What Are You Happy About Today?

Got 5kg of guinea pig food for free from the shelter I help out at!
The shop that always gives the food to the shelter was giving them a pack of guinea pig food,
but the shelter only has cats and dogs, so I got it, yay. :D
Payday, and weekend. Yay!

Also got to try handling book reservations at work today, which was fun but a lot of steps to remember, hopefully I'll remember them at some point. Got to do it with a co-worker which was nice because we had good teamwork and my superior seemed happy with how I did it so ngl can't wait til next time now aha(Dunno if you guys ever did this but it's a complex process with detailed step-by-step processes and it's the one thing you can't do wrong with).
When I was walking to the bus it was raining so there were a bajillion earthworms on the sidewalk. I love earthworms <3
I. Found. My. Long. Lost. 3DS. Charger.


Wow! I'm happy to see that this thread has become so popular! Thank you everyone who had shared their positive happiness! Keep on sharing your happiness! <3
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I have enough money to spare, with more jobs coming up. I don't have to obsess over a budget for groceries, etc for a while.

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Wow! I'm happy to see that this thread has become so popular! Thank you everyone who had shared their positive happiness! Keep on sharing your happiness! <3

Agreed, positivity can be healing <3
I got my nails done professionally for the first time in my life c:
I made it through a very difficult work week and actually left work today feeling comfortable with where things are and not too stressed over the work I have left to do. I have the house all to myself tonight so I'm looking forward to some quality "me" time.

Also, I'm still excited about the prospect of getting to see and hold my baby niece for the first time tomorrow.
Second time posting here today because it was a good day! An incredibly kind TBT member gifted me the last Yoshi Egg I needed, got to see my favourite professor one last time (as it was my last day of school until September) and had a nice conversation with him, and finally got inspiration for a song I've been struggling with. :)
It's the end of the (work) week. After waking up tired this morning, even thou I slept roughly 7 hours last night, went to work, did work, got my paycheck then got home, I can relax and get some much needed stuff done. Then sleep in tomorrow and stay up late to watch some [as] anime.
I am so happy that it’s finally Friday! I feel this way every Friday, it never gets old, lol. I’m also happy that it was sunny today, even though it was a bit chilly.
I got my nails done professionally for the first time in my life c:

So beautiful! Getting your nails done for the first time is a great feeling. <3

So I made my first Italian salad, and I'm in love! My challenge to myself is to have salad with my meals instead of bread/rice/etc with the exception of the occasional PB sandwich.
I'm up by Lake Erie for the weekend! I always love being able to see the lake, hoping someday I can live here :blush:

Also suuuuper relieved that this Tuesday is my last day of classes! I can't wait for this upcoming summer break! I have plans to visit family I haven't seen for a while! :D
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Got the hood item from the Bunnie free cookie and it made me a happy turt, been wanting that since it first was out but since it was 5 stamps card and with my luck.... yeah lol.
So beautiful! Getting your nails done for the first time is a great feeling. <3

So I made my first Italian salad, and I'm in love! My challenge to myself is to have salad with my meals instead of bread/rice/etc with the exception of the occasional PB sandwich.

Thank you! It was really relaxing c:

Ohh Italian salad sounds really good :eek: my family never knows what to put in salads and what sauce to use xD