What Are You Happy About Today?

I got the Twilight Chomper in PVZ Garden Warfare 2. After grinding for 8 hours to get it, I wanted nothing to do with that game for several days. Now that I'm finally playing again, it's a really fun character.
I'm super duper happy that the surgery to remove a lump from one of my pet rat's faces went well yesterday & I'm also happy because a very nice member gifted me a collectible I've been wanting badly!
Tonight I randomly came across a new YouTube video from one of my favorite series. They hadn't put out a new video in years and now there are apparently 5-6 that came out last year. Can't wait to watch them all! :D
Spent a nice lazy day with buddy, and got a goodnight kiss. Today he was somehow like how he used to be before getting the disease. And just had a nice relaxing trade at someone's town. It's rare lately, to have transaction like that, it made me very happy. Thanks Colette. :) <3
Managed to be more productive this weekend than I was the last couple weekends and got a lot done including studying. :)
I got my taxes done today, so that's a relief. I'm getting roughly the same refund as last year, so that's good news, too.
There’s new Pokemon games coming out~with new Pokemon starters.

And I got my new watch today :D
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I managed to cut caffeine completely out of my diet and haven’t had anything with caffeine in it for more than a week now. The withdrawal is pretty bad, but I’m glad I went through with it. :)
Finally got the new throttle body for my car so I can start driving it again lol
I've been waiting for the part since before christmas because it was on national backorder
Yesterday I got a "free drink" tab from Tim Horton's Roll Up The Rim (canadians will get it) and when I redeemed it today for a free drink, I got another "free drink" tab!
For the first day in almost a month, I haven't been anxious about having to worry about comprehensive exams. Granted, I'm anxious about my thesis, but little steps. :p
Got some decent coupons in the mail.
Was gifted a pink lily today, thank you rianne x
Watching a show I love for the third time, showing a friend. I'm glad he likes it so far.
Coworker is coming over to play games with me and my S.O. today. I'm excited cause I don't have friends.
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It's been a super productive day for me. Finally deep cleaned around the house, prepared lunch early and got some quality game time in :)