What Are You Happy About Today?

Super grateful for friends who share their flower creatures w me on pocket camp :blush:

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Also got a Dialga on PoGO earlier and he was weather boosted so now he's my second best pokemon CP-wise lol
- no work
- got to watch a film with mum
- got to plant more flowers and bushes in my acnl town
- donated the last fossils to the museum in acnl
- my headache is finally gone!
- I got to chat with my friends
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It's official: I'm going back to a single room this coming fall semester. I honestly couldn't be happier. I love my roommates but I am an extreme case of introvertedness, and I require a lot of solitude to properly function as a person. Now I'll be able to see my friends whenever I want, and I can have all the alone time I need.

All yall who say that I'm weak for not putting myself out there and making myself get out of my comfort zone can heck off :lemon:
monday is when i weigh myself and i lost 5 pounds : ) (over 2 weeks though, not 1 lol)
The meds I took for this cold I'm having have really helped. I thought that there's no way for it to actually clear my nose and allow me to breathe freely, but it did. It really did. :blush: Fancy.
My weight is staying at around 135lbs, which is way better than gaining, so I'm pretty happy about that :)
Checked up on that default Rocco set replacement wallpaper I posted to my Tumblr and it somehow has 80+ notes? It makes me think I should make more stuff, but my desire to do anything art related has been pretty non-existent unfortunately.

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Also, big props to people that are working towards being at your target weight or maintaining it.
That stuff takes serious dedication and perseverance !
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Getting back into playing video games after not feeling well physically & emotionally. c:
I just came back online for the first time in3 months and I had a bunch of birthday messages!
although now I kinda feel too awkward to reply ;-;
After getting the title for my new car, my family and I went out to eat to celebrate.
We had a very nice farewell lunch for a coworker today. I liked the coworker so I'm sorry to see him go, but he seems happy about his move so I'm happy for him.
Helped my grandparents reconcile after a huge fight. All of our emotions out in the open, it was refreshing. And got some much-needed groceries.