today i decided to meet a friend after my studies (still waiting for her) and so i'm sitting in a cute market by the harbor. i'm happy because i love my city and got to take a ferry and walk 20 minutes along a boardwalk to get where i was going. the weather is beautiful out, it is finally becoming spring. i'm also happy thinking about hanging out with my boyfriend on sunday,,,,, : - )
I got one of my midterm grades back (not the one I thought I did poorly on, I’ll receive that one later), and I did well on the exam for that class. It was also sunny and windy for the first time in awhile today and I got to go for a walk.
My room is finally done after a week of hard work. Even though it's taken a physical toll, it was definitely worth it. Also, my boyfriend is in Orlando finally but uh let's see how that goes lol.
I’m feeling content and happy with myself for the first time in a couple months. Feeling like I’m doing just fine on the path I’m on. I also feel cared about and realized how much I take for granted. I’m also just happy that it’s spring finally.
I woke up at 7:30 this morning and fell back asleep, but then my alarm woke me at 8:20 and I caught myself before I could go back to sleep again lol
Time for a nice, quiet morning without my parents being noisy asf.
Also I made some good progress on this puzzle last night. It feels so nice when I put a piece in a spot and it just FITS SO PERFECTLY UGHH
I am likely moving into my apartment this weekend.
The place really shaped up great, only needs a few minor things now that can be done while I am already there.