What Are You Happy About Today?

I’m doing much better today. Early post;

My squishable came 🥳. @himekirako No you can’t eat it (or my bread son) 😋 (I hope you’re doing okay too!)

Earlier I maxed my friendship with Mitzi in acnh 🙂. I’m hoping I get her photo soon; also hoping to get Julia to move out so I can go island hopping again.

I think I’m feeling good enough again to host the upcoming sessions for Among Us; the time off definitely helped and also the thing that was troubling me is in the process of being mended 🙂. Thanks so much everyone for the kind responses, reactions and understanding; you’re all the best! ☺️

I got some snuggles from Jewels earlier and I caught her trying to get in tiny box 😹😹😹.


What’s even funnier is that my late kitty Mel tried to get in a box smaller than that. She tried to get in one of those small boxes that comes with Magic the Gathering fat packs 😅. Cats are so silly liking their boxes so much 😹😹😹.

That’s it for now! 🙂
My White Princess has been giving me lots of white. Today, even though the new leaf broke off, I'm excited to see she's giving pink leaves too. Hopefully the next one on the same stem comes out nice and pink too :") She has more luck with color than my Pink Princess for sure.


More that I’m happy about:

I finished picking out the rest of my gifts from my special day. I got Sanji’s cookbook which I wanted before it was even in English (I’m not a cook but I love anime & video game cookbooks and it does make me want to try to cook; a starter deck for the One Piece TCG (Zoro and Sanji); and some welcome amiibo packs (I think these only come with three cards) :D. I’m hoping for Hornsby, Spike, Sylvana and really any I don’t have.
I'm back for my monthly Happy post...

I've been taking measures to improve my mental (and physical) health by taking better care of myself and being more active/productive. I still have a long way to go, but I'm getting there and I'm already noticing a slight improvement in my mood.

I bought Stardew Valley the other day!! I would've preferred the PC version, but I'm broke and had extra money in my eShop account. I don't know a whole lot about the game, but it's super fun and I'm really enjoying it.

I won one of the TBT Fair raffles!! I picked the White Feather, I'm super ecstatic to have all three monochrome feathers and get another one of my dream collectibles. 🤍

I went for a walk with my dad today, we browsed some second-hand stores and ate hot dogs and poutine at one of the fast-food restaurants in our town. I enjoyed myself and I'm happy to spend some time with my family.

One of my aunts got me a Zelda hoodie, which is going to arrive in the mail soon! I can't wait.

Our cat, Wookie, is cuddling with me as I type this. He's such a sweetheart. 🖤
Long story short: I made progress on my homework, switched out an overwhelming elective class for a drawing/painting class*, and bought Chick-fil-A for lunch. :D I'd usually be more detailed in my posts, but I feel tired lol.

EDIT: Forgot to mention this...I can't wait for Foongus Mushroom Season!!!

*I actually wanted the crafts class, but they're still too full
Played through the postgame storyline with Looker in Pokémon X, and was able to catch Moltres afterwards too! who on earth thought it was a good idea to make you encounter it as a roamer ELEVEN TIMES before you could catch it… I don’t think there’s much left I want to do in the postgame, so I’m hopeful I might be able to finish up my playthrough tomorrow! 🤞

My parents and I watched some Youtube together, including Solidarity’s castle raid video!

I’m super excited for whatever staff have in store for us for Mushroom Season!! I love mushrooms raaaaa
I was able to get another session in at martial arts tonight and did well, which is good because I won't be able to go again for several weeks. Came home and am having fun continuing my Pokemon Insurgence Soul Link Randomizer Nuzlocke with my friend! I also had a good time chatting this week with @Mimi Cheems . Still can't wait to start MASHLE S2 with her! 💚
Goooood morning, everyone! ☕👱🏻‍♀️ Um, excuse me, I'm back here... 👋🏼🎲👱🏻‍♀️☕ Anyway, what's thiiiiis? 🤭👱🏻‍♀️🔔🔍🎲 Aha! Look what I found hiding in here! 💌 This is an envelope with a heart on it, addressed to someone who themselves is enveloped with hearts. Yooouuu. 😛👱🏻‍♀️👈🏼🎲 Today is National Love Note Day, sssoooo... 👉🏼👈🏼🎲 HERE YOU GO, KTHNXBAI! Sike! I ain't goin' nowhere, baby. 😎 I'll sit back here and we'll finish our tea and we shall read and rejoice, muah 💋 I mean, MUA-HAHAHA! ☕🎲🫂👱🏻‍♀️☕
  • I’m buying an Apple IPad 9th generation this week. It’ll be my every first iPad. I’m super excited about it!
  • Anyway yeah feeling good I guess , trying to get out of a kind of slump I’m in mentally I guess. Been isolating and not doing much lately. So I’m working on doing better in regards to that :)
Today was okay! I’m kinda anxious today about some stuff I was worried about last night.

I didn’t end up going out as I planned yesterday since I had a slow start and woke up to my dad talking loud (he just recently got home from his trip so that means hearing his full conversations in the morning 😔).

I had fun playing Among Us today and chatting with everyone. :D Earlier I had fun making @Xara a silly Among Us photo 🙂.

I got Mitzi’s picture after resetting a couple times in ACNH! :D Now I’m hoping Julia will want to move soon.

Last night I redownloaded Fire Emblem Heroes and saw I could pick a free unit and two of the units were favorites—timeskip Bernadetta & Timeskip Felix from Fire Emblem Three Houses. I picked Felix because he was better of the two but I’m hoping the banner comes back so I can get Bernie eventually too.

@KittenNoir shared with me some gorgeous pictures of her kitty that she took earlier :D.

An amiibo card that I traded for arrived in the mail today :D

That’s it for now!
Caught Mewtwo and Zygarde in Pokémon X, and wrapped up my playthrough of it! I enjoyed it and I’m really happy to have actually played through one of the Kalos games before Legends: Z-A comes out ahahaha ;w;

Watched some Youtube videos with my family! This time we watched Skizzleman’s Minecraft castle raid video, and oh god his perfectly cut screams while playtesting his build had me dying

One of my comfort characters got some new official art!! 💙 let’s gooo

I got to play Among Us hide and seek for a little while this evening too!

A couple things I’d ordered actually arrived when I was sick, but I didn’t feel like opening them at the time, so they’ve just been sat boxed up on my dresser lol, but I finally got around to opening them tonight!! ;v; I’ve now got the Jack Jeanne drama CD I’d pre-ordered (will have to actually listen to it later aaa, but the little cards it came with are perfect for my mini bromide album!!) and my two new plushes (Sitting Cuties Beheeyem and Poké Doll Corviknight) from the Pokémon Center!!

I love the new mushroom collectibles!! ;w; and honestly the temporary foraged ones are actually so good also?? I need all of them... pls...