What Are You Happy About Today?

My parents and I got to see an episode of Demon Slayer and Haikyu this morning, and we caught up on a little Youtube afterwards!! We also saw LDShadowLady’s most recent Wild Life episode—the trivia bot is so much fun; it reminds me a little of Mettaton from Undertale lol

I got my match for Balverine’s Secret Santa event!! 👀

Played through Collette’s marriage events, Newlywed Mode, and Another Episode in Rune Factory 3 Special, and got married to Daria on my next file! She’s a fun and well-written bachelorette imo and it’s a shame she’s so isolated from the rest of the cast/main story, so I’m hopeful her Newlywed Mode/Another Episode will do her some justice at least.

And I had fun playing Among Us tonight!! I switched to my little robot pet and it’s so cute I love it ;w;
The Minnesota Vikings won again this weekend! They're still second to Detroit in the division, but they keep giving me hope. 💜💛

Thinking on the positive side, I still have two more weeks off work. I'm going to try to take it one day at a time and enjoy each moment of rest that I can get.
Some more things that made me happy today:

@Yanrima~ just finished an art piece I commissioned her for; I’m really happy with how it turned out :D. It is so adorable ☺️. Tysm again Yanrima! :D


I’ve been thinking of inviting Etoile to my second island to represent Haru from Persona 5. I thought it’d be cute to see her dressed up as her ☺️.

I got started on my secret santa art. So far I’m really enjoying working on it; I figured out how to use some more of the tools and I’m getting the hang of using layers. I’m familiar with layers from photo editing, I only got to try it a little during the Halloween event.
  • I sat outside today and socialized with my friend/neighbor. She’s really nice. I have a hard time socializing even though I want to so it was nice. She’s really fun to talk with.
  • I started rewatching Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation. I love this anime. It just feels cozy to me to watch it.
  • Had fun playing with my cat Mustachio today. She’s so playful. Hard to believe I got her only 3 years ago. Feels like I’ve had her forever. I got her the week before Thanksgiving 3 years ago and she was a tiny tiny little kitten then. She’s grown so much and she’s got such a huge personality. She makes me laugh everyday.
  • I did some yoga. That’s like 5 days in a row now. Trying to make it a daily thing. I can already feel my muscles are kind of sore from the past few days and will be getting stronger over time. Also did weights, and some squats with resistance bands. Trying to get a lot more fit 💪
Today is my birthday today and I had a great day!

-It was a very nice day! It was a nice mid-60s, it almost felt like spring~
-Cleaned my room a bit which didn't take too long
-My brothers came over and we played Sparking Zero for a bit
-I got to see his dogs and walk one of them 💛
-My dad made tacos and my grandma made brownie ice cream cake. Both were delicious~
-I got Paradox Rift- Raging Bolt EX Pokemon Card tin, Sonic x Shadow generations, and Nintendo eshop from my brothers, money from my grandma, and a jacket from my parents~
-Finishing my day chilling and watching Monday Night Raw! :]
Finished Daria’s Newlywed Mode/Another Episode and all of Karina’s romance events in Rune Factory 3 Special! Just six more bachelorettes’ marriages to play through and I’ll have seen everyone's romances in this game (which will be a farming sim first for me)!!

I started working on some personal art today! I've made really great progress on it so far, and I'm looking forward to getting back to it soon! c:

My parents and I watched Youtube over dinner this evening, and got to see GeminiTay’s latest Wild Life episode!

And I got caught up with housework today!! I'm almost through with my antibiotics now and feeling a lot better (except for the cough being persistent, but what else is new) and I'm happy to be moving around some more again ;v;
Today is my birthday today and I had a great day!

-It was a very nice day! It was a nice mid-60s, it almost felt like spring~
-Cleaned my room a bit which didn't take too long
-My brothers came over and we played Sparking Zero for a bit
-I got to see his dogs and walk one of them 💛
-My dad made tacos and my grandma made brownie ice cream cake. Both were delicious~
-I got Paradox Rift- Raging Bolt EX Pokemon Card tin, Sonic x Shadow generations, and Nintendo eshop from my brothers, money from my grandma, and a jacket from my parents~
-Finishing my day chilling and watching Monday Night Raw! :]
Happy birthday!
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Today started rough but I’m doing kinda okay now 🙂. I’m having a lot of fun drawing my secret santa art. I think drawing digitally is less stressful and more fun than drawing & coloring traditionally was for me. I still want to draw traditionally again and maybe finish the ffxii drawing that I was working on, but I’m hoping to keep practicing drawing digitally. I just need to manage my time better and set aside time to do it; I’m terrible at time management not to mention other issues — low energy, low focus, other interests getting in the way, which are part of the reasons I stopped drawing until the fair and Halloween event.

I got an idea for another drawing for the person that I’m secret santa too. I’m hoping I’ll have time to try it. 🙂

I decided to join the draw the user above you again; I’m focusing on my secret santa art, but I’m excited to draw for someone else after I’m done with this and about getting more practice drawing digitally. :D

Jewels and Spanky snuggled on the bed together an hour or so ago. They haven’t been snuggling too much lately so it made me happy ☺️.

That’s it for now 🙂
- some of my packages arrived today! i got a few new blouses and a birthday card for my boyfriend so i was finally able to get that written out

- also felt more productive since i didn't succumb to a very very comfortable (and warm) nap and i was able to facetime my boyfriend 🥹
I completed my personal goals in the Endless Ocean event ending tonight. There were some gorgeous creatures featured in the event dive, including huge, brightly colored seahorses/sea dragons.

A friend came over today to help my husband clean the gutters since I'm not able to do that right now. I'm glad that's done. Afterwards, we hung out for a few hours and it was fun.
I bought a non-binary wristband and it came with a matching Umbreon sticker. The sticker seems durable, too. I'm really happy with it!
I'm happy that I'm feeling somewhat decent despite being at my mom's house. That's a rare occurrence.