What Are You Happy About Today?

I've officially passed all three of my comp exams! WHEW. Now I just have to focus on my thesis and defending it. :')
Looking at furniture right now for my new place... I am a little anxious about making big money choices like this, but I am excited to be making a place my home. :)
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today I registered for summer courses! I'm happy to be at the 90 credit mark for my degree. I'm quite ready to graduate at this point.
I got to hang out with my boyfriend, I wrote a paper and it didn't take my forever so I have time to play video games, and I get to sleep in because I don't work tomorrow.




I won't be able to drive it yet, still need my permit and insurance and title and stuff, but it's basically a steal for what it is.
Logging in this morning to see Leif's smiling face in the banner made me happy! :D

Also, no meetings today at work and I had nachos for lunch.
I'm going to an Asian market with my boyfriend so try a ton of snacks!
I recorded a 17 minute long song today!! I've been wanting to record it for awhile and I'm glad I was able to get it done today, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out! :)
Finished up a (late) Math assignment.

Also had some fun with my friends at school.
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My kitten, Cora, got spayed yesterday. I'm happy that she's doing well post-surgery! She's still pretty loopy from the anesthesia, but she's starting to move around like normal. She definitely doesn't like her cone, though. haha

i had a day off today- end of mock exam week, so a chilled day to myself at last!
Cooked up a nice meal for my partner and myself today; likely heading out later for a treat! :)
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