What Are You Happy About Today?

Besides having a roof over my head and a family that takes care of me,
Absolutely nothing.
Having to worry about a bunch of projects and homework due on Thursday & Friday is seriously making me want to go kermit suicide
Don't worry, it'll get better eventually. Maybe talk your problems out with someone if it makes you feel better (I'm all ears!).

I'm happy that I'm finally gonna be able to smile at people without being embarrassed about my smile.
It doesn’t happen that often, but for once during the week, today to be specific, I managed to get all my studying done and don’t have to work on or do anything else at the moment. Now I have several hours to watch anime and/or play video games before going to sleep. :)
Today I finished up the majority of things I needed to get done on my vacation, including taking my dog to the vet, and he had a clean check-up. From here on out, I can hopefully relax and enjoy what's left of my week off. I rewarded myself for all the hard work these past few days with a chocolate Frosty from Wendy's. :)
I ordered a crystal off ebay and it arrived today, which I was excited to hear because I love receiving parcels, and I opened it and it had this inside it:
oh my god I pretty much cried ;-; there's pain in this world but the beauty definitely outweighs it a thousand times over <3
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The DWP have finally made a decision about my PIP claim. I have been on PIP for 2 years. September last year they decided to review it. I have been waiting for a decision ever since. I should have my answer by tomorrow because today they decided.
I slept really well last night and don't have anything planned for today. I can relax and recuperate from a very busy couple of days.
During my lunch break from work today (I always get 1 hour long lunches, and the place I went to for lunch serves pretty quick) I went down the plaza to the beauty store and bought some more nail polish. Damn polish is expensive but I do like painting my nails. I got a glittery white, an Essie blue, a matte glittery pink, and some mermaid scale and splash stensils. Really been wanting some mermaid scale stensils for a while now, I hope they work :*) If not they were like 4$ so eh.
My favorite basketball player of all time, Manu Ginobili, got his jersey retired tonight. What an awesome ceremony.
I got a lot of stuff I wanted to do accomplished yesterday. I am hoping to keep up the motivation and work on more stuff today. I like when I close at work so I can actually do stuff in the mornings.
I finally got my PIP assessment result. They're, giving me more money. I was struggling living off basic PIP payments, but after being re-assessed 2 years later, they say I qualify for higher payment. PIP is a benefit that disabled people in the UK get when they are deemed unfit to work due to their disability. Depending on severity, depends on how much is awarded per month.
It’s the end of the week and I have my stuff submitted for the internship I’m going to be doing this summer. I’m going to be making bank in the near future. Woo! :)
Finished my script/plan for my final conducting practicum next week! Glad to be done early and also I think it's a pretty solid plan
I had a solid day of sitting at home and doing nothing. It's been so quiet and peaceful. I wish every day could be like this.
I actually made an effort to put myself out there more and go to a music department "hang out night" event, and honestly I'm so glad that I went cause I feel like it gave me a chance to connect more with my peers. I got to show them how great of a sense of humor I have, I got to show off my art skills a bit, and it was a fun time all in all. :D

EDIT: Also, my parents paid me back all the money they owed me last week, and because my old car has been broken down for well over two and a half years, they're going to buy me another Volkswagen Beetle that runs great! Plus it's a convertible. It's not yellow like my old car, but a bug is a bug, and I love them all! I'm so excited to start working toward my license :blush:
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I bought a sheep stuffed animal today :)

I know, I'm a child, but stuffed animals make me happy. It's really cute and it looks happy also.