What Are You Happy About Today?

Today wasn’t good mood wise but there were some things that made me happy :).

I had a nice chat with @Xara ☺️. I’ve been really enjoying this bunny game that Xara had mentioned here before.

I also was happy to hear from @jadetine! I’m really happy she’s doing good and I’ve been enjoying seeing her art progress on here :D.

I was able to move in two of my favorite bunnies - one yesterday and one today. I moved in Yuki yesterday and Celeste today :D. I finally had enough gold carrots to unlock the ocean.

I’m excited about drawing Xara’s persona after I’m done with my secret santa art. I’ve been having so much fun drawing digital art. :D I’m grateful to @BetsySundrop for making me aware that I can draw using this program since I only used it once for the coloring activity during the fair :). I’m hoping to get procreate eventually, but this program has been good to draw with as far as I can tell. I definitely need a new stylus since the one that I’ve been using has not been easy to draw with and doesn’t last long for any purpose 😅.

My cats ofc made me happy too. Spanky snuggled with me a little earlier. Jewels came downstairs even though she was sleeping when I went downstairs to eat. She does this almost every time I leave the room; I think it is so cute 🥰. I do worry that if I ever need to leave the house a long time how she will be. Still it makes me happy she wants to always be with me.

I’m happy about my drawing progress. I got a bit more done today and still am working on it 🙂.

That’s it for now! 🙂
Today I'm happy to have found the perfect person at the perfect time.

We found a puppy in the wild bramble acreage on our property, slightly injured, and needed someone to take her in until claimed or adopted. Well, we found the most amazing person. She rescues animals and had everything needed to take care of the puppy, including vet contacts. Very happy to know the puppers will be taken care of by such a great person.
Today's been fantastic! The weather outside is lovely, sunny but not too hot, and after today I have the rest of the week off work. I also got to chat with some friends of mine last evening, which was enjoyable. Appreciate them all so much. Just sipping on my coffee drink and enjoying the atmosphere right now. I also don't have martial arts today, but I plan on watching the Mavs versus Knicks game tonight instead. Also taking care of more cats now! 🐱 :blush: 💚
I got the pies for tomorrow! I only really get pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving and since I am the only one that likes pumpkin pie I get the whole pie to myself. I'll probably freeze some of it on Friday so that it can last for awhile since I know pie doesn't last forever and I don't want it to get spoiled quickly. I also got some whipped cream as well.
My parents and I are just going to stay home for Thanksgiving this year—I’m not exactly happy about the reasoning for it (which is that none of us feel up to traveling that far right now akjflskdj), but I am relieved that I can just relax tomorrow and won’t have to endure any long road trips while I’m still coughing so much 😭

I finished some art today hehe!!

I have a kitchen and a refrigerator in Story of Seasons now!! Thank god because my bag was getting concerningly full of crops and fish ahahah

Watched some Youtube videos with my parents!! We got to see GeminiTay’s latest Wild Life episode, and my mom and I caught up with a couple of Markiplier’s recent vids.
Today's been fantastic! The weather outside is lovely, sunny but not too hot, and after today I have the rest of the week off work. I also got to chat with some friends of mine last evening, which was enjoyable. Appreciate them all so much. Just sipping on my coffee drink and enjoying the atmosphere right now. I also don't have martial arts today, but I plan on watching the Mavs versus Knicks game tonight instead. Also taking care of more cats now! 🐱 :blush: 💚
I had a really good day today!

My massage therapist cancelled our appointment this morning, so I got to go back to bed and get some extra sleep. I basically passed out for about an hour.

I was pretty productive today. I washed and dried a load of clothes. I still need to put them away, but that's a job for tomorrow. I also finished reorganizing my closet. I managed to clear up an extra shelf, so now my pajamas that didn't fit before have their own space.

I was able to go up and down the basement stairs without assistance as long as I wasn't carrying anything. That particular staircase is tricky and doesn't have a railing, so it's a decent accomplishment.

My husband was amazingly sweet, as always. He helped with my chores and then we went out for a dinner date to my favorite restaurant. The place was pretty empty since it's the day before Thanksgiving. We got in right away. I had some delicious fettucine alfredo with broccoli and we split a tiramisu for dessert. We also have leftovers for tomorrow. Since we're not seeing family, we decided not to cook the groceries we bought until we can all get together at a later date.
Today I had fun playing Mario Party with @himekirako @Yanrima~ & Chris! :D I felt bad though about my connection. Not sure if there is anything I can do about this. I really appreciated everyone’s patience and kindness 🙂. TBT games seriously are the best! :D

Something else that I’m happy about but, I have to wait since I don’t want to spoil the surprise 👀. I’m really excited about it though and extremely happy how it turned out. It really made my day :D.

I got some snuggles from Spanky earlier and she also “let me” use her as my switch stand during Mario Party 😸. She slept through the whole thing lol.

I’m almost done with my second drawing. I’m really happy with it :D. I really hope I get a stylus for christmas since i have been struggling with it more since its tip is worn out and ripped (it’s a cheap one my mom gets on amazon that has a rubber round tip).
- This morning I did something I've been meaning to do for ages and booked my trip to Switzerland for next year :) Staying in the Swiss Alps for a while is something I've been wanting to do, I'm happy I got flights and accommodation all sorted out for it!! The accommodation turned out less expensive than I thought it'd be too. A consolation prize because I hurt my little toe super badly this morning by falling down the stairs :oops:

- It's a beautiful, sunny (very cold) morning!!
After chatting with my vet and the pet insurance company, and sending off his medical records and photos, I managed to get the exclusion on Sebastian's insurance removed. He is now covered for wounds. 🥳

Ordered new kitten food that is due to arrive this evening. @Crash gave me some excellent advice on what to look for in picking out something new for them. Let's hope this helps Delta's sensitive stomach - after looking into the ingredients of what I was feeding him it is no wonder he wasn't tolerating it well (yet it is the most widely stocked in supermarkets why). 🐈


My partner and I were going to go out tonight, but neither of us can be bothered, so it's going to be takeout food, a movie, and cat cuddles. Can't wait. 🖤

Tomorrow is Friday! Almost the weekend! 🎉
This week has continued to be great. I got up early today and went to lunch with my family, and then had a nice, relaxing dinner with them at home afterwards. The Mavs winning against the Knicks was a great highlight for me, but perhaps the best highlight of this week was going outside today and finding out that the mums plant I had planted for my (late) mom is finally blooming. Regardless of anything else, the one thing I'll always be thankful for is her, and for anyone who paves the way forward for others like her. Hope everyone has had a good holiday, or if you don't celebrate, just day in general. 💚




Thanksgivings was fun and chill. Grandmother work hard cooking and baking, and my family work together to helo with other stuff. After that we watched football and Charlie Brown Thanksgiving together before eating.

I've also started Mario & Luigi Brothership so that's been fun.

Tomorrow is Black Friday, so it should be dead at work tomorrow like every year. I might see if I can get some good deals on games and goodies at gamestop after work.