The Duke
My mood is still not the best but it’s starting to pick up a bit and I’m happy about a couple things.
Forgive me for sounding like a broken record. I’m just really excited and happy with my progress on my secret santa piece. Looking back at my art for the halloween event, I want to say I’m improving. At the same time, I can’t remember the order or what percentage I have a color at, etc. when I’m trying to shade like the other eye after doing one eye.
Hopefully I can figure out a way to keep better track of what I do
. I’m really having so much fun; I forgot how much I liked drawing
. I’m really glad I participated in the art contests in the last tbt events since if I didn’t, I probably wouldn’t have been able to get myself back to drawing anytime soon.
I’m very grateful for the pointers on using shapes @Yanrima~ had given me a few years ago, which got me to look up a little bit how to use them to do the sketches. I’m finding it much easier drawing digitally than traditionally since I’m terrible at drawing light traditionally while digital. I think I’m doing better with the shapes now; I know it just basic drawing, but to me it is a big deal since while I took some art classes in grade school, I don’t remember anything from them. For the longest time, I’ve just drawn what I see as best I could.
I caught Jewels laying on the tree skirt earlier, looking really cute. My mom just yelled at her because she was playing with the ornaments; she likes to take the ornaments off the tree

@Roxxy & @mocha. both shared an adorable picture of their cats with me; I’m always really happy to hear from them
That’s it for now.
Forgive me for sounding like a broken record. I’m just really excited and happy with my progress on my secret santa piece. Looking back at my art for the halloween event, I want to say I’m improving. At the same time, I can’t remember the order or what percentage I have a color at, etc. when I’m trying to shade like the other eye after doing one eye.

I’m very grateful for the pointers on using shapes @Yanrima~ had given me a few years ago, which got me to look up a little bit how to use them to do the sketches. I’m finding it much easier drawing digitally than traditionally since I’m terrible at drawing light traditionally while digital. I think I’m doing better with the shapes now; I know it just basic drawing, but to me it is a big deal since while I took some art classes in grade school, I don’t remember anything from them. For the longest time, I’ve just drawn what I see as best I could.
I caught Jewels laying on the tree skirt earlier, looking really cute. My mom just yelled at her because she was playing with the ornaments; she likes to take the ornaments off the tree

@Roxxy & @mocha. both shared an adorable picture of their cats with me; I’m always really happy to hear from them

That’s it for now.