What Are You Happy About Today?

Besides the obvious AC Direct,

-Two more of my amiibo cards came in today, Roscoe and Sterling
-I somehow managed to clean and do all my closing stuff despite the mid shift being a complete SLACK leaving me with so much to do and get out on time, all while not being able to S E E
-Giant squishy cat is comin tomorrow (hopefully)
-I accidentally bought an M&M cookie but it had some nice crOnch to it
I can finally access the internet at home again after it was taken out during a storm on Sunday. :D
My dad tried DoorDash, we ordered Whataburger for dinner from it.

We were able to customize our order, removing/adding whatever the heck we wanted. We weren?t disappointed! ;)
weekend yessss. probs have to read some but at least it's not 15 academic texts that make 0 sense lol
Got a lovely surprise from my partner today saying they got me the Animal Crossing Switch. :blush:
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It's Saturday so no work and I got to sleep in. It's a nice, sunny, relatively warm day for February so I enjoyed the walk with my dog. Also, my husband is going to start working at our local gaming shop where he plays Magic. It's only a few hours/days a week, but it'll be good for him to get out of the house. And he can earn store credit to help fund his hobby.
nice weather for once, crossing fingers it's not gonna be too windy. still that annoying chilly weather at times but ehhh not rainstorm rn i guess.
It's almost Monday here, and that means my girlfriend's off days are only one or just almost two days away!
Finally got a haircut! I have been wanting one for months haha; got around four inches off.
Went out to eat too. :blush:
my parents told me that they’re noticing a positive change in my attitude, lately c:
Honestly feels like life is kind of weighing me down lately and trying to make me not happy, but I’m fighting it. The one thing I can always count on to make me happy are my friends. Without them I don’t know where I would be. :)
i didn’t have to do my presentation today - i’m a bit disappointed as i wanted to just get it over with, but i’m also relieved to have an extra day to prepare aha
I didn't have to be up early for work and have some time to hang here!
I'm kinda happy and kinda not for it but today I'll spend the night in a friend's night woohoo! I'm happy cause, you know, she's my friend and I love her and because I managed to avoid going to the movies with her (her taste is downright atrocious lol). I'm kinda not because she could think of another terrible movie to watch with me but eh. We changed schools so I can't see her otherwise, so I'll go through with it lol
It's the last week of summer (NOT happy about that part) and it's finally a sunny day with blue sky.

One good day in three months.
my mom brought me food when she picked me up from school which was a huge blessing since i hadn’t eaten all day and i was STARVING