What Are You Happy About Today?

I couldn't really find any wrapping paper that I liked enough to want to buy the last few times I went looking this month, but I found some today and bought a whole bunch. Not particularly large rolls unfortunately, but I liked the designs and the price couldn't be beat. Christmas shopping is mostly done and I might actually get the wrapping done prior to Christmas Eve night for once, haha.
I finally unpackaged my blanket that arrived in the mail a few nights ago. It has a different design on it than the one I originally purchased. It was most likely a mistake, but at least I still received the correct team.
I was out today when I came across the greatest thing: banana chapstick! I had to get it, since banana is one of my favorite artificial flavors and scent!
A few members gifted me some lights over the past few days. I appreciate the kind messages that were written along with them. They definitely brought a smile to my face.
I played some Pocket Camp Complete this morning and took a look through the complete catalog!! There’s… way too many pretty items… rationing out the Complete Tickets I’ve gathered was downright painful asdlkfgjdgdfkl 😭

Watched an episode of Hunter x Hunter and Demon Slayer this morning with my parents!! And later on we caught up with Grian’s Hermitcraft series again—the video’s been out for about a month, but we were trying so hard to keep up with multiple Wild Life POVs that we only just got to it now lol

My edible markers arrived today! Just waiting on the icing now c:

I got a good start on my entry for Secret Stocking Stuffers!! I wanted to work on it more tbh but I wasn’t feeling great this afternoon ;; I'm feeling better again now though! I have… a lot of ideas for stockings but I don’t know if I’ll be able to do them all in time aaaa

And I played Story of Seasons this evening!! I just got around to making the wrapping table, so I'll be able to make bouquets and wrap gifts soon! I've also nearly gathered everything I need to build a TV too!
My mood keeps going up and down, but overall today was overall decent.

I’m happy I got my myths of merriment done today and that it got accepted 🙂. I wish I could’ve spent more time on it but my greeting card is really taking up all my time right now. I’m making slower progress today; I’m worried about that but I’m still having fun working on it when my mood is more stable.

I got some snuggles from Spanky today ☺️.

I got some more lights today with really kind messages. I’m really grateful; been having really bad mood swings and I’m honestly not well at all, but this event and the messages really cheer me up a lot 🙂.

I had a nice chat with @Giddy :D. Also chatted a little with @Xara @KittenNoir @Roxxy. I got to see Roxxy’s adorable kitty too ☺️.

Earlier I got Raymond’s map on pocket camp so I invited him to my campsite :D. I got another complete ticket too. I’m still debating what to use the tickets on. I used most of the material to make limited time items, so I’ve been considering getting some of the items that cost a lot of those materials. But then, seeing @S.J. ’s post about getting some really cool aquarium fortune cookie items, made me consider using them on a fortune cookie. I can’t decide which one though since I want so many 😅. (Congrats S.J on getting the items you wanted 🥳).

I recently got the snowman outfits and I love them so much; doesn’t match the cat hat perfectly but Idc since they still look cute together and with the funny glasses 😸. It’s funny fishing in the outfit since my hands aren’t showing.

That’s it for now. I’m hoping to make more progress on my greeting card so I can start the stocking ones asap and do some extras 🙂. Also need to finish my workshop entry.
Additional happies for today!

I was worried about multiple charges on my credit card, but thankfully they sorted it out without me having to even call them this time. I ended up getting Christmas gifts for my dad and stepmom, tickets for a Mavs game in January for my dad and I to go see, and a new mug set for my stepmom. I'm also binging more Fairy Tail and still really loving it. Last, but certainly not least, the Dallas STARS just defeated the St. Louis Blues in overtime 2-1!!! What a great ending to a day. 🤩 💚
It’s been a really great week off. I got all my Christmas shopping done and wrapped all my gifts. Went to the movies on Wednesday and saw Wicked with my mom. We had a great time and both loved the movie.
Played some ACNH and made progress on decorating my island. Have been having fun making my own patterns and think I am getting a bit better at it.
The season of giving event is here and having so much fun with it. It got me back into drawing and really enjoying drawing again. Made some progress on a drawing I want to give as a gift. Also made some progress on the stocking one. I like how my greeting card came out.
Have been having fun playing pocket camp. Got all the rewards I wanted from the fishing event. I love how much easier it is to get the items and clothing you want.
Hope everyone had a great day. Back to work tomorrow.
It's a bit late, but I got my Christmas tree up today! I got new lights as my old ones died (rip). I'm really happy with how it turned out!

I also got a free pizza from my aunt so I didn't have to cook dinner.

Now if only I can find the motivation to do other important tasks :")
- I submitted an extra credit assignment for uni and finished the semester. I also got an A on a project for my literature class.
- Worked on a sketch.
- Received some Christmas lights with kind messages.
- Watched some anime and the episode was hilarious.
- Luna was being so cute and she slept on my lap.
- It was nice to have the day off, managed to sort out a few things, like hand washing some of my more fragile clothes, finally washing my hair, and getting some much needed rest (I got up at 9am! latest i've gotten up in months!)

- Had a delicious dinner, lamb tagine w/ moroccan hummus, flatbread, and spiced couscous :)

- My neighbour who I see at work a lot sent me a Christmas card! 😁
I need practice reversing into parking spaces before I take my official license test. My car does not have a backup camera.

I drove 25 minutes up the road with my mother to a practice location. They had cones already set up in the parking lot and everything.

I got into the space every single time without knocking over any cones.

For some reason I had trouble doing that with an instructor in the car. Maybe it's nerves or the school cars we practice in are bigger than what I use and it threw me off.

Today has been much better moodwise; I suspect that yesterday I forgot to take my medicine 😅. I rarely forget and when I do, usually my mood swings aren’t as bad as yesterdays.

Today I’m happy because earlier when I was drawing, Spanky did something she never did before. She climbed up on my back and sat on my back. She kept licking me lol. Back in high school, one of my late kitties used to sit on my back and nap while I did homework on the floor.

Earlier @themysterybidder shared an adorable picture of Blossom with me. ☺️

I just got a lovely message from @Xara ! ☺️ and also a reply in another thread that made me laugh.

I should be able to finish the front of the card soon, hopefully. I’m making good progress again on my greeting card. I’d love to do more of the activities, but I’m thinking that if I run out of time on everything else, it won’t be a big deal as long as I can get this one at least turned in. I rather turn in one that I put a lot of time in than turn in something I’m not happy with. Most importantly is that I want to have fun, which I’ve been having when my mood had been stable. 🙂

I had a nice chat with @Yanrima~ too!

My mom showed me some more stuff she got the kitties. She got them another cardboard house, some treaties and toys. My babies are super spoiled and my mom is a softie lol.

I showed my mom my greeting card drawing so far and explained a bit about how there are events on tbt and the activities and it made my mom happy that I’m doing these since it helps keep my mind busy. 🙂 She liked my drawing too!

I’m excited about the raffle! :D

In pocket camp, I got Ankha’s map and I invited her to my camp. I missed her so much! She’s my favorite snooty and one of my favorites overall. ☺️

That’s it for now! 🙂
Happy today because I got to sleep in and the weekend is almost over, just counting down the days until Hoshimi Miyabi releases in Zenless Zone Zero. The Mavs are currently up on the Warriors right now as well in a high-scoring game, hope it stays that way. Hope everyone has a great week ahead! 🥳
Played Pocket Camp Complete again today and completed the white scarab event tasks!! Also got a Cookie Jar island when I refreshed them today, so that was the best ten or so apples I’ve ever spent LOL

My parents and I watched an episode of Demon Slayer this morning, and finished season 3 of Haikyu!! Those last few episodes of season 3 were so intense oh my GOD. I kept holding my breath and might've teared up once or twice ngl 😭

I finished my entry for Secret Stocking Stuffers!!

Also got to catch up with GeminiTay’s Hermitcraft series again!

And I did a little bit of coloring this evening, which was fun! c:
Yesterday, I finished crafting my stocking, now all that's left is making the items for it~
Only decided to do it that way because I was unsure XD

Today, gonna double check what art stuff is in the toyshop near my work(won't be able to get some till I get some money); and then go grab some cookies.