It's been a day. I've been in pain (neck/right shoulder) and my partner is sick with a nasty chest infection. I've spent today making her lemsip, food, and copious amounts of tea.
But at the risk of sounding like a broken record my boys have made me so happy today. We finally decided it was time for them to have free reign of the house, so I kitten-proofed the rooms. They went exploring then came back for their naps. I caught Delta asleep with his tongue out while clearly dreaming and it made my day. What do kittens dream about?
Thank you for continuing to share pictures of your kittens

; I’m so glad they’re both doing well and how happy they’re making you. It really cheered me up seeing Delta and his adorable blep (term on cat twitter we use to describe the tongue out pose

What I’m happy about today:
I think my mood is finally starting to pick up a bit

I’m really excited about the secret santa art exchange; I just got notified who I’m drawing for

I didn’t get to see my kitties in the tree yet (Jewels will break it if she tries

) but Spanky played with me in the branches a little and then Jewels dressed as Spanky started chewing on the branches (my excuse for Spanky lol). She played under the tree with Jewels for a few seconds too.
First picture is from last night; she chatters her teeth when I talk to her, even when she’s sleeping.
In Persona 5, last night I messed up on a fusion; I picked the wrong trait so I redid it today during a fusion alarm while hoping for Sword Dance, a single target physical attack with high crit and I got it

. I think I know why I never finished my first switch playthrough of P5R; I was spending too much time like I still am doing on the fusions and then another game came along and since I can only focus on one at a time, I dropped it

. I’m making really good progress though even though I am spending so much time fusing, so I better not drop it again
I’m looking forward to more Among Us tonight

. I might practice some more Mario Party against the computer too later. First, I need to get started on my Secret Santa art.
I’m really hoping I get a new stylus for christmas since I’d love to play around more with digital drawing. I’m happy that the program that everyone recommends is not that expensive; I thought it cost a hundred dollars (maybe I was thinking of a different program

That’s it for now!