squirtle evolution line. Not sure what that has to do with Bulbasaur Pikachu and Torchic
- the other souvenirs were plushies. They had this Umbreon plush that I thought was cute and cost $20, but then I instantly regretted it after buying it. So I went back and asked if I could trade it in for a Mew plush because it also cost $20, and the guy said yes! That guy’s so real for that honestly, I wasn’t expecting him to let me have it. They also had a plush of Sonic as a Werehog that I reeeeaaaally wanted but I thought I probably shouldn’t waste any more money since I have to ask my mom to send it to me and didn’t want to bother her too much
- also, @Xara, this is one of the plushies they had there

Had to crop this pic so much so the file wouldn’t be too large to load
I know that this is Glamrock Freddy and that’s all I know lmao
- they had a guy play a lot of songs on bells… they sounded way cooler than you would expect. Glad to have spent 20 minutes watching him perform
- they had this giant yellow slide there that you just go on a mat and slide down. I was not expecting that to be as fun as it was. The best part was that one of the teachers, the history teacher, wanted us to go on it so bad that he paid for our tickets. He’s also a homie for that
- during these field trips, they make you be in a group for safety reasons (luckily I did like my group since I do have friends in band). It didn’t make me particularly happy but I really loved it when my band teacher basically sent our group on a side quest. One of the things they were selling was an ice cream sundae with cornbread pieces in it and she wanted us to find where they were selling it. I just thought it was really funny how we kept calling it a side quest and when we asked a staff member where it was, we treated it like asking an NPC for hints
- even though the night kind of sucked, the bus ride back was really… serene. Everyone was in a bad mood after what happened, including me, but it was kind of relaxing to just ride the bus back to school while it was dark outside, and everyone was too tired to say anything. It’s like when you get off a plane in the night and you’re driving home with your family but all of them are too burnt out to talk so you kind of just have some chill time. Is… is that even a normal situation anyway? Lol. And instead of sleeping like a normal person, I was on an Animal Crossing fan site with a mushroom addiction
- then when we went home and my mom and dad bought pizza for dinner, and that made me feel a little better. Driving home while it was dark, but not as quiet also made me feel better
- not related to the fair, but I’m so happy the mushroom event started today. 🍄 I haven’t participated at all yet for reasons that should be obvious if you’ve read this far yet, but I’m excited to start since I still barely know how it works even after reading through the thread
I don’t have to go back to work until Monday morning! It’s been a long and truly awful week and I am exhausted, but I finally have a proper weekend with no real plans. Might see a movie with my partner tomorrow—but first a really good long sleep.
@Yoshi155 yay! I'm a former band kid! Trumpets rule 😝

Lol jk but you brought back memories of our bus rides to/from football games. We never once had a serene ride. We were pretty wild. Whether we were roasting each other (brass/drumline bus) or doing karaoke (woodwind/colorguard bus) we were always having a blast.

It's easier said than done, but please try not to let stupid people ruin your fun. If it makes you feel any better, when you get to be old like me you'll remember the good times and not the bad.
Hurricane Helene thankfully missed us; we didn’t lose power and were never under a tornado warning. I was pretty nervous about it for a good part of yesterday and today, so thankful we were so lucky!

I got to hang out with my mom this evening, and we watched Danny Gonzalez’s new video on his second channel!

One of my faves got another new piece of official art!! ;w;

All the mushrooms for this round have been identified!! ;v; I didn’t buy a lot of safe ones lol, but I’m happy I can spend my spores with confidence until the next reset!
- I had a nice dinner.
- Caught Spiritomb in PL: Arceus and I'm close to receiving the Shiny Charm so I can move on to shiny hunting.
- Completed an assignment for uni.
- Worked on a sketch of Emma Watson and fixed some mistakes.
- Watched some anime and almost finished the season.
I went to the LAIKA Frame x Frame exhibition in London today! It was so interesting and cool to get to see many of the props up close and get a sense of how things came together to make Coraline. I haven't seen any of their other films but the props and figurines were beautiful so they're definitely on my list to watch now!

Imgur album with a few of my pictures

I also got to try Taco Bell finally and it was tasty!
So a while ago, bought a new mattress and planned to get the local council to take it away, with some other items; one being my old desk. I've had this thing for donkey years, and I mainly used it for my books, and a place where i stood my TV.
So for the whole day, I've been trying to rearrange my room a bit, I got a taller drawers that I moved in to the place of my TV, and moved mu smaller low table where the dresser was, and its so much roomer in my bedroom now.
Still a bit to do, i had a wheelie table thing underneath my desk that held my concols and dvds so im just trying to reconnect everything.
I also now have extra wall area to put pictures and posters XD Cats have been getting in my way a abit but i know they're intruged.
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I went to the LAIKA Frame x Frame exhibition in London today! It was so interesting and cool to get to see many of the props up close and get a sense of how things came together to make Coraline. I haven't seen any of their other films but the props and figurines were beautiful so they're definitely on my list to watch now!

Imgur album with a few of my pictures

I also got to try Taco Bell finally and it was tasty!
I had no idea theres a LAIKA exhibition! I should check how long its on for
A tree fell in our backyard during the hurricane. While I am going to miss the tree, I'm happy it didn't cause any damage. It just narrowly missed the house, air conditioning unit, and my dog (who was outside using the restroom at the time...he won't go on mats inside). I definitely feel fortunate and blessed.


Also, my tarantula molted! It's her first time molting since I've had her. As expected, she's longer and bigger. My arachnophobia is triggered. HOWEVER I got her to help with that phobia and I'm happy to see her thrive and grow :)