I got an idea for a new novel yesterday which is pretty much a just a culmination of the things I day-dream about while commuting, at the gym, in the shower, etc. I don't know why I didn't think to put it into words before. I've been working on such serious projects with heavy themes for a couple years now and this new idea is just so fun and freeing in comparison. The characters are wild and bounce off each other so well it's as if it's writing itself - I've made so much progress on it in just two days.
An essay I'm supposed to be working on is suffering as a consequence.
I read some more chapters of a new book I bought with a friend yesterday. It's called The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells. It's so, so freaking good. I also had a damn good coffee with one of my care workers.
My friend offered to help me get this white tiger blanket I've been wanting forever for my wall as well as a curtain for my window that would otherwise be exposed if it weren't for an old hospital blanket.
I was able to switch job positions today. I also had $400 deposited into my bank account, and I have a check for over $100 that I haven't deposited yet.
I was already happy yesterday since Chrissy found a new place to live, but honestly I didn't think of this.
I very much liked you, Chrissy, since I found you in someone's town in old copy. But I didn't know you liked me as well omg I feel a bit crying. (might be because of fever though...)
i'm finally happy a lot because i'm taking a new medication and it's insane how much is has improved my mood. i have like infinite energy and don't want to kill myself every single second, nor am i suffering and in extreme misery all of the time!!! like what!!!!!!
also i bought really nice shoes second hand for a cheap-ish price (ok still a lot of money but $80 cheaper than at a store and they were brand new) that i'm excited about wearing once the weather is less wet so i don't get them dirty first thing i do.
My boyfriend actually accepted to adopt a cat I've fell in love with. O-O
I'm helping out at a shelter, where they mainly have cats.. anyways,
there was one and it was love at first sight. I wasn't even annoying my
boyfriend with wanting her (that's what I usually do if I want something,
bad habit of mine, lol).. anyways. I showed him a picture of her and
told him how much I had fun with her yesterday and today we actually
adopted her, aaaaaahhhh <3
My two other cats are (obviously) not too happy with her in the home
for now, but at least there was no big fight and they are separated right
now anyways. Just so happy that I was able to give her a home <3
I'm all done with classes until Monday of next week!
Also today was super easy, I had two classes and in both I just did a 20-30 minute quiz. They were both super easy too