What Are You Happy About Today?

The weekend has been fairly good to me. 😌

November 23, 2024
  • I've got to build up confidence on another skill at work yet again! Thankfully, there wasn't any unexpected pitfalls that conveniently try to hold me up 99.9% of the time, so it was smooth sailing for the most part lol.
  • Feel free to skip this point. On my way home from work, I spotted a Nissan Skyline GT-R (R32) again after a very long time! 😲 Its headlights peeking out in thick traffic at the intersection making a right turn immediately caught my attention and it gave me goosebumps. It's quite an elusive car here that's for sure!
  • I ate blueberry pie again! I really like savouring the sweet taste. 🫐

November 24, 2024
  • Feel free to skip this point. I've spotted this particular car quite a few times during weekends, but it's always a pleasant surprise to see a Nissan 240Z!
  • Played in another session of Among Us this evening organized by @/Dunquixote! We only played hide and seek alongside @/Xara, @/.: Meri :. and @/BetsySundrop, but there were still some funny and butt clenching moments.
Okay, but I love how everyone (including myself) was standing behind my body near the ladder while hiding from Dunquixote lol. I lowkey want to make a quick drawing of this moment just thinking about it.
  • Another trailer for Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl dropped recently! It's making me even more excited for the movie.
  • Did a bit more drawing this evening. ✏️
  • Listened to a bunch of music. 🎵
Watched some more episodes of Demon Slayer, Haikyu, and Hunter x Hunter today!!

I got a Sitting Cuties Stoutland plush as an extra present today!! 😭 it’s so baby omg

And I really enjoyed playing hide and seek in Among Us tonight!! I’ve almost fully completed the Claws Cosmicube now, all that’s left is the space kitty!!
What happened yesterday:
- I went shopping with my mom at a thrift store. Found some t-shirts and pastel paper.
- Ate some yummy kebab at a Turkish restaurant. I also had some chocolate chip cheesecake for dessert.
- Luna was playing with one of my sister's "belongings" and I recorded her. LOL she's playing with that thing as if it were a cat toy.
- Watched some of the Pokémon Horizons anime.

What happened today:
- Went grocery shopping today and I'm glad there was some sunshine outside after a few days of ugly weather.
- Worked on a sketch in graphite.
- Completed an assignment for uni.
- Watched some French programs.
- Got through the funeral today with no problems, and caught up with some relatives + learned some family history i previously didn't know. I can say now that I'm at least 1/4 Irish from both my parents' families 😅

- Happy that I have 2 days off work now

- Finished up my itinerary for my trip to Hungary next month
i'm trying again subtitling my ''exit running'' slayers amv in lightworks... & so far, so good, i think ... i think: o

i'm still learning the text part of lightworks, sorta 😅

(also... i've posted the link to my video in my art spot... the link is in my sig if anyone likes the slayers anime & wants to check it out : D as mentioned: it's not subtitled yet...)
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Today was a bit rough since I had to go grocery shopping and it was crowded, but I’m okay now. 🙂 I’m happy I’m home and with my girls.

I caught a shiny poochyena right when I got to the grocery store.


I was really slow today in a trade; I really appreciated @Giddy ’s patience and how kind she was about it, and the extremely generous payment. Thanks so much! ☺️

I got some emails from the shipping company that i ordered the neko atsume merchandise from telling me both of my orders went through. I’ve never ordered through a proxy site before so this is good news to me.

I got the sushi house and ramen stand in the bunny game today. A new merchant showed up too. :D I’m getting really close to maxing my friendship with some of the bunnies.

That’s it for now. Hopefully I can get some more of my drawing worked on today; yesterday i couldn’t get anything done because I was so drained. I’m still really excited about how it looks so far. 🙂
Completely forgot to mention this, but yesterday had the whole day to dedust everything in my bedroom, it really needed it and allowed me to organise the stuff on the shelves a bit better.
Thats about it sadly, really wanna try and get some othet stuff done.

But for now ust gonna listen to some music, play my games and sleep.
i finished subtitling it in lightworks... my slayers - exit running amv: D
so tomorrow, i can see if it looks good & if i can romaji subtitle it in movie maker 🤷‍♂️ :3

edit at 11:43 pm: hmmm.... i just checked... some of it's great... but i think tomorrow, i'm gonna give it another once-over subtitle edit 🤷‍♂️
then i'll see how it looks :>
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Prior to my brief disappearance from the site for a few days, I posted about a sticker I was excited about receiving. I found this Dodgers wordmark logo in Japanese and had to order it. There were shipping delays but it eventually arrived.
I started watching the second season of Blue Lock. They have a good amount of dubbed episodes uploaded, so I figured it was a great time.
Tomorrow, I have early access to the first episode of Disventure Camp S4. I’m excited to see what route they take this season. It looks amazing from what I’ve seen so far!
My parents and I got to see a little Youtube this evening, and we’re a little closer to being caught up with SmallishBeans’ Wild Life series again now!

I started playing the 2014 Story of Seasons 3DS game today!! I’m having a lot of fun, although my main priority right now is just Not Letting Hanako Starve granny why would you give me a cow on the one day of the week the general store is closed...
Today was pretty great! I got up early this morning one minute before my alarm went off, and was productive at work. Played some Genshin Impact for a bit and did some exploration. Then I went to martial arts and trained, working on some advanced techniques. The Dallas Mavericks also bounced back tonight for a 129-119 win over the Atlanta Hawks in Atlanta. If only every day could be like this. :blush: 💚
After talking things over with my husband, his parents, and my mom, we've decided to postpone Thanksgiving until everyone on my side of the family is healthy. I'm not really happy about that, but I am happy that everyone understood my need for taking precautions related to my health right now. This also puts less pressure on us to get everything done by a specific date and gives me more time to rest during my last week off.

I have my six week follow-up appointment tomorrow afternoon. For the most part, I'm feeling better, though not back up to 100% yet. I do have a tiny concern to mention to the doctor tomorrow, but I don't expect it to prohibit me from going back to work. I'm really hoping some of the physical restrictions placed on me will be lifted. I want to get back to living my life more normally.
  • I finished the 1st Life is Strange game yesterday, phenomenal game, loved it so much!! 🎮
  • Started playing Rune Factory 4 last night and am gonna start the next Life is Strange game today (Before the Storm)
  • Feeling pretty good today, slept really well
  • Got a lot of helpful feedback in my art thread :)
  • Going to the library later today to get some more manga
  • Looking forward to Thanksgiving
  • It's a nice gloomy rainy day, I love those types of days they feel so cozy to me :)
  • Gonna practice violin today, excited about that
  • My Xbox One controller broke which sucks but I'm getting a new one soon, a pretty bright pink one :D
i just finished editing the subtitles, twice, on lightworks, for my slayers - lina's image song from try - ''exit running'' amv....
final verdict: perfect! 💕

now i'm gonna see if i can romaji subtitle it on movie maker :3 edit at 5:25 pm: converting it to wmv poses a big problem, though.... i can't romaji subtitle it like that __ __ .... i'm gonna see if i can't do it well on lightworks, the romaji subtitling... __ __ either that or wait till freemake gets back to me.... cause now that i've done the english subtitles on subtitlehorse, it's a waste not to use the freemake video converter to put the subtitles on it... i used to do that.... ... but i'll do the romaji on lightworks until then...

i suppose i'd get used to it with practice... but i've always preferred using freemake video converter to put the subtitles on __ __
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i think i've sorta perfected the usage of lightworks for subtitling videos.... for example: my amv of the slayers - lina's try image song ''exit running''.... therefore, i think ...the subtitling of it... it's fully finished

i think i might use it for subtitling as well now... english lyrics & romaji.... 💕 💖
i think lightworks is more reliable for subtitling now.... unlike movie maker, it doesn't freeze.... alright, apart from last night when it strangly closed it self... but since then, it hasn't done that... 🤷‍♂️ it's simple once i've learnt how... & i think i have💕
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I played Story of Seasons some more today!! Happy to say that I’m getting by well enough that I can comfortably meet Hanako’s needs (and that I was able to get enough iron to make a pitchfork before the barn got… too bad), and I have a horse now!!

Made good progress on some art!!

I watched some more Youtube with my family tonight, and we’re caught up with Grian’s Wild Life series again!!
I made both my parents really happy today. I helped my dad and brought home dinner for my mom when she was hungry. I feel good about it.

I am also off the next couple days. I only had one day of work after getting off vacation XD... but I am happy I have Thanksgiving off. I'm definitely going to ask for more hours when it's over though because I really need it.
I had my 6 week follow-up today and it's the last trip I'll have to make to the hospital, which is over an hour away. The doctor cleared me for work and said I could start easing back into more physical activity using common sense. Exercise is good as long as I don't overdo it, so I started with some of my easiest stretches tonight. My back already feels better.

Unfortunately, she couldn't remove all restrictions because the interior is still healing, but 2 more weeks should do it. I don't even have to go back for confirmation unless I have any problems. After 2 weeks, I can do anything that I feel comfortable doing, with that last part being the key point.

This evening I went through some more of the junk on the dining table. I still want to get that cleaned off completely by the weekend.