What Are You Happy About Today?

Managed to jot down a few more gifts my villagers want.
Jerma's streaming today, and its hilarious as always.
First real day of winter break! Suuure, I still have some work I gotta complete (easy peasy stuff) but, I need a break.
I can't smell the smoke from bushfires anymore.
Though I'm a distance from them, it was thick yesterday.
Happy because my one friend told me today there is a high chance of snow tomorrow, so I'm really excited to see it again. We had some snow on Thanksgiving day this year, which was shocking considering it rarely snows here. (I live in a high desert by the way). ;)
I got to do practically nothing today and I don't have to go to work tomorrow. It's so nice knowing that I have the rest of year off work.
I got 3 tubs of ice cream today.

I was almost out of caramel swirl.

I eat it when my blood sugar is low, and I eat it when it isn't. :D
I got a notebook today.

Yeah weird BUT I have a reason. Besides the fact that I kept forgetting to buy it, it has been brought to my attention by a thread on here that I have bad memory (go figure) and I really can't remember things months and months back, even if they were significant. Like, I forgot I bought a car this year! I got my learners permit, I got various raises at work, stuff like that. SO, this notebook is gonna be a diary of stuff that I have accomplished throu out the whole 2020 year. That way when December 2020 rolls around I can look back in the notebook and read all my accomplishments, rather then thinking I've done nothing with my adult life this far. It's not even for big things like cars and stuff. I would write in there days I got new plants so I can see just how long I kept them alive (I think I'm getting better at not killing them) any new tattoos or piercings (that I plan to get by January 2021 at the latest), stuff like that, stuff that makes me feel accomplished.
This is my first day off with absolutely no obligations in about 3 weeks. It's coming up noon and I'm still in bed, in my PJs, drinking tea and watching TV. I'm so happy to simply be doing nothing! :blush:
I've been pinching pennies during this season since teachers don't get paid when kids get out for the holidays. Omg God just blessed me with much-needed money so I can enjoy it more and get other gifts for my family. I almost cried this morning.
It's my last day of work for the Christmas holidays!! :)
I got to go to martial arts early in the day, and then I got home and was feeling a bit down... until I received a shiny Sharpedo from the Pokemon Casino game in our Discord server. For the longest time we couldn’t figure out how to display it, until I tried a different command and found out that I just needed to add an “S” to the end of it to display it alongside my other Pokemon. I made a funny joke with the bot which made Byleth laugh hysterically, and then Byleth, Gobby, and I proceeded to insert funny jokes as invalid commands with the bot. I also talked to NoUsernameHere and he made me feel a lot better as well. Good times :’)