What Are You Happy About Today?

had a bit of a meltdown about something late last night (basically my bathroom flooded rly badly) and my mum said she'd be over right away in a taxi (she'd had a couple of glasses of wine), I said not to and this morning she arrived at 8am with lots of cleaning supplies and helped me fix the issue and then took me out for food after and helped me replace all my towels etc

I love her sm she's just the best
Happy today because I got to play ACNH with my friend last night and then sleep in. Last night my laptop randomly decided to stop functioning, but thankfully with someone else's assistance I was able to get it up and running again! It just ended up needing a simple fix, haha. I was worried because I don't have the money to shell out right now for repairs or a new system, lol. The weather outside today has also been pleasant and the Dallas Stars are currently playing against the St. Louis Blues in Dallas, and are up at the moment 2-1 so far. Overall a really solid weekend aside from the tech issues. Hope everyone has a great week ahead! 💚 :blush:
was at the mall with my sister today ⟡

i got my son, milk, at build a bear!!!!! he was a whole $19CAD

i also got this... it's truly silly but i simply couldn't leave it behind

i got a biscoff mochi donut as a snack which was yummy and an iced viet coffee ⭑.ᐟ
The weather outside today has also been pleasant and the Dallas Stars are currently playing against the St. Louis Blues in Dallas, and are up at the moment 2-1 so far. Overall a really solid weekend aside from the tech issues. Hope everyone has a great week ahead! 💚 :blush:

And the Stars won 6-3 behind another hat trick, this time from Wyatt Johnston!! I can't believe it, they're playing so well as a team right now. 😭
Got to see another episode of Demon Slayer and Haikyu with my family this morning, and we watched Grian’s new Hermitcraft episode over dinner this evening too!

Updated my camp with some of the new spring items in Pocket Camp Complete!! ;w; I have an enchanted forest village now and I absolutely love it!! The lily of the valley bench was something I got with one of my complete tickets ages ago, and now that the snow is all gone I’m so excited to finally get to use it!!

I changed my aesthetic for March! I wanted to use all the new hybrid flowers from last year's flower breeding event I've collected, and I had no idea they were in such a cute order?? This lineup worked out perfectly, I'm so happy ;w;

Played Among Us this evening and got to celebrate Xara’s birthday with everyone!! 🥳 Everyone dressed up and it was a lot of fun!!
Today I had a lot of fun playing Among Us with everyone; I was really happy so many people showed up to play and celebrate Xara’s birthday ☺️. Kinda anxious I was weird or seemed off since I say a lot of dumb things or get carried away when I get too excited or have too much fun 😅. I was really happy that everyone liked the silly collages I made :D.

Earlier one of the times I woke up, Spanky came and snuggled and slept for a bit with me. ☺️

I’ve been reading the Genshin Impact manga and I’m really enjoying it a lot. :D

I organized more of my items and warehouse storage in pocket camp. Been meaning to do that for awhile now. I’ve been brainstorming some cabin ideas. I got a vague idea for one room but don’t have enough items or wallpapers to work with that will make it go. At least I got some sort of idea of something to try to make now. 🙂

Last night I bought a shirt and dressed up another villager in it; I don’t do it often but I’m really enjoying making outfits for them and myself 🙂. I’m really happy I finally got an outfit together and finally used an accessory that I’ve wanted to use for awhile; I got it with a complete ticket. I definitely want to get the purple variation later.

I’m hoping to get more on my drawing done tonight, but probably won’t because I’m pretty tired.

That’s it for now 🙂.
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