What Are You Happy About Today?

I did another experiment with my nail art and this one actually kinda came out nicely. I wanted to have galaxy inspired nails, so I painted them all black and put glitter on the to represent galaxy clusters, stars and such. I think next time I'll use more sizes of glitter, and make one nail like red, yellow and orange to represent the sun, and base my other nails off of galaxies.
The weather was warm and pleasant today and I got to spend the day relaxing at home with my husband and my dog. It was rather peaceful.
Today... I just received the Everglow Album in the mail that I won in a giveaway. I want to open it, but at the same time I don't want to open it. :T The album looks so nice.
I beat my best friend by three points in the first round of the playoffs for our fantasy basketball league. He's been my closest rival for the past 10 years at this point, and yesterday was just another entry in a long line of grudge matches. Now I just need to win one more match for the championship. So excited.
I got my hair cut today. It's been needing it for a while now and it feels good now that it's done. I love the feeling of having someone else comb my hair, too.
Despite having a lot of studying to do, I’ve had a genuinely good day. The weather is nice too and I got to see the flowers blossoming while walking around campus. :)
Opening up your heart to me, it was something I really needed. It'll hurt seeing you off before you fly back home tomorrow, but I appreciate everything you do for me-- for us. <3

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i went to panera bread and got a soba noodle bowl and a croissant! ♥

I love that place!
Finally got The Axe in Terraria which is hella annoying to get since it has a really small drop chance from Plantera and those bulbs don't spawn everywhere I tell ya. Plus it makes cool sounds and who would not want to swing at zombies with a guitar?? \o/
It's sunny out today and I actually feel somewhat rested for a change. I slept pretty well last night. I'm also gave my dog a bath and dropped my car off to be worked on, so I'm staying on target to finish up all my chores by tomorrow and enjoy the last two day of my vacation time.
after two long days and hardly sleeping, today i recharged and is my day off so i can just nap play games and eat
Was bummed to see you off today, but I'm happy that you went through all the trouble so we could see each other as much as possible before you left. And I'm happy we got some much-needed bonding time.

Oh and I restocked on junk food to get me through the week ok don't judge me x
I had a really good weekend with my boyfriend and I'm still feeling bubbly about it (๑>ᴗ<๑)
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ehehe this made me laugh and now I'm a little happy
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I participated in a school event for the first time and as a result of having my ankle broken one girl actually walked with me and sat down to eat with me. It's the first time in uni I wasn't a total loner.
Besides having a roof over my head and a family that takes care of me,
Absolutely nothing.
Having to worry about a bunch of projects and homework due on Thursday & Friday is seriously making me want to go kermit suicide