What Are You Happy About Today?

I'm happy because it's Thursday and i don't have class on Friday so I've got a long weekend to just relax and catch up with my friends
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I got through a very scary appointment today LOL then immediately slept for 6 hours to recover, but I feel refreshed and had very nice dreams!
I started out today feeling pretty bad and not caring about much, just going through the motions. So much so that I almost lost sight of the type of person I want to be. But now I?m feeling a lot better and back to my usual self, after remembering some of the kind things my family and friends of my family have said about me. I?m so glad I?m at a much better point in my life than I was exactly a year ago, so I want to keep it that way and continue moving forward. :)
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I get to see my best friend in a few days! already packed my suitcase lol
my dorm just had a "bob ross painting" program and i just painted a dumb horse w/ friends
I just spent the day being lazy and gaming, snacking on food, it was nice to recharge :)
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i worked HARD yesterday and now I get to relax a little. :)
I'm happy that I don't have to work today and I get to go back to bed right now.
My grandma gave me a hug when ma & I visited her and pops today.
Bought a pair of flowery boots(more like sneaker boots bc the sole was really soft), and gonna cut my hair tomorrow(although if they do another v-cut imma sue them for real I HATE IT)
10 hours of sleep before a night shift and waking up to my lovely boyfriend :)