The past few days :3
- On Saturday my BPD was acting up severely; and my mental health tanked almost completely.. My boyfriend brought me a Dr. Pepper, a Hershey Kiss ('cause I'm always asking for kisses hehe), and a chocolate bar.. and even wrote such a cute little note. He left it on my doorstep, because I didn't wanna see him.. I was scared of having another episode on him so :'3 I kinda pushed him away.. BUT!!! The kind, caring gesture he did for me really.. made me so happy..
- Sunday, I felt better enough to see him c: We played Demon Slayer: Sweep the Board together and we had A LOT of fun. He won, of course.. -w- But, I was happy that he came to hang out. He even brought Taco Bell for us ;w; That also made me happy.. he knew just what I wanted without even asking me

He even gave me a cologne spray for my separation anxiety. He's going on vacation this Sunday, and by the time he gets back-- I'LL be on vacation.. T^T So, the spray is really gonna help, I think.
- Oh! I also won a full set of pins from the Fair raffle! That made me EXTREMELY happy because that was what I really wanted! I'm gonna give the Snow Bunny pin to my sister,
@Azzy, because I know she loves the Snow Bunny collectible and stuff-- and I think she also wanted to win something too but didn't xD So I hope the Snow Bunny pin makes her happy! ^_^
- Went to my sisters Monday night.. I'm still here but we're having a great time together! We've just been coexisting together while we do our own thing. Chatting and enjoying each others company :3 She also forced me to watch some of the Obey Me! anime, and despite my attention span doing its thing-- I still enjoyed what I watched xD I love Mammon and Beel so much.. my baybays!!! >w<
- Played AC:NH for a while today. I plan on playing a bit more because I only brought my Switch, my phone-- and laptop, but did NOT bring my laptop charger :^/ So that was annoying. But I'm happy that I get to enjoy playing AC:NH xD
- Talked with
@Midoriya a bit the past couple of days. He makes me real happy, 'cause he's such a genuine and caring friend! :3 I love chatting with him. His jokes and hearing about his day and stuff lift my spirits c:
@Vhoop, and a few other of my friends chatted a bunch the past few days as well! I LOVE my little friend group :3 I enjoy laughing with them and joking around and just genuinely having a good time together. Chibi is the greatest, and so are the rest of my lil' pals!!