What Are You Happy About Today?

Had received a notification in a Discord group that I'm in that I won an Everglow 1st Single Album in the giveaway. I am pretty excited since I didn't expect to win at all. Everglow is a K-Pop Girl Group that just debut in case anyone didn't know.
Had received a notification in a Discord group that I'm in that I won an Everglow 1st Single Album in the giveaway. I am pretty excited since I didn't expect to win at all. Everglow is a K-Pop Girl Group that just debut in case anyone didn't know.

Wow that's awesome! Congrats :D

It's sunny and warm today (warm for Canada in March mind you, so we're talking like 5 C) and that's just such a big mood boost! Also I wore a new outfit today and usually all my classmates ignore me, but when I walked in the class 3 people looked up and complimented me and then the prof started telling everyone what a great outfit I had and how she would totally wear it herself! I was kind of shocked, I never cared about clothes that much but that definitely made me feel more confident!
Sunny and somewhat proper weather for the season! Like bruh I hate later winter early spring here. Also first day as hired @ the library felt good, and I got a new cool hat :D
It's finally feeling like spring. Took my dog Max to my local dog park and he was so happy which makes me happy!
Lol people talking about good weather meanwhile here it's been raining alllll day.

But today I went shopping and got some new wall d?cor, gold glitter for future nail art, and some inking pens. Which reminds me, I need to test them out.
I’ve had such a great day today, I feel like I’m walking on air :D all of the last grades I’ve received during the semester have been decent or even excellent, and I liked the outfit I was wearing today too. Not even the list of different assignments I have to do can stop me from being in a good mood right now. :)
Everyone is so happy and I'm just over here like eeeehhhhhhhehh ;;

I got an email from my music lit professor earlier today, and I finally managed to get a 4/3 on an essay in his class (he reserves a 4/3 for exceptionally well-written essays) so that was pretty great. ^^
When I came home from work today, my husband had cleaned the bathroom and vacuumed. So, that's less work for me to do this weekend.
I got my new sunglasses today. I'd like to think that I look kind of cool while wearing them.
Bought some cool and (cheapo) clothes at my old work aha. I sure miss the people there but not being overly social ig lol
I did well on my last midterm today and am feeling 100% finally and great! The weather outside is also nice, not too hot nor cold, so that’s a plus. :)
My cat was supposed to get castrated tomorrow, but they had to change the appointement,
so now it will be another week.. phew, I'm kinda relieved that it won't happen tomorrow
I'm happy that I'm becoming more comfortable with some new tasks at work and feeling more competent. The feeling comes and goes, but today I think I did pretty good.
My BJD is coming in the mail and I have a movie screening preview later. Essiting.
I cheered up my two friends, who were feeling super sad today! I'm usually the one getting cheered up so it feels good to be helping out my best friends!
First Thunderstorm of Spring. I find rain really relaxing. Chrysalism is the word for it.
There was a pregers cat on the patio today :D I love cats, and its mew was too adorable. Since it was pregnant, I told my mom -who saw it outside first- that we should feed it and she agreed to, so I had to rush inside and put some cat food on a plate for it.
I made good headway on one of my thesis chapters today, about 2.5 pages written! Just a few more pages and this chapter will be done, and then the final push towards finishing my thesis begins.