I had an absolutely fantastic day! Got a lot done and got to play some video games as well. I’m also just feeling a lot more confident in myself as a person. Looking forward to catching some zzz’s soon.
I had to call Xfinity today, which is never fun, but it wasn't the worst experience I've ever had with them...so I guess there's that. I'm also happy that tomorrow is Friday, I have very few meetings on my calendar for work, and I have another chiropractor appointment in the afternoon because my back has been bothering me all week.
I started listening to the lectures of this product management course on Udemy that I bought ages ago while it was on sale (and I was a co-op student with aspiring Product Manager dreams). Not exactly what my role is, but I thought the high-level concepts are good to know as I'm involved in new product development.
It's finally Friday, the last episode of WandaVision drops today and according to my weather seed I've got a meteor shower happening on my island tonight. I can't think of a better way to end the week.
Ugh, @Vrisnem I'm glad your plumbing is working again!
I'm just getting through today and I'm off for a week! It looks like we might have nice weather, so I'm hoping to get to go sit on the beach or to the park - just to get some fresh air in pseudo-spring.
I'm also going to attempt to sew a doll's dress. I know how to seam a knitted sweater (I guess it's similar?), tack a hem, or sew a button back on, but making clothes has always been beyond my ken. I found a very basic pattern and the person who created them has been nice about chatting and walking me through some of the steps. Guess we'll see.
Finished another rough drawing of a car while listening to music. I'll put them in a spoiler to show them side by side with a real picture (you'll have to click on the links for some reason). Ignore the wheels. Circles are the bane of existence for just about any artist.
Girlfriend's parents are making that amazing raspberry jello as a thanks for helping take care of her during her nose surgery when they couldn't due to having covid.
Jasmine tea with strawberry and passion fruit is good actually.
I tried a new tea today not knowing if I'd like it. I don't like straight up green or black tea, so when I can distinctly taste that even in a mixed drink, I end up not liking it. I tried jasmine since out of green and black, green is less 'harsh' (I was told jasmine is a type of green tea) and it tasted good with fruit in it.
Today's been okay! My Netflix subscription expired so I decided to get Disney+ this month and I've been enjoying watching some Disney movies and shows. I'm also excited to watch Love, Victor! I'm currently doing some laundry so I'll have fresh pj's for tonight (although I still have a bit more to do tomorrow and my blankets) and I re-downloaded this colouring book app on my iPad so I've been playing around with that.
Gonna say this for both today and yesterday, but I'm really happy today because both my mom and I finally convinced my dad to allow us to get a puppy and I wanted to share this picture of my dad holding her while she was sleeping. She is literally the most adorable thing I've seen. She's a chihuahua. Picture is in the spoiler.
I had another great day today. Got a lot done, played some Genshin Impact and got stronger, folded and organized my clothes and helped my family with folding theirs as well, and then I had a tasty salad for dinner, oh yeah.
I ate some fries for lunch and ordered some rice for dinner ; food makes me happy. I wrote one rpg post on the forum I created my character and am pretty proud of it! But I was sleepy the whole day and did nothing more.
Oh, yes. At 1PM a streamer, ex-proplayer I used to follow because of his happiness restarted to stream after more than one year! I'm so happy to see him again! He's really a good person.