My favorite sports team beat a division rival today and my husband's favorite team won as well.
Just finished one of my jobs today and will be full time at my other job starting next week so I am super excited at the moment!
Wait MasterM64 are you working TWO jobs?��
Indeed! lol For about 2 months, I was working 50+ hours a week between the 2 jobs. I just finished my retail job and I am now going full time in my insurance job.
Omg 50+ hours... How did you even do it that's so much working, and for TWO MONTHS. I must applaud. I was scheduled for 50 hours one time and I couldn't handle it.
Yeah, it was nuts and felt like hell on many occasions! lol I basically had no days off at all except when a holiday was observed by both jobs. Thank you for the kudos my friend! To get by, sometimes you got to do what you got to do.