What Are You Happy About Today?

I bought some dresses online. I'm hoping I'll fit into them but I've tried on similar dresses in person so I'm pretty sure I'll be fine. I've been so busy lately so I deserve to treat myself! I've been feeling pretty great lately! <3
It's Sunday and the weather is amazing here after a few days of grey misery and rain! Yay!
Today my friend invited me driving with her and we sang along to a bunch of songs and got Thai, it was just a nice day overall
These delicious swedish meatballs in sauce, haha.
I have a sharp sense right now of getting things done, and have been able to for the past couple hours. For all my talk of not enjoying spring break, I at least feel really rested and prepared for the rest of the semester. I’m also on my last set of dental stuff for my bottom teeth, and my bottom teeth are straight like my top teeth now. I’ve been on these sets for a year now, so I’ll be so glad to finally be done with them in a couple weeks. :)
Nothing lol

But seriously, I am happy to know that I only have 31 school days, or about six weeks, until my last day of classes. I'm so ready for this semester to be done. I need a LOT more than a week of break to clear this anxiety and depression.
Today I vacuumed, cleaned the interior and washed my car for the first time since I got it a while ago. It looks shiny now and a heck of alot less dirtier.
Happy today because I only got about 18 weeks left of school and I've done pretty great so far in my first year of college! Really 18 weeks will go by pretty fast and I'm glad for it. Also, my bangs are growing out nicely. Was pulling them up for the last week, but will probably leave them down just a bit longer. I'll be glad once they are fully grown and I don't have to worry about them anymore. :)
i finally figured out how to do something in JavaScript! It's my first time using JS seriously so I gave myself a huge pat on the back afterwards. :)
I?m happy to be on a weeklong break from college, I really needed it haha
Someone who used to be a good friend of mine in this site years back just gave me a message that starts with

"hey baby, I miss you."

which made me laugh loud. Psssst.... "hey baby" pssst.......
I'm happy because I watched a funny video online earlier and I also only have 1 more week to go before I get a week of vacation time from work. I'll be spending the time catching up on personal business, but at least I'll be away from work.
i finished all my practical assessments for a certain module at school today so i'm relieved but also so tired
I got my CD player working! Turns out the batteries I put in it just needed to be charged. Now I can listen to my Phil Collins and Huey Lewis CDs :D

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Also my 1pm class got cancelled praise god
I did it!!! I got a solid B on the midterm exam I thought I did poorly on, and so far I’m 2/2 on my midterms. I have two more this week, but I’m so relieved to have found out that I did better than I thought I did. :)
Got the UFO ride item in terraria, finally I can do some srs bsns boss grinding... still need that darn frost biome key though argh xD

Also first day as hired tomorrow, YAY!