My mood keeps going up and down, but overall today was overall decent.
I’m happy I got my myths of merriment done today and that it got accepted

. I wish I could’ve spent more time on it but my greeting card is really taking up all my time right now. I’m making slower progress today; I’m worried about that but I’m still having fun working on it when my mood is more stable.
I got some snuggles from Spanky today

I got some more lights today with really kind messages. I’m really grateful; been having really bad mood swings and I’m honestly not well at all, but this event and the messages really cheer me up a lot

I had a nice chat with
. Also chatted a little with
@Xara @KittenNoir @Roxxy. I got to see Roxxy’s adorable kitty too

Earlier I got Raymond’s map on pocket camp so I invited him to my campsite

. I got another complete ticket too. I’m still debating what to use the tickets on. I used most of the material to make limited time items, so I’ve been considering getting some of the items that cost a lot of those materials. But then, seeing
@S.J. ’s post about getting some really cool aquarium fortune cookie items, made me consider using them on a fortune cookie. I can’t decide which one though since I want so many

. (Congrats S.J on getting the items you wanted

I recently got the snowman outfits and I love them so much; doesn’t match the cat hat perfectly but Idc since they still look cute together and with the funny glasses

. It’s funny fishing in the outfit since my hands aren’t showing.
That’s it for now. I’m hoping to make more progress on my greeting card so I can start the stocking ones asap and do some extras

. Also need to finish my workshop entry.