What Are You Happy About Today?

Happy today because I got to sleep in a bit and have been productive at work. I also got some good work done on my ACNH island last night and plan on playing again today. Got to talk with some good friends of mine as well, and today when I got up my kitty came to me to rub against me, so I loved on her. Tonight, the Dallas Stars take on the Calgary Flames, going for their 4th win in a row. Hope everyone has an amazing Thursday! 💚
i've finished making my slayers amv of martina's other image song ''Datte koi shi tara ''(When I’m in love) on lightworks : 3

images(s2 ep 2).jpg
edit at 10:36 pm: after a bit of editing, it will be 🤷‍♂️
edit at 11:12pm: now it's finished being made
D9E5wdPXkAUwXAx... (s2 ep 18).jpg

after this one is eng & then romaji subtitled, i've got two left to make... naga's other two image songs: Slayers Return image song: honki!! (seriously!!)
& pink typhoon (her slayers perfect image song) ....
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a short shift today, it wasn't too busy which is always pleasant !! only down side with a slow day is that time moves so slow and there's not much to do
near the end of my shift, i went to cover the fitting room and my last customer needed help because her hair got stuck in between the censor of her top 😭😭 poor lady was halfway out of the shirt when she got tangled, thankfully there weren't anybody around the fitting room so i had to come to the front where we have the magnet to uncensor it

oh i don't think i've posted it here yet, but LOOK !!!! HATSUNE MIKU REAL AND TRUE

in other terrible financial decision making news..... i swiped for momo's cloak..... i told myself that if i couldn't realistically make progress in infinity nikki's bp then i wouldn't get it but i surpassed the goal so here i am with it BUT LOOK AT HOW CUTE HE IS
i've finished eng subtitling my slayers amv of martina's other image song ''Datte koi shi tara ''(When I’m in love) on lightworks : 3

tomorrow, i can check it & then extract it... then i can check it again then romaji subtitle it
images(s2 ep 2).jpg